Prof. dr. Marijk van der Wende

Prof. dr. Marijk van der Wende

Organisation Science
030 253 4680

Governing the University in the 21st Century, the UNL executive program for (future) university leaders (since 2020)

Reviewing Internationalisation: Open to Global Change? | Utrecht Summer School 2023

Understanding Internationalisation: Higher Education in a Changing Global Context | Utrecht Summer School 2022 

Internationalisation Challenged – Rethinking Global Higher Education | Utrecht Summer School 2021

Programma "Vakkundig Besturen", Vereniging Hogescholen (2021)

Gastcolleges in:

  • NSOB Leeratelier Strategisch Hoger Onderwijs beleid 
  • Course on Leading Complex Organizations, Institute for Higher Education Management (IHM), Department of Strategy and Innovation, Vienna University of Economics & Business
  • Graduate School of Education, Shanghai Jiao Tong University