
Everaert, M. B. H., & van Riemsdijk, H. C. (Eds.) (2017). The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Syntax I-VIII. (2 ed.) (Wiley Blackwell Companions to Linguistics series). Wiley-Blackwell.
Everaert, M. B. H., & Bolhuis, J. J. (2017). Special issue 'The Biology of Language'. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 81(part B), 99-300.
Everaert, M. B. H., Huybregts, M. A. C., Chomsky, N., Berwick, R. C., & Bolhuis, J. J. (2015). Structures, Not Strings: Linguistics as Part of the Cognitive Sciences. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 19(12), 729–743.



Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Beckers, G., Huybregts, M. A. C., Everaert, M., & Bolhuis, J. (2024). No evidence for language syntax in songbird vocalizations. Frontiers in Psychology, 15, Article 1393895.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Everaert, M., & Reuland, E. (2023). (Under)specification counts: When non-local anaphors are not exempt. Linguistic Inquiry. Advance online publication.
Reuland, E., & Everaert, M. (2023). Binding in Germanic. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics Oxford University Press.
Thi Doàn, Q. N., Reuland, E., & Everaert, M. (2023). The blocking effect in Vietnamese. Journal of East Asian Linguistics. Advance online publication.
Everaert, M. (2023). Idioms in Morphology. In P. Ackema, S. Bendjaballah, E. Bonet, & A. Fábregas (Eds.), The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Morphology Wiley-Blackwell.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Ahanthem, R. D., & Everaert, M. (2022). The Status of the Baram Language in Mailung Village, Nepal. In G. Sharma, & J. J. Lowe (Eds.), Advances in South Asian Linguistics (pp. 145-160). LINCOM.
Everaert, M., Pinget, A.-F., & Theuns, D. (2022). Speaking Dutch in Indonesia: Language and Identity. In R. Supheert, G. Cascio, & J. D. T. Thije (Eds.), The Riches of Intercultural Communication (3 ed., Vol. 37, pp. 3-27). (Utrecht Studies in Language and Communication; Vol. 37). Brill.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Kartono, B., Reuland, E., & Everaert, M. (2021). Introducing diri: Understanding the Role of diri as a Reflexivizer. Oceanic Linguistics, 60(2), 412-446.
Subbarao, K., Taid, T., & Everaert, M. (2021). Reflexive and reciprocal marking in Mising. In G. Sharma, & J. L. Lowe (Eds.), Trends in South Asian Linguistics (pp. 291-310). (Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs [TiLSM]; Vol. 367). De Gruyter.
Kushartanti, B., van de Velde, H., & Everaert, M. (2021). Acquiring social and linguistic competence: A study on morphological variation in Jakarta Indonesian preschoolers’ speech. In A. Ghimenton, A. Nardy, & J.-P. Chevrot (Eds.), Sociolinguistic Variation and Language Acquisition across the Lifespan (pp. 103-128). (Studies in Language Variation; Vol. 26). John Benjamins.
Subbarao, K., & Everaert, M. (2021). Agreement Reversal in Munda Languages: An Interplay of Functional/Thematic and Syntactic Criteria. In S. Mohan (Ed.), Advances in Munda Linguistics (pp. 108-130). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Roy, G., Subbarao, K. V., Kumar, R., & Everaert, M. B. H. (2021). Kokborok and the simple-complex reflexive distinction. Studies in Language, 45(2), 384-407.

Populariserende publicaties

Everaert, M., & Theuns, D. (2021). Web publication/site


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Don, J., & Everaert, M. B. H. (2020). Introduction: Advances in Morphology. In L. Körtvélyessy, & P. Štekauer (Eds.), Complex words: Advances in morphology (pp. 1-15). Cambridge University Press.
Dilip, M., Kumar, R., Subbarao, K. V., Maheshwar Rao, G. U., & Everaert, M. B. H. (2020). Relative Clauses in Santali: A Matching Analysis Approach. In M. Jenny, P. Sidwell, & M. Alves (Eds.), Austroasiatic Syntax in Areal and Diachronic Perspective (pp. 258-283). (Languages of Asia; Vol. 23). Brill.
Reuland, E., Wong, S., & Everaert, M. (2020). How the Complexity of Mandarin Zi-Ji Simplifies the Grammar. Linguistic Inquiry, 51(4), 799-814.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Thi Doàn, Q. N., Everaert, M. B. H., & Reuland, E. J. (2019). (In)definiteness of Vietnamese noun phrases. In N. Duffield, T. Phan, & T. Trinh (Eds.), Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Vietnamese Linguistics (pp. 155-180). John Benjamins.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Bolhuis, J. J., Beckers, G. J. L., Huijbregts, M. A. C., Berwick, R., & Everaert, M. B. H. (2018). The slings and arrows of comparative linguistics. PLoS Biology, 16(9), 1-3. Article e3000019.
Bolhuis, J. J., Beckers, G. J. L., Huijbregts, M. A. C., Berwick, R. C., & Everaert, M. B. H. (2018). Meaningful syntactic structure in songbird vocalizations? PLoS Biology, 16(6), Article e2005157.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Everaert, M. B. H., & Bolhuis, J. J. (2017). Special issue 'The Biology of Language'. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 81(part B), 99-300.
Everaert, M. B. H., & Bolhuis, J. J. (2017). The biology of language. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, Volume 81(Part B), 99-102.
Everaert, M. B. H., & van Riemsdijk, H. C. (Eds.) (2017). The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Syntax I-VIII. (2 ed.) (Wiley Blackwell Companions to Linguistics series). Wiley-Blackwell.
Everaert, M. B. H., Huijbregts, M. A. C., Berwick, R., Chomsky, N., Tattersall, I., Moro, A., & Bolhuis, J. J. (2017). What is Language and How Could it Have Evolved? Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 1691, 569-571.
Dimitriadis, A., Everaert, M. B. H., & Reuland, E. J. (Eds.) (2017). Special Issue on the world of reflexives: universal principles and a typology of variation. Studia Linguistica, 71(1-2), 1-204.
Dimitriadis, A., Everaert, M. B. H., & Reuland, E. J. (2017). The World of Reflexives: An Introduction. Studia Linguistica, 71(1-2), 1-11.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Reinhart, T. M., Everaert, M. B. H. (Ed.), Marelj, M. (Ed.), & Reuland, E. J. (Ed.) (2016). Concepts, Syntax and Their Interfaces: The Theta System. (Linguistic Inquiry Monograph; Vol. 72). MIT Press.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Everaert, M. B. H., Huybregts, M. A. C., Chomsky, N., Berwick, R. C., & Bolhuis, J. J. (2015). Structures, Not Strings: Linguistics as Part of the Cognitive Sciences. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 19(12), 729–743.
Everaert, M. B. H., Van de Velde, H., & Kushartanti, B. (2015). Children’s use of Bahasa Indonesia in Jakarta kindergartens. Wacana : Journal of the Humanities of Indonesia, 16(1), 166.

Overige resultaten

Dimitriadis, A., & Everaert, M. B. H. (2015). On reflexive resultatives.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Mayuri, J., Subbarao, K., Everaert, M., & Maheshwar Rao, G. U. (2014). Some Syntactic Aspects of Lexical Anaphors in Select Munda Languages. Mon-Khmer Studies, 43(1), 72-83.
Everaert, M., Subbarao, K., & Wichamdinbo, M. (2014). Lexical Anaphors and Pronouns in Liangmai. Lingua Posnaniensis, 55(2), 41-47.
Dimitriadis, A., & Everaert, M. (2014). How many theta roles in a reflexive verb? Acta Linguistica Hungarica, 61(3), 247–269.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Van de Velde, H., Kushartanti, B., & Everaert, M. B. H. (2013). De verwerving van taalvariatie door kleuters uit Jakarta. In H. Brand (Ed.), Festschrift Reinier Salverda (pp. 159-169). Fryske Akademy.
Anagnostopoulou, E., & Everaert, M. B. H. (2013). Identifying Anaphoric Dependencies. In L. Cheng, & N. Corver (Eds.), Diagnosing Syntax (pp. 341-370). Oxford University Press.
Botha, R., & Everaert, M. B. H. (2013). The Evolutionary Emergence of Language: Evidence and Inference. Oxford University Press.
Bolhuis, J. J., & Everaert, M. B. H. (2013). Birdsong, Speech and Language. Exploring the Evolution of Mind and Brain. MIT Press.
Everaert, M. B. H., & Huijbregts, M. A. C. (2013). The Design Principles of Natural Language. In J. J. Bolhuis, & M. B. H. Everaert (Eds.), Birdsong, Speech, and Language: Exploring the Evolution of Mind and Brain (pp. 3-26). MIT Press.
Everaert, M. B. H. (2013). Diagnosing Anaphora. In L. Cheng, & N. Corver (Eds.), Diagnosing Syntax (pp. 434-440). Oxford University Press.
Botha, R., & Everaert, M. B. H. (2013). Introduction: evidence and inference in the study of language evolution. In R. Botha, & M. B. H. Everaert (Eds.), The Evolutionary Emergence of Language: Evidence and Inference (pp. 1-17). Oxford University Press.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Everaert, M. B. H. (2012). The criteria for reflexivization. In D. Brown, G. Corbett, & M. Chumakina (Eds.), Canonical Morphology & Syntax (pp. 190-206). Oxford University Press.
Everaert, M. B. H., Marelj, M., & Siloni, T. (2012). The Theta System: Argument Structure at the Interface. (Oxford Studies in Theoretical Linguistics ed.) Oxford University Press.
Everaert, M. B. H., Marelj, M., & Siloni, T. (2012). Theta system: An Introduction. In The Theta System: Argument Structure at the Interface (Oxford Series in Theoretical Lingustics). Oxford University Press.

Overige resultaten

Kushartanti, B., Everaert, M. B. H., & van de Velde, H. (2012). The Acquisition of Indonesian Stylistic Variation. Abstract from Twelfth International Conference on Austronesian Linguistics (12ICAL), Bali, Indonesia.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Everaert, M. B. H., & Reuland, E. J. (2011). Generative grammar in Europe: some historical impressions. In B. Kortmann, & J. van der Auwera (Eds.), The Languages and Linguistics of Europe (pp. 867-886). De Gruyter Mouton.
Reuland, E. J., Everaert, M. B. H., & Volkova, A. A. (2011). Anaphora. In M. Aronoff (Ed.), Oxford Bibliographies Online Oxford University Press.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Everaert, M. B. H. (2010). The Lexical Encoding of Idioms. In M. Rappaport Hovav, E. Doron, & Y. Sichel (Eds.), Syntax, Lexical Semantics, and Event Structure (pp. 76-99). Oxford University Press.
Reuland, E. J., & Everaert, M. B. H. (2010). Reaction to: The Myth of Language Universals and cognitive science''-Evans and Levinson's cabinet of curiosities: Should we pay the fee? Lingua, 120(12), 2713-2716.
Everaert, M. B. H., Lentz, T. O., de Mulder, H. N. M., Nilsen, Ø., & Zondervan, A. J. (2010). The linguistics enterprise: From knowledge of language to knowledge in linguistics. In M. B. H. Everaert (Ed.), The linguistics enterprise: From knowledge of language to knowledge in linguistics (pp. 1-10). (Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today; No. 150). John Benjamins.
Everaert, M. B. H., Lentz, T. O., de Mulder, H. N. M., Nilsen, O., & Zondervan, A. J. (2010). The Linguistics Enterprise: From knowledge of language to knowledge in linguistics. John Benjamins.

Overige resultaten

Everaert, M. B. H. (2010, Jan 1). leescommissie Kranendonk, Le Bruyn, Dotlacil, Spathas.
Everaert, M. B. H. (2010, Jan 1). Reviews voor Linguistic Inquiry, NLLT, NIAS; assesment Swansea University.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Everaert, M. B. H., Musgrave, S., & Dimitriadis, A. (2009). The Use of Databases in cross-Linguistic Studies. De Gruyter Mouton.
Coopmans, P. H. A., Everaert, M. B. H., & Marelj, M. (2009). Promoting Systems Interface. Utrecht Institute of Linguistics OTS.
Everaert, M. B. H., Musgrave, S., Dimitriadis, A., & Everaert, M. (2009). Introduction. In M. Everaert, S. Musgrave, & A. Dimitriadis (Eds.), The Use of Databases in Cross-Linguistic Studies. (pp. 1-12). De Gruyter Mouton.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Everaert, M. B. H. (2008). Collacations in Dutch. Lexicographica, 24, 91-102.
Everaert, M. B. H. (2008). Domain restrictions on reciprocal interpretation. In E. König, & V. Gast (Eds.), Reciprocals and Reflexives. Theoretical and Typological Explorations (pp. 557-576). De Gruyter Mouton.


Populariserende publicaties

Krauwer, S., Everaert, M. B. H., & Wittenburg, P. (2007). CLARIN maakt teksten op Europese schaal beschikbaar. E-Data & Research, 4-4.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Everaert, M. B. H., & van Riemsdijk, H. (2006). The Blackwell Companion to Syntax, volume 1. Blackwell Publishing.
Everaert, M. B. H., & van Riemsdijk, H. (2006). The Blackwell Companion to Syntax, volume 4. Blackwell Publishing.
Everaert, M. B. H., & van Riemsdijk, H. (2006). The Blackwell Companion to Syntax, volume 5. Blackwell Publishing.
Everaert, M. B. H., & van Riemsdijk, H. (2006). The Blackwell Companion to Syntax, volume 2. Blackwell Publishing.
Everaert, M. B. H., & van Riemsdijk, H. (2006). The Blackwell Companion to Syntax, volume 3. Blackwell Publishing.
Dimitriadis, A., Kemps-Snijders, M., Wittenburg, P., Everaert, M. B. H., & Levinson, S. (2006). Towards a Linguist's Workbench Supporting eScience Methods. In P. Kellenberger (Ed.), Proceedings of the Second International IEEE Conference on e-Science and Grid Computing (e-Science '06) (pp. 131-141). IEEE Publication Services.


Everaert, M. B. H. (2006). Towards a Linguist's Workbench supporting eScience Methods. In Second IEEE International Conference on e-Science and Grid Computing


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Everaert, M. B. H. (2005). Long-distance reciprocals. In H. Broekhuis, C. Corver, J. Koster, M. A. C. Huybregts, & U. Kleinhenz (Eds.), Organizing Grammar: Linguistic studies for Henk van Riemsdijk (pp. 127-137). De Gruyter Mouton.
Everaert, M. B. H. (2005). On Binding Domains. In S. Müller (Ed.), The Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar (pp. 503-518). CSLI.
Everaert, M. B. H. (2005). Linguistics and the Study of the Mind. UiL OTS.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Dimitriadis, A., & Everaert, M. B. H. (2004). Typological Perspectives on Anaphora. In P. Suihkonen, & B. Comrie (Eds.), International Symposium on Deictic Systems and Quantification in Languages Spoken in Europe and North and Central Asia. Collection of Papers. (pp. 51-67). Udmurt State University.
Alexiadou, A., Anagnostopoulou, E., & Everaert, M. B. H. (2004). Introduction. In A. Alexiadou, E. Anagnostopoulou, & M. B. H. Everaert (Eds.), The Unaccusativity Puzzle (pp. 1-21). Oxford University Press.
Alexiadou, A., Everaert, M. B. H., & Anagnostopoulou, E. (2004). The Unaccusativity Puzzle. Explorations of the Syntax-Lexicon Interface. Oxford University Press.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Everaert, M. B. H., & Kuiper, K. (2003). Limits on the phrase structural configurations of phrasal lexemes. In C. Palm-Meister (Ed.), EUROPHRAS 2000: Internationale Tagung zur Phraseologie vom 15.-18. Juni 2000 in Aske/Schweden (pp. 257-262). Stauffenburg Verlag.
Everaert, M. B. H. (2003). The Case of the Theta System. Theoretical Linguistics, 28, 325-339.
Everaert, M. B. H. (2003). Reflexivanaphern und Reflexivdomdänen. In L. Gunkel (Ed.), Arbeiten zur Reflexivierung (pp. 1-23). Max Niemeyer Verlag.
Everaert, M. B. H. (2003). Reflexives in Discourse. In J. Koster (Ed.), Germania et Alia. A Linguistic Webschrift for Hans den Besten
Everaert, M. B. H. (2003). Binding Theories in the Generative Research Tradition. Research in Language, 1, 33-52.


Dimitriadis, A., & Everaert, M. B. H. (2003). Anaphora Typology Questionnaire. UiL OTS.

Overige resultaten

Everaert, M. B. H. (2003). Wijzen van Zeggen. M.B.H. Everaert.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Everaert, M. B. H. (2001). Binding Theories. A Comparison of Grammatical Models. In M. van Oostendorp, & E. Anagnostopoulou (Eds.), Progress in Grammar. Articles at the 20th Anniversary of the Comparison of Grammatical Models Group in Tilburg Roquade.
Everaert, M. B. H. (2001). Paradigmatic Restrictions on Anaphors. In K. Megerdoomian, & L. A. Bar-el (Eds.), Proceedings of the 20th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (pp. 178-191). Cascadilla Press.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Reuland, E. J., & Everaert, M. B. H. (2000). Deconstructing Binding. In M. Baltin, & C. Collins (Eds.), The Handbook of Contemporary Syntactic Linguistics (pp. 634-670). Blackwell.
Everaert, M. B. H., & Reuland, E. J. (2000). Deconstructing Binding. In M. Baltin, & C. Collins (Eds.), The Handbook of Contemporary Syntactic Theory (pp. 634-670). Blackwell Publishers.
Everaert, M. B. H. (2000). Types of Anaphoric Expressions: Reflexives and Reciprocals. In Z. Frajzyngier, & T. Curl (Eds.), Reciprocals. Forms and Functions (pp. 63-83). John Benjamins.
Coopmans, P. H. A., Everaert, M. B. H., & Grimshaw, J. (2000). Introduction. In P. H. A. Coopmans, M. B. H. Everaert, & J. Grimshaw (Eds.), Lexical Specification & Lexical Insertion (pp. ix-xvi). John Benjamins.
Everaert, M. B. H., & Kuiper, K. (2000). Constraints on the Phrase Structural Properties of English Phrasal Lexical Items. In B. Rozwadowska (Ed.), PASE Papers in Language Studies. Proceedings of the 8th Annual Conference of the Polish Association for the Study of English (pp. 151-170). Aksel s.c..


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Everaert, M. B. H., & Anagnostopoulou, E. (1999). Toward a More Complete Typologie of Anaphoric Expressions. Linguistic Inquiry, 30(1), 97-118.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Everaert, M. B. H. (1998). Is Binding Theory configurationally sensitive? In P. Stalmaszczyk (Ed.), Projections and Mapping. Studies in Syntax (pp. 57-74). (PASE Studies and Monographs; No. 5). Folium.