

- 2016-2017 Guest professor for Early Modern History at Humboldt-University Berlin

- since 2009 UD (Assistant professor) for Political History at Utrecht University

- 2008-2009 Academic assistant at the Faculty of History, Bielefeld University

- 2001-2008 Research fellow at the Faculty of History, Bielefeld University

- 1998-2000 Research assistant at the Institute of History, Humboldt-University Berlin

- 1996-1998 Student assistant at the Institute of History, Humboldt-University Berlin




- 2013 Habilitation in Early Modern and Modern History at Bielefeld University

- 2002 PhD in Early Modern History at Humboldt-University Berlin

- 1998 MA in History, Russian, and Islamic studies at Humboldt-University Berlin and Hamburg University
- 1992 A-levels at Hans-Carossa-Gymnasium, Landshut (Bayern)



Awards, fellowships, scholarships


- 2021-2022 Fellow at the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin

- 2014 Habilitation award of the German Historians' Association (Carl-Erdmann-Preis)

- 2011-2012 Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Studies, Lyon (Collegium de Lyon)

- 2000-2001 PhD scholarship of the City of Berlin

- 1992-1997 Bavarian State Scholarship for highly talented students