Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Hjalmarsson, J., Song, M., Dbouk, W., & Serdaris, K. (2022). Commercial insurance and reinsurance regulation: A response to a call for evidence from the House of Lords Industry and Regulators Committee.
Serdaris, K. (2022). Ex Post Enforcement of the EU Crowdfunding Regime: Administrative Sanctions and Measures. In E. Macchiavello (Ed.), Regulation on European Crowdfunding Service Providers for Business: A Commentary (pp. 455-473). (Elgar Commentaries in Financial Law series). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Serdaris, K. (2022). Withdrawal Rights in Crowdfunding Transactions: The Precontractual Reflection Period (Art 22). In E. Macchiavello (Ed.), Regulation on European Crowdfunding Service Providers for Business: A Commentary (pp. 300-309). (Elgar Commentaries in Financial Law series). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Serdaris, K., & Vervessos, N. (2021). Νομικά Ζητήματα από τις Προσυμβατικές Συμφωνίες: Η Επιστολή Προθέσεων (Letter of Intent) και το Μνημόνιο Συνεννόησης (MoU). In I. Venieris, & N. Vervessos (Eds.), Δίκαιο Εμπορικών Συμβάσεων (pp. 44-67). Nomiki Bibliothiki.
Serdaris, K. (2021). Primary market law in the EU's capital markets union: Between Unity and Differentiation. European University Institute.
Serdaris, K. (2021). Behavioural Economic Influences on Primary Market Disclosure – The Case of the EU Regulation on European Crowdfunding Service Providers. European Company and Financial Law Review, 18(3), 428-463.