Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Aldemir, A., & Leurs, K. (2024).
Racism and discrimination during the COVID-19 pandemic: Experiences of Turkish migrant women in the Netherlands.
Women's Studies International Forum,
106. de Groot, T., An, P.
, de Haan, M., van der Hof, S.
, van der Stigchel, S., & Leurs, K. (2024).
De ouderapp in de kinderopvang: Overwegingen vanuit verschillende disciplines.
Pedagogiek. Alajak, K., Ozkul, D., Leurs, K., Dekker, R., & Salah, A. A. (2024). The dangers and limitations of mobile phone screening in asylum processes. Forced Migration Review.
Alajak, K., Ozkul, D.
, Leurs, K., Dekker, R., & Salah, A. (2024).
The dangers and limitations of mobile phone screening in asylum processes.
Forced Migration Review,
73, 13-17. Groot, T., An, P.
, de Haan, M. J., van der Hof , S.
, van der Stigchel, S., & Leurs, K. (2024).
De ouderapp in de kinderopvang: Overwegingen vanuit verschillende disciplines.
44(1), 54-67. Leurs, K., Bozdag, C., Neag, A.
, & Sprenger, S. (2024).
Participatory action research and media literacy: Toward engaged, accountable, and collaborative knowledge production with marginalized communities . In P. Fastrez, & N. Landry (Eds.),
Media Literacy and Media Education Research Methods: A Handbook (pp. 62-79). (Routledge Research in Media Literacy and Education). Routledge. 2023
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Candidatu, L., & Leurs, K. (2023).
Reconsidering algorithmic management: feminist research tools for challenging computational thinking. In S. Katila, S. Meriläinen, & E. Bell (Eds.),
Handbook of Feminist Research Methodologies in Management and Organization Studies (pp. 358-372). Edward Elgar Publishing. Leurs, K., & Seuferling, P. (2023).
The media operations of postcolonial mobility regimes: The cases of Filmstichting West Indië and Vereniging Ons Suriname in 1940s and 1950s Netherlands.
International Journal of Cultural Studies,
26(6), 672-696. 2022
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
He, G., Leurs, K., & Li, Y. (2022).
Researching Motherhood in the Age of Short Videos: Stay-at-Home Mothers in China Performing Labor on Douyin.
Media and Communication,
10(3), 273-289. Ponzanesi, S., & Leurs, K. (Eds.) (2022).
Special Issue guest edited: Digital Migration Practices and the Everyday.
Communication, Culture and Critique,
15(2), 103-298. Leurs, K., & Seuferling, P. (2022).
Migration and the Deep Time of Media Infrastructures.
Communication, Culture and Critique,
15(2), 290-297. Leurs, K. (2022).
On Data and Care in Migration Contexts. In M. Sandberg, L. Rossi, V. Galis, & M. Bak Jørgensen (Eds.),
Research Methodologies and Ethical Challenges in Digital Migration Studies: Caring For (Big) Data? (1 ed., pp. 221-234). (Approaches to Social Inequality and Difference). Palgrave Macmillan. 2021
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Leurs, K., & Witteborn, S. (2021).
Digital migration studies. In M. McAuliffe (Ed.),
Research Handbook on International Migration and Digital Technology (pp. 15-28). (Elgar Handbooks in Migration). Edward Elgar Publishing. Seuferling, P.
, & Leurs, K. (2021).
Histories of humanitarian technophilia: how imaginaries of media technologies have shaped migration infrastructures.
16(5), 670-687., H. H. C., Omerovic, E., Sprenger, S., & Leurs, K. H. A. (2021).
Practicing critical media literacy education with/for young migrants: Lessons learned from a participatory action research project .
International Communication Gazette,
83(1), 26-47. 2020
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Leurs, K. H. A., & Patterson, J. (2020).
Smartphones: Digital Infrastructures of the Displaced. In P. Adey, J. C. Bowstead, K. Brickell, V. Desai, M. Dolton, A. Pinkerton, & A. Siddiqi (Eds.),
The Handbook of Displacement (1 ed., pp. 583-597). Palgrave Macmillan. Hirata, T.
, & Leurs, K. H. A. (2020).
Media, Migration, and Nationalism: Introduction to the Special Collection.
Global Perspectives,
1(1), Article 13460., J., & Leurs, K. H. A. (2020).
Transnational Digital Intimacy Practices: Paradoxes of Transnational Connectivity and Home-Making among Young Adult Expatriates in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Global Perspectives,
1(1), Article 13346. Udwan, G., Leurs, K. H. A., & Aléncar, A. (2020).
Digital Resilience Tactics of Syrian Refugees in the Netherlands: Social Media for Social Support, Health, and Identity.
Social Media + Society,
6(2), 1-11. Leurs, K. H. A., Agirreazkuenaga, I., Smets, K.
, & Mevsimler, M. (2020).
The politics and poetics of migrant narratives.
European Journal of Cultural Studies,
23(5), 679-697. Leurs, K. H. A., Midden, E., & Ponzanesi, S. (2020). Digital Multiculturalism in the Netherlands: Religious, Ethnic and Gender Positioning by Moroccan-Dutch Youth. In M. Díez Bosch, J. Lluís Micó, & A. Melloni (Eds.), Perplexed Religion (pp. 103-123). Universitat Ramon Llull.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Leurs, K. H. A. (2019).
Infrastructures. In K. Smets, K. Leurs, M. Georgiou, S. Witteborn, & R. Gajjala (Eds.),
The SAGE Handbook of Media and Migration (pp. 91-103). SAGE Publications Ltd. Leurs, K. H. A. (2019).
‘We Live Here, and We Are Queer!’: Young Adult Gay Connected Migrants’ Transnational Ties and Integration in the Netherlands .
Media and Communication,
7(1), 90-101. 2018
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Leurs, K. H. A. (2017).
Communication rights from the margins: politicising young refugees’ smartphone pocket archives.
International Communication Gazette,
79(6-7), 674-698 . Leurs, K. H. A. (2017).
Feminist data analysis. Using digital methods for ethical, reflexive and situated socio-cultural research: Lessons learned from researching young Londoners’ digital identities.
Feminist Review,
115(1), 130-154. 2016
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Leurs, K. H. A. (2016).
Young Connected Migrants and Non-Normative European Family Life: Exploring Affective Human Right Claims of young E-diasporas.
International journal of e-politics ,
7(3), 15-34. Leurs, K. H. A. (2016).
Digital divides in the era of widespread Internet access: Migrant youth negotiating hierarchies in digital culture. . In M. Walrave, K. Ponnet, E. Vanderhoven, J. Haers, & B. Sageart (Eds.),
Youth 2.0. Connecting, Sharing and Empowering: Affordances, Uses and Risks of Social Media. (pp. 61-78). Springer. 2015
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Leurs, K. H. A. (2015).
Digital passages. Migrant youth 2.0. Diaspora, Gender & Youth Cultural Intersections. (Media Matters). Amsterdam University Press. Leurs, K. H. A. (2015).
The politics and praxis of media-city research: a duo interview with Myria Georgiou and Scott McQuire.
Observatorio (OBS*) Journal,
9, 193-208. Leurs, K. H. A. (2015). Midia, Xavier en Sarah: de politiek van de ‘link’ in digitale geesteswetenschappen. In R. Buikema, & L. Plate (Eds.), Handboek genderstudies in media, kunst en cultuur (2de druk ed., pp. 315-329). Coutinho.
Leurs, K. H. A. (2015). 'Ik wil niet dat mijn moeder achter me staat snap je?’: Hoe Marokkaans Nederlandse jongeren zich het internet eigen maken. Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies, 17(1), 5.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Leurs, K. H. A. (Guest ed.), & Ponzanesi, S. (Guest ed.) (2014).
Digital Crossings in Europe.
Crossings: Journal of Migration & Culture,
5(1), 3. Leurs, K. H. A. (2014). A dialogue on the dilemmas of feminist research praxis, with Rosemarie Buikema, Willy Jansen and Lies Wesseling. In Everyday Feminist Research Praxis. Doing Gender in the Netherlands. (pp. 280-301). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Olivieri, D., & Leurs, K. H. A. (2014). Everyday Feminist Research Praxis: Doing Gender in the Netherlands. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Leurs, K. (2013). Digital Migration. SAGE Publications Sage UK: London, England.
Leurs, K. H. A. (2013). Der Nutzung digitaler Medien Niederländische Jugendlicher mit Marokkanische Migrationshintergrund. In Medienräume: Materialität und Regionalität. (pp. 193-208). innsbruck university press.
Leurs, K. H. A. (2013).
‘Ow god, die snobs zien ons weer aan voor een levend laboratorium’ Participatief internetonderzoek over/met Marokkaans-Nederlandse jongeren.
18(2), 106-112. Leurs, K. H. A., & Ponzanesi, S. (2013).
Bits of Homeland: Generational and Gender Transformations of Moroccan-Dutch Youth using digital technologies.
Observatorio (OBS*) Journal,
7(1), 1-22. Roggero, G., Grappi, G., Priftis, T., Hatzoupolos, P.
, Leurs, K. H. A., & Ponzanesi, S. (2013).
Final Report Study on Knowledge and Education. European Union Framework Programme 7 Mig@Net project.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Leurs, K. H. A., Hirzalla, F., & van Zoonen, L. (2011). Waar moslimjongeren hun eigen koers kunnen varen. In Zinzoekers op het Web: Internet en de verandering van geloofsbeleving (pp. 129-140). Skandalon.
Leurs, K. H. A., & Ponzanesi, S. (2011). Gendering the Construction of Instant Messaging. In M. Ames, & S. H. Burcon (Eds.), Women and Language: Essays on Gendered Communication Across Media (pp. 199-214). McFarland Press.
Populariserende publicaties
Leurs, K. H. A. (2010). Framing terrorism. BLIK, 34-45.
Overige resultaten
Ponzanesi, S., Leurs, K. H. A., de Haan, M. J., Ünlüsoy, A., & Leander, K. (2010). The diasporic networks of migrant youth: learning and identity. Paper presented at Paper presented at the American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL), Atlanta, USA.
Leurs, K. H. A. (2009). Review. Journal Title.
Overige resultaten
Ponzanesi, S., de Haan, M. J., Leander, K., Leurs, K. H. A., & Ünlüsoy, A. (2009). At Home in the Web. The diasporic networks of migrant youth: Learning and identity construction online. Paper presented at Paper presented at the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA), Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Overige resultaten
de Haan, M. J., Leander, K., Ponzanesi, S., Slootman, M. W., ter Laan, N., & Leurs, K. H. A. (2008). Toward a comparative and interdisciplinary model for researching media uses among migrant youth.