- 1985: PhD, The Economic Development of Agriculture in the Netherlands in the Nineteenth Century, Agricultural University of Wageningen.
- 1981-1985: Research assistant at the Faculty of History and Arts of the Free University, Amsterdam
- 1975-1981: Student of economics and history at the Free University, Amsterdam
- 2015 - present: Co-applicant and member of the supervisory board Clariah project (Common Lab Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities).
- 2015 - present: Member of the Advisory Board of the Financial and Institutional Reforms for an Entrepreneurial Society (FIRES).
- 2011 - present: Academy Professor (Akademie-hoogleraar), The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences of the Netherlands.
- 2011 - present: Extraordinary Professor of Economics, Stellenbosch University.
- 2009 - present: Faculty Professor Global Economic History, Utrecht University.
- 2014 - October 2019: Chair of the section Economic and Social History, Utrecht University.
- 2012 - 2015: Honorary President of the International Economic History Association.
- 2011 - 2015: Honorary Angus Maddison Professor, University of Groningen.
- 2009 - 2012: President of the International Economic History Association.
- 2007 - 2014: Leader of the CLIO-INFRA project.
- 2006 - 2009: Vice-president of the International Economic History Association, and chair of the Local Organizing Committee of the XVth World Economic History Congress, held in Utrecht in 2009.
- 2001 - 2009: Senior Research Fellow at the IISH.
- 1999 - 2000: Advisor of the Commission on financial assets of victims of the Second World War (Commissie Scholten).
- 1998 - 2006: Secretary-General of the International Economic History Association.
- 1997 - present: Member of the KNAW, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences.
- 1994 - 1998: Director of the N.W. Posthumus Institute, Netherlands graduate school for economic and social history.
- 1992 - 2009: Professor of Economic History at Utrecht University.
- 1987 - 1992: Professor of Economic and Social History at the Free University, Amsterdam.
- 1985 - 1987: Lecturer in Economic History at the Erasmus University, Rotterdam.
- 2016 - present: Member of the Academia Europaea
- 2014: The Pierson Penning, awarded by the Mr. N.G. Piersonfonds.
- 2011: "Akademiehoogleraar", awarded by the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences.
- 2003: Received the Spinoza Prize. The NWO Spinoza Prize is the highest award in Dutch science. Each year, NWO awards the NWO Spinoza Prizes to three or four researchers working in the Netherlands who according to international standards belong to the absolute top of science. The laureates each receive 2.5 million euros to spend on scientific research.
- 2003: Prize for the best article published in Explorations in Economic History in 2002/2003 was awarded to: ‘Rich and Poor before the Industrial Revolution: a comparison between Java and the Netherlands at the beginning of the 19th century’, Explorations in Economic History 40 (2003), 1-23.
- 2007: Prize for the best article published in the European Review of Economic History in 2005/2006 was awarded to: ‘Towards an economic interpretation of citizenship. The Dutch Republic between medieval communes and modern nation states’, with Maarten Prak, European Review of Economic History, 10 (2006), 121-147.
- 2012: Larry Neal prize for the best article published in Explorations in Economic History was awarded to: ‘Persistent but not consistent: The growth of national income in Holland 1347–1807’, with Bas van Leeuwen, Explorations in Economic History, 49 (2012), 119-130.
- 2010-2015: Clio Infra. Research Infrastructure for the Study of Global Inequality (Investment Grant NWO Large, €1.423.000)
- 2011- 2015: Agency, Gender, and Economic Development in the World Economy 1850-2000 (NWO Free competition, €946.000).
- 2011: Academy Professor Prize (lifetime achievement award given funded by the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences of the Netherlands, €1.000.000).
- 2007-2013: The corporate governance of Dutch business during the 20th century - structural change and performance (NWO open competition, €500.000).
- 2007-2012: Data Infrastructures for the Study of guilds and other forms of collective action (Investment Grant NWO Medium, €600.000).
- 2003: Spinoza Prize (highest NWO award in Dutch science, €2.500.000).
- 1990-2000: Reconstructing National Accounts of the Netherlands and the analysis of the development of the Dutch Economy in the period 1800-1940 (NWO pioneer programme).
- 2010: SER 1950-2010: Zestig jaar denkwerk voor draagvlak (Boom publishing), commissioned by the Social and Economic Council of the Netherlands.
- 2007: History of Royal Dutch Shell (Boom and /Oxford University Press), together with Joost Jonker, Stephen Howarth and Keetie Sluyterman, commissioned by Shell.
- 2013: Variaties in kapitalisme. Ontwikkeling en prestatie van de Nederlandse markteconomie in de twintigste eeuw (Instituut SMO), together with Joost Dankers and Sluyterman, comissioned by Stichting Maatschappij en Onderneming (Foundation for society and enterprise).
- 1998: Het coöperatieve alternatief. Honderd jaar Rabobank, 1898-1998 (SDU publishing), together with Keetie Sluyterman, Joost Dankers and Jos van der Linden, commisioned by the Rabobank.