Prof. dr. Joost de Laat

Sectie Applied Economics

Developing/teaching Academic Courses

Utrecht University, 2019 - Current

Economics of Global Challenges, a master’s of economics course focused on experimental methods in economics, which includes an international Community Engaged Learning (I-CEL) component whereby small groups of (master level) students partner with civil society organisations working in low- and middle-income countries. 

Institutions Think Tank, an interdisciplinary research master course 


Université du Québec à Montréal, 2006 – 2009

Graduate Labor Economics (ECO8000 Économie du Travail), 

Advanced Undergraduate Econometrics  (ECO5272 Econométrie) 


University College Utrecht, Utrecht University, 2007 - 2008

Special Topics in Environment, Politics, and Society of East Africa, advanced bachelor level course 

Cross-Disciplinary Approaches to Development, advanced bachelor level course


Developing Academic Education Programs

Utrecht University – Network of Impact Evaluation Researchers East Africa (NIERA) (2019-2022)

Co-initiated and co-led the Contextualizing Impact Evaluation Pedagogy in Africa (CIPA) project, a joint initiative between the Centre for Global Challenges based in Utrecht University (UU) and the Network of Impact Evaluation Researchers in Africa (NIERA) based at the United States International University (USIU-Africa). Relatively few academics in East Africa have been trained in Impact Evaluation (IE) research techniques to assess the effectiveness of programs and policies and use this to inform public policy. 

In response, this project aimed to equip the next generation of African researchers and policy makers with solid knowledge of rigorous IE methods and their use for policy. CIPA’s objective was to develop and implement a scalable model that embeds rigorous training of IE methods in the curricula of selected EA universities and research institutions. To achieve this, the project partnered with 12 fellows selected from eight universities and two research institutions across Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda and Ethiopia to design IE materials and embed the course curriculum into programs at these institutions.


University College Utrecht, Utrecht University, 2007 – 2008 

Co-initiated and co-directed the “UCU East Africa” field studies program, a community based field studies program in East Africa: "The UCU East Africa programme aims to introduce students to a host of theories and issues relevant to global political economy studies, critical development studies and African studies (including postcolonialism). The programme also adopts a ‘transformative learning’ approach, seeking to challenge popular stereotypes, assumptions and biases about ‘Africa’ and ‘development’ and hoping to foster new perspectives, lateral thinking and critical self-reflection. In doing so, the programme seeks to inspire tomorrow’s global leaders and citizens, whether those working directly in fields associated with international development or those in other fields implicated by globalisation."



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