Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Arnold, M., Podhaisky, H., Weiner, R., Celledoni, E.
, Frank, J., & Lang, J. (2021).
Numerical Solution of Differential and Differential–Algebraic Equations. Selected Papers from NUMDIFF-15.
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics,
387, [112611]., X., & Frank, J. (2021).
Symplectic Runge–Kutta discretization of a regularized forward–backward sweep iteration for optimal control problems.
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics,
383, [113133]. 2019
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Falkena, S. K. J.
, Quinn, C., Sieber, J.
, Frank, J., & Dijkstra, H. A. (2019).
Derivation of delay equation climate models using the Mori-Zwanzig formalism.
Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences,
475(2227), [20190075]., K. G.
, Wieners, C. E., Frank, J. E., & Dijkstra, H. A. (2019).
Complementing CO2 emission reduction by solar radiation management might strongly enhance future welfare.
Earth System Dynamics,
10(3), 453-472.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Frank, J., & Gottwald, G. A. (2018).
A note on statistical consistency of numerical integrators for multiscale dynamics.
Multiscale Modeling and Simulation,
16(2), 1017-1033. De Leeuw, B., Dubinkina, S., Frank, J., Steyer, A., Tu, X., & Van Vleck, E. (2018).
Projected shadowing-based data assimilation.
SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems,
17(4), 2446-2477. 2017
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Frank, J., & Zhuk, S. (2017). A detectability criterion and data assimilation for non-linear differential equations. arXiv.
Leeuw, B. D., Dubinkina, S., Frank, J., Steyer, A., Tu, X., & Vleck, E. V. (2017). Projected Shadowing-based Data Assimilation. arXiv.
Myerscough, K. W.
, Frank, J., & Leimkuhler, B. (2017).
Observation-based correction of dynamical models using thermostats.
Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences,
473(2197), [20160730]., S., Tchrakian, T. T.
, & Frank, J. (2017).
Exponentially convergent data assimilation algorithm for Navier-Stokes equations. In
2017 American Control Conference, ACC 2017 (pp. 3249-3256). [7963448] Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc..
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Dijkstra, H. A., Tantet, A. J. J., Viebahn, J. P., Mulder, T. E., Hebbink, M.
, Castellana, D., van den Pol, H.
, Frank, J. E., Baars, S., Wubs, F. W., Chekroun, M., & Kuehn, C. (2016).
A numerical framework to understand transitions in high-dimensional stochastic dynamical systems.
Dynamics and Statistics of the Climate System: An Interdisciplinary Journal,
1(1), [dzw003]. Myerscough, K. W.
, & Frank, J. (2016).
Explicit, parallel Poisson integration of point vortices on the sphere.
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics,
304, 100-119.
Bisseling, R. H., Frank, J. E., Gavranovic, H., van Heugten, J.
, Kruseman, A. M. S., van Leeuwen, D., & Reinhardt, C. (2016).
Inferring transportation modes from smartphone sensors. In
Proceedings 106th European Study Group Mathematics with Industry (pp. 21-34) 2015
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Zhuk, S.
, Frank, J. E., Herlin, I., & Shorten, R. (2015).
Data assimilation for linear parabolic equations: minimax projection method.
SIAM journal on scientific computing,
37(3), A1174-A1196., J., Leimkuhler, B., & Myerscough, K. W. (2015).
Direct control of the small-scale energy balance in two-dimensional fluid dynamics.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics,
782, 240-259. 2014
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Koren, B., Abgrall, R., Bochev, P.
, Frank, J., & Perot, B. (2014).
Physics-compatible numerical methods.
Journal of Computational Physics,
257(PB), 1039., J., & Zhuk, S. (2014).
Symplectic Möbius integrators for LQ optimal control problems. In
Decision and Control (CDC), 2014 IEEE 53rd Annual Conference on (pp. 6377-6382). [7040389] IEEE. 2013
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Bajars, J.
, Frank, J. E., & Maas, L. R. M. (2013).
On The Appearance Of Internal Wave Attractors Due To An Initial Or Parametrically Excited Disturbance.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics,
714, 283 - 311., J. E., & Gottwald, G. A. (2013).
Stochastic Homogenization For An Energy Conserving Multi-Scale Toy Model Of The Atmosphere.
Physica. D, nonlinear phenomena,
254, 45 - 56. Bajars, J., Frank, J. E., & Leimkuhler, B. J. (2013). Weakly Coupled Heat Bath Models For Gibbs-Like Invariant States In Nonlinear Wave Equations. Nonlinearity, 26, 1945 - 1973.
Wadman, W. S., Crommelin, D. T.
, & Frank, J. E. (2013).
Applying A Splitting Technique To Estimate Electrical Grid Reliability. In R. Pasupathy, S-H. Kim, A. Tolk, R. Hill, & M. E. Kuhl (Eds.),
Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference (WSC, 2013) (pp. 577-588). IEEE Press.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Wadman, W. S., Bloemhof, G., Crommelin, D. T.
, & Frank, J. E. (2012).
Probabilistic Power Flow Simulation Allowing Temporary Current Overloading. In
Proceedings of Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems 2012 (PMAPS ) (pp. 494-499). IEEE.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Bajars, J.
, Frank, J. E., & Leimkuhler, B. J. (2011).
Stochastic-Dynamical Thermostats For Constraints And Stiff Restraints.
European Physical Journal Special Topics,
200, 131 - 152., S., Reich, S.
, & Frank, J. E. (2011).
Hydrostatic Hamiltonian Particle-Mesh (HPM) Methods For Atmospheric Modelling.
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society,
138, 1388-1399.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Dubinkina, S.
, Frank, J. E., & Leimkuhler, B. J. (2010).
Simplified Modelling Of A Thermal Bath, With Application To A Fluid Vortex System.
Multiscale Modeling and Simulation,
8, 1882 - 1901., S.
, & Frank, J. E. (2010).
Statistical Relevance Of Vorticity Conservation With The Hamiltonian Particle-Mesh Method.
Journal of Computational Physics,
229(7), 2634 - 2648. den Akker, J. M., Bloemhof, G., Bosman, J. W., Crommelin, D. T., Frank, J. E., & Yang, G. (2010). Optimal Distributed Power Generation Under Network-Load Constraints. In Proceedings of 72nd European Study Group Science with Industry 2010 (pp. 25 - 38). CWI.
Overige resultaten
den Boer, A. V., Bosman, J. W., Bouman, N. J., van Dam, S., Frank, J. E., van der Mei, R. D., Verhoef, C., & Ma, H. (Eds.) (2010). 72nd European Study Group.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Cotter, C. J.
, Frank, J., & Reich, S. (2007).
The remapped particle-mesh semi-Lagrangian advection scheme.
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society,
133(622), 251-260., B. N., Mclachlan, R. I.
, & Frank, J. (2007).
On the multisymplecticity of partitioned Runge-Kutta and splitting methods.
International Journal of Computer Mathematics,
84(6), 847-869.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Frank, J., Moore, B. E., & Reich, S. (2006).
Linear PDEs and numerical methods that preserve a multisymplectic conservation law.
SIAM journal on scientific computing,
28(1), 260-277. 2005
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Frank, J., Reich, S., Staniforth, A., White, A., & Wood, N. (2005).
Analysis of a regularized, time-staggered discretization method and its link to the semi-implicit method.
Atmospheric Science Letters,
6(2), 97-104. 2004
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Frank, J., & Reich, S. (2004).
The Hamiltonian particle-mesh method for the spherical shallow water equations.
Atmospheric Science Letters,
5(5), 89-95. Cotter, C. J.
, Frank, J., & Reich, S. (2004).
Hamiltonian particle-mesh method for two-layer shallow-water equations subject to the rigid-lid approximation.
SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems,
3(1), 69-83.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Frank, J., & Reich, S. (2003).
Conservation properties of Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics applied to the shallow water equation.
BIT Numerical Mathematics,
43(1), 41-55. 2002
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Frank, J., & Reich, S. (2002).
A particle-mesh method for the shallow water equations near geostrophic balance.
Journal of Computational Physics,
180(2), 407-426. 2001
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Frank, J. E., & Van Der Houwen, P. J. (2001).
Parallel iteration of the extended backward differentiation formulas.
IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis,
21(1), 367-385. 2000
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Vuik, C.
, & Frank, J. (2000).
A parallel block preconditioner accelerated by coarse grid correction. In M. Bubak, H. Afsarmanesh, B. Hertzberger, & R. Williams (Eds.),
High Performance Computing and Networking - 8th International Conference, HPCN Europe 2000, Proceedings (pp. 99-108). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics); Vol. 1823). Springer Verlag. Liere, R., Mulder, J., Frank, J., & de Swart, J. (2000). Virtual Fekete point configurations: A case study in perturbing complex systems. 189-195. Paper presented at IEEE Virtual Reality 2000, New Brunswick, NJ, USA.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Vuik, C.
, & Frank, J. (1999).
A parallel implementation of the block preconditioned GCR method. In P. Sloot, A. Hoekstra, B. Hertzberger, & M. Bubak (Eds.),
High-Performance Computing and Networking - 7th International Conference, HPCN Europe 1999, Proceedings (pp. 1052-1060). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics); Vol. 1593). Springer Verlag.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Frank, J. E., & Taghavi, R. R. (1995). Supersonic rectangular jets with swirling shear layers. 77-82. Paper presented at Proceedings of the 1995 ASME/JSME Fluids Engineering and Laser Anemometry Conference and Exhibition, Hilton Head, SC, USA.