Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Gould, L., & Demmers, J. (2022). De paradox van langeafstandsoorlog: Risicovermijding, asymmetrisch lijden, meer oorlog. In J. V. Dort, L. Gould, & M. Woudwijk (Eds.), Hawija : De verwoestende werkelijkheid van onze langeafstandsoorlog tegen IS (pp. 19-29). Uitgeverij Aspekt.
de Bruin, S. P., Hoch, J. M., von Uexkull, N., Buhaug, H.
, Demmers, J., Visser, H.
, & Wanders, N. (2022).
Projecting long-term armed conflict risk: An underappreciated field of inquiry? Global Environmental Change,
72, 1-5. [102423]. 2021
Populariserende publicaties
Gould, L. (Author), & Demmers, J. (Author). (2021). Remote Warfare: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Digital or Visual Products, Saferworld WarPod.
Demmers, J., & Slooter, L. (2021). Geweld. (Elementaire Deeltjes; No. 73). Uitgeverij Athenaeum.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Demmers, J., Gould, L. M., & Snetselaar, D. J. (2020).
Perfect War and its Contestations. In S. Malty, B. O'Loughlin, K. Parry, & L. Roselle (Eds.),
Spaces of War, War of Spaces (1 ed., pp. 231-246). Bloomsbury Academic. 2019
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Demmers, J. (Author). (2019). BISA Event Podcast: Theorising Remote Warfare. Digital or Visual Products, Oxford Research Group.
Overige resultaten
Demmers, J., & Gould, L. M. (2019). The Remote Warfare Paradox. Paper presented at Conflict Research Society Annual Conference 2019, Brighton, United Kingdom.
Demmers, J., & Gould, L. M. (2019). Shaping the Borderlands: the spatial and temporal reconfigurations of modern warfare. Paper presented at British International Studies Association Conference ’. Kent University, Canterbury, United Kingdom.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Gould, L. M. (Author), & Demmers, J. (Author). (2018). Liquid Warfare: AFRICOM and its pop-up militarization. Web publication/site, SAGE.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Demmers, J. (2017). War. In R. Braidotti, & M. Hlavajova (Eds.), Posthuman Glossary (pp. 454-456). Bloomsbury Academics.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Demmers, J. (2016). Identiteit, Geweld en Conflict: theoretische benaderingen. In B. Graaf, de, G. Frerks, & E. R. Muller (Eds.), Conflict (pp. 49-67). Kluwer Publishers.
Demmers, J. (2016). 'Doing Something’: Systemic Violence and the Tragedy of Clicktivism. In I. Gevers (Ed.), Hacking Habitat: Art Of Control (pp. 130-147). NAi Uitgevers.
Overige resultaten
Demmers, J., & Gould, L. M. (2016). An Assemblage Approach to Contemporary Shadow Warfare: AFRICOM and the “hunt” for Joseph Kony. 1-21. Paper presented at 10th Pan-European Conference of te European International Studies Association, Izmir, Turkey.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Demmers, J. (2015). Telling each other apart: a discursive approach to violent conflict. In H. Miall, T. Woodhouse, & O. Ramsbotham (Eds.), The Contemporary Conflict Resolution Reader (pp. 132-141). Polity Press.
Raessens, J. F. F., & Demmers, J. (Accepted/In press). Gaming War, Framing War: a critical frame analysis of the form and function of representations of war in ‘serious games’. Media, War & Conflict.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Demmers, J. (2014). Neoliberal Discourses on Violence: Monstrosity and Rape in Borderland War. In S. Ponzanesi (Ed.), Gender, Globalization and Violence: Postcolonial Conflict Zones (pp. 25-45). (Routledge Advances in Feminist Studies and Intersectionality). Routledge.
Demmers, J. (2014). Theorizing the Politics of Judgment. In H. Hintjens, & D. Zarkov (Eds.), Conflict, Peace, Security and Development: theories and methodologies (pp. 233-247). Routledge.
Overige resultaten
Demmers, J. (Author). (2014). Naming the Failed State: a Politics of Judgment. Web publication/site
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Spangler, S. A., Schmitz, S. K., Kevenaar, J. T., de Graaff, E., de Wit, H., Demmers, J., Toonen, R. F. G., & Hoogenraad, C. C. (2013). Liprin-alpha2 promotes the presynaptic recruitment and turnover of RIM1/CASK to facilitate synaptic transmission. Journal of Cell Biology, 201(6), 915-928.
Overige resultaten
Demmers, J. (2013, Jan 1). Marie Curie Actions, Networks for Initial Training (ITN), Sustainable Peace Building (SP BUILD), FP7-PEOPLE-ITN-2008, total budget 3.1 million euro.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Demmers, J. (2012). ‘Global Neoliberalization and Violent Conflict’. In J. Demmers, A. E. Fernández Jilberto, & B. Hogenboom (Eds.), Good Governance in the Era of Global Neoliberalism: Conflict and Depolitization in Asia, Africa, Latin America and Eastern Europe (pp. 330-342). Routledge.
Jiang, K., Toedt, G., Montenegro Gouveia, S., Davey, N. E., Hua, S., van der Vaart, B., Grigoriev, I., Larsen, J., Pedersen, L. B., Bezstarosti, K., Lince-Faria, M., Demmers, J., Steinmetz, M. O., Gibson, T. J., & Akhmanova, A. S. (2012). A proteome-wide screen for mammalian SxIP motif-containing microtubule plus-end tracking proteins. Current Biology, 22(19), 1800-1807.
Demmers, J., Fernández Jilberto, A. E., & Hogenboom, B. (2012). ‘Good Governance and Democracy in a World of Neoliberal Regimes’. In J. Demmers, A. E. Fernández Jilberto, & B. Hogenboom (Eds.), Good Governance in the Era of Global Neoliberalism: Conflict and Depolitization in Asia, Africa, Latin America and Eastern Europe (pp. 1-37). Routledge.
de Graaff, E., Maat, P., Hulsenboom, E.
, van den Berg, R., van den Bent, M.
, Demmers, J., Lugtenburg, P. J.
, Hoogenraad, C. C., & Sillevis Smitt, P. (2012).
Identification of delta/notch-like epidermal growth factor-related receptor as the Tr antigen inparaneoplastic cerebellar degeneration.
Annals of Neurology,
71(6), 815-824. Splinter, D., Razafsky, D. S., Schlager, M. A., Serra-Marques, A., Grigoriev, I. S., Demmers, J., Keijzer, N., Jiang, K., Poser, I., Hyman, A. A., Hoogenraad, C. C., King, S. J., & Akhmanova, A. S. (2012). BICD2, dynactin, and LIS1 cooperate in reulating dynein recruitment to cellular structures. Molecular and Cellular Biology, 23(21), 4226-4241.
Demmers, J. (2012). 'Structures of Violence'. In I. Boerefijn, L. Henderson, R. Janse, & R. Weaver (Eds.), Human Rights and Conflict (pp. 19-34). Intersentia.
Demmers, J. (2012). Theories of Violent Conflict: an introduction. Routledge.
Overige resultaten
Jiang, K., Toedt, G., Gouveia, S. M., Davey, N. E., Hua, S., van der Vaart, B., Larsen, J., Pedersen, L. B., Demmers, J., Steinmetz, M. O., Gibson, T. J., & Akhmanova, A. S. (2012). Identification of new mammalian SxIP motif-containing microtubule plus end tracking proteins by combining bioinformatics and proteomics approaches. Abstract from EMBO Conference Series, Microtubules: Structure, Regulation and Functions, Heidelberg, Germany.
Jiang, K., Toedt, G., Gouveia, S. M., Davey, N. E., Hua, S., van der Vaart, B., Larsen, J., Pedersen, L. B., Demmers, J., Steinmetz, M. O., Gibson, T. J., & Akhmanova, A. S. (2012). A+ TIPs census in mammalian genome uncovers numerous crosslinkers between microtubules and various cellular structures. Abstract from American Society for Cell Biology Annual Meeting, San Fransisco, CA, USA.
Jiang, K., Toedt, G., Gouveia, S. M., Davey, N. E., Hua, S., van der Vaart, B., Larsen, J., Pedersen, L. B., Demmers, J., Steinmetz, M. O., Gibson, T. J., & Akhmanova, A. S. (2012). A+ TIPs census in mammalian genome uncovers numerous crosslinkers between microtubules and various cellular structures. Poster session presented at American Society for Cell Biology Annual Meeting, San Fransisco, CA, USA.
Jiang, K., Toedt, G., Gouveia, S. M., Davey, N. E., Hua, S., van der Vaart, B., Larsen, J., Pedersen, L. B., Demmers, J., Steinmetz, M. O., Gibson, T. J., & Akhmanova, A. S. (2012). Identification of new mammalian SxIP motif-containing microtubule plus end tracking proteins by combining bioinformatics and proteomics approaches. Poster session presented at EMBO Conference Series, Microtubules: Structure, Regulation and Functions, Heidelberg, Germany.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
van der Vaart, B., Manatschal, C., Grigoriev, I. S., Olieric, V., Gouveia, S. M., Bjelic, S., Demmers, J., Vorobjev, I., Hoogenraad, C. C., Steinmetz, M. O., & Akhmanova, A. S. (2011). SLAIN2 links microtubule plus end-tracking proteins and controls microtubule growth in interphase. Current Biology, 21(11), 967-974.
Kapitein, L. C., Yau, K. W., Gouveia, S. M., van der Zwan, W. A., Wulf, P. S., Keijzer, N., Demmers, J., Jaworski, J., Akhmanova, A. S., & Hoogenraad, C. C. (2011). NMDA receptor activation suppresses microtubule growth and spine entry. Journal of Neuroscience, 31(22), 8194-8209.
Overige resultaten
de Graaff, E., Maat, P., Hulsenboom, E., van den Berg, R., van den Bent, M., Demmers, J., & Hoogenraad, C. C. (2011). Identifying the anti-TR antigen in paraneoplastic cerbellar degeneration. Abstract from American Society for Cell Biology Annual Meeting 2011, Denver.
de Graaff, E., Maat, P., Hulsenboom, E., van den Berg, R., van den Bent, M., Demmers, J., & Hoogenraad, C. C. (2011). Identifying the anti-TR antigen in paraneoplastic cerbellar degeneration. Poster session presented at American Society for Cell Biology Annual Meeting 2011, Denver.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Demmers, J., & Mehendale, S. (2010). Neoliberal Xenophobia: The Dutch Case. Alternatives, 35, 53-70.
Demmers, J. (2010). Diaspora Communities. In N. Young (Ed.), The Oxford International Encyclopedia of Peace Oxford University Press.
Demmers, J. (2010). Structures of Violence. SA. Sociological Analysis, 4(2).
Splinter, D., Tanenbaum, M. E., Lindqvist, A., Jaarsma, D., Flotho, A.
, Yu, K. L., Grigoriev, I., Engelsma, D., Haasdijk, E. D., Keijzer, N.
, Demmers, J., Fornerod, M., Melchior, F.
, Hoogenraad, C. C., Medema, R. H.
, & Akhmanova, A. S. (2010).
Bicaudal D2, dynein, and kinesin-1 associate with nuclear pore complexes and regulate centrosome and nuclear positioning during mitotic entry. PloS Biology [E],
8(4), e1000350.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Overige resultaten
Demmers, J. (2009, Feb 2). Marie Curie Actions: Networks for Initial Training (ITN), SP Build, Sustainable Peace Building, FP7-PEOPLE-INT-2008. European Union.
Demmers, J. (2009, Jun 22). NWO Vervangingssubsidie Geesteswetenschappen.
Demmers, J. (2009). World Conference of Humanitarian Studies. Paper presented at deelname wetenschappelijk forum, Groningen.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Demmers, J. (2007). Peace and Conflict at a Junction. In F. Ferrandiz, & C. G. M. Robben (Eds.), Interdisciplinary Clues for Peace and Conflict Research: a view from Europe (pp. 270-279). University of Deusto.
Demmers, J. (2007). Nationalism from without: theorizing the role of diasporas. In S. Mehendale, & T. Atabaki (Eds.), Central asia and the Caucasus: transnationalism and diaspora (pp. 10-21). Routledge.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Demmers, J. (2006). Conflict research: lacunas, mantras and pitfalls. The ISYP Journal on Science and World Affairs, 2, 90-102.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Demmers, J., Fernández Jilberto, A. E., & Hogenboom, B. (2004). Good Governance in the Era of Global Neoliberalism. Routledge.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Demmers, J. (1999). 'Friends and Bitter Enemies'- Politics and Neoliberal Reform in Yucatán, Mexico. [Doctoral thesis 1 (Research UU / Graduation UU), Faculteit Sociale Wetenschappen].
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Demmers, J. (1997). I Rather Hear a Good Lie Than the Filthy Truth': Mexico's Explanatory Models Under Pressure. In M. van der Glas, H. Gooren, W. Pompe, & F. Zaal (Eds.), Under Pressure: Essays on Development Research (pp. 161-171). Ceres.
Demmers, J. (1995). Economische liberalisering en systemen van politieke controle. In J. Demmers, B. Boon, P. van Leeuwen, & B. Snels (Eds.), Alles onder Controle: Essays van de wetenschappelijke generatie X. (pp. 45-53). ISOR.
Boon, B. J. F., Demmers, J., van Leeuwen, P., & Snels, B. A. W. (1995). Alles onder controle: Essays van de wetenschappelijke generatie x. ISOR.
Boon, B. J. F., Demmers, J., van Leeuwen, P. C. L., & Snels, B. A. W. (1995). Alles onder controle. Essays van de wetenschappelijke generatie X. ISOR.