Dr. Jiesper Tristan Pedersen

Environmental Sciences

Research Interests:
Climate Change, science-policy interface, policymaker perspective, socioeconomic and emission scenarios, national scenario extensions (global to national scale) and policy relevance, relevance of sustainable development analysis, anthropology, user practice (vs. behaviors), value change.

Quantitative and qualitative: Database analysis, survey, participant observation, interview, informal interview, focus group, IDEATION and co-creation workshops.

Jiesper Pedersen is a climate researcher (6 yrs), sustainability consultant and public and corporate/business communicator (14 yrs), co-examiner in anthropology at four Danish universities (6 yrs), and lecturer, participating in the public debate. He conducted a Ph.D. in “Climate Change, Emission Scenarios, and Science-policy Communication” at the Copernicus Institute at Utrecht University under the supervision of Detlef van Vuuren - with links to the Ph.D. program of “Climate Change and Sustainable Development Policies” at the University of Lisbon (Portugal). As a member of the research unit eC3c-CHANGE and attached to the RNA2100 Project (Portuguese Adaptation Roadmap 2020-2100 (Ministry of Environment & Climate Action, Portugal), he develops national forest policy emission scenarios in cooperation with various Portuguese experts (e.g., the University of Bragança & National Bank of Portugal). He has a master's in anthropology (Copenhagen University) and a master's in protreptic coaching and is certified in process facilitation (e.g., Cocreation Ideation/innovation). He is an external lecturer at the University of Lisbon (Portugal), Copenhagen Business School, and the University of Copenhagen (Denmark), was a primary school teacher (2009-2011), and a combat and navigation instructor in the Danish Army (2011-2012). Methods include surveys, participatory fieldwork, interviews, dataset analysis, usability testing, ideation processes, workshops/focus groups, and coaching.