Drs. Ildikó Csikós

Bureau AW

Department secretary

- Office Department Earth sciences

- Commissions of the Department

- Research groups Paleomagnetism, Seismology, Tectonophysics, Theoretical geophysics

- Management PURE Research database

- Organizing seminars, (international) symposiums

- Organizing fieldwork travels


Recent interesting themes

- Franz Liszt

- Ágnes Heller

- Polin - 1000 Year History of Polish Jews (Catalogue of the Museum of the History of Polish Jews, Warsaw)

- Marc Jansen, Grensland: Een Geschiedenis van Oekraine

- Hungary; Essay Péter Nádas "Der Stand der Dinge - Ungarns Modernisierungsblockade" in Lettre International no. 95, 2012 and also published in the Hungarian political and cultural periodical Élet és Irodalom (trans. Life and Literature) - "A dolgok állása" in no. 51-52, December 2011 

- Democracy in EU-countries seems reversible and is the EU capable to rescue democracy; Jan-Werner Müller "Wo Europa endet - Ungarn, Brüssel und das Schicksal der liberalen Demokratie"

- Understanding the European Union: Luuk van Middelaar "De passage naar Europa", Jürgen Habermas "Zur Verfassung Europas. Ein Essay".


Playing the piano

Studying the extended piano literature on an upright Schimmel Konzert piano. 


Periodicals as Élet és Irodalom and Die Zeit 

are important for my thinking about contemporary history unfolding around us. And for keeping in touch with the languages I appreciate for valid reasons.


Recent travels

- Iran, spring 2022

- Russia, summer 2017

- Poland, spring and summer 2016

- Hamburg, Lübeck, winter 2015

- Andalusia, spring 2014

- Berlin, summer 2013

- Turkey, spring 2013

- Sachsen and Thüringen, summer 2012

- Israel, spring 2012


Earlier travels

- Italy, Sicily, Malta, Tunesia, spring 2009

- Morocco, fall 2008

- Slovakia, summer 2008

- Egypt, spring 2008

- Croatia, fall 2007

- Syria, spring 2007

- Transylvania, Moldova (Rumania), summer 2006

- Southwest Ukraine, summer 2006

- Rajasthan (India), fall 2005

- Transylvania (Rumania), summer 2004