Invited lectures
2018-2022 March 9-10, 2018: 33rd SAVAB congress, Brussels, Belgium. a) Master Class Feline Diabetes Mellitus. b) Hyperaldosteronism in cats. c) Mystery Endocrinological Case. April 12-13, 2018. Voorjaarsdagen Congress 2018, The Hague, The Netherlands. a) Introduction in Endocrinology. b) Hypothyroidism in dogs: a diagnostic challenge. c) Acromegaly in dogs. d) jury member "research award 2018". April 15th, 2018. Congresso AVULP 2018. Perugia, Italy. a) Feline hyperaldosteronism: a highly underdiagnosed disorder. b) Hypothyroidism in dogs: a diagnostic challenge. c) Feline hyperthyroidism, diagnosis and treatment. d) The diagnostic approach of polyuria/polydipsia in dogs. May 26th, 2018. Cat Welfare 2. NEO ANIMALIA. Antwerpen, Belgium. a) Diabetes mellitus bij de kat: een bitterzoet verhaal. June 8th, 2018. Utrecht Vet Event 2018. Utrecht, The Netherlands. Chair & lecturer. a) Het LAB in de DAP. Interpretatie laboratoriumuitslagen. b) Nieuws over Cushing: richtlijnen voor behandeling. June 25-30, 2018. Summer School of Veterinary Endocrinology, ESVE, Bologna, Italy. a) Principles of Endocrinology. b) Growth hormone related disorders in dogs. c) Adrenal Incidentaloma. d) Feline hyperaldosteronism. September 9th, 2018. ECVIM congress 2018; ESVE post congress day. Rotterdam, The Netherlands. a) Canine hyperadrenocorticism. June 7th, 2019. Utrecht Vet Event 2019. Utrecht, The Netherlands. a) Het LAB in de DAP 2.0. Interpretatie laboratoriumuitslagen. June 24-26th 2019. VRVC 2019, Bangkok, Thailand. a) The diagnostic approach of polyuria/polydipsia in dogs. b) Canine hypothyroidism: a diagnostic challenge. c) Primary hyperaldosteronism in cats: a highly underdiagnosed disorder. d) Diagnosis of canine Cushing’s syndrome. e) Treatment of canine Cushing’s syndrome. f) Adrenal incidentaloma in dogs. October 26-27, 2019. AniCura Feline Medicine Congress. Leiden, The Netherlands. a) Feline hyperaldosteronism b) Feline diabetes mellitus c) Polyuria and polydipsia in cats March 16, 2020-March 27, 2020. Co-organizer and lecturer ESAVS course "Internal Medicine of Companion Animals part 1". Utrecht, The Netherlands. September 18th, 2020. Vetami. Dag van de Endocrinologie. Utrecht, The Netherlands. a) Diagnostic approach of polyuria (2 lectures; 1 for veterinarians and 1 for technicians). August 25th, 2020. Society of Veterinary Endocrinology. Argentina. a) Webinar "Growth hormone disorders". October 3rd, 2020. Feline Symposium. Utrecht, The Netherlands. a) Feline diabetes mellitus. b) Feline acromegaly. November 5th, 2020. Society of Veterinary Endocrinology. Argentina. a) Webinar "Feline hyperaldosteronism". November 16 -27, 2020. Co-organizer and lecturer ESAVS course "Internal Medicine of Companion Animals part 2". Utrecht, The Netherlands. May 3-7, 2021. Co-organizer and lecturer ESAVS course "Internal Medicine of Companion Animals part 1a". Utrecht, The Netherlands. June 7-11, 2021. Co-organizer and lecturer ESAVS course "Internal Medicine of Companion Animals part 1b". Utrecht, The Netherlands September 1-4, 2021. ECVIM Congress 2021 (online). a) Hypothyroidism in dogs. September 13-15, 2021. Canine & Feline Clinical Endocrinology and Ultrasonography. Vojens, Denmark. a) Diagnosis and treatment of Cushing's syndrome in dogs. b) Primary hyperaldosteronism in cats. c) Adrenal gland incidentalomas. d) Addison´s disease. e) Canine hypothyrodism: A diagnostic challenge. f) Thyroid tumors and hyperthyroidism in cats and dogs. g) Hypo- and hyperparathyroidism. October 1-2, 2021. Eickemeyer Internistische Diff. Seminar. Germany. a) Disorders of sodium and potassium. b) Feline hyperaldosteronism. c) Addison’s disease in dogs. d) Cases. October 11-22, 2021. Co-organizer and lecturer ESAVS course "Internal Medicine of Companion Animals part 3". Utrecht, The Netherlands. November 9th, 2021. Neuroendocrinologie symposium NVE. Utrecht, The Netherlands. a) Cushing bij dieren. November 15-26, 2021. Co-organizer and lecturer ESAVS course "Internal Medicine of Companion Animals part 2. Utrecht, The Netherlands. March 14-25, 2022. Co-organizer and lecturer ESAVS course "Internal Medicine of Companion Animals part 3. Utrecht, The Netherlands. March 24th, 2022. 4th CIABEV - Brazilian Association of Veterinary Endocrinology International Congress. a) The diagnostic approach to polyuria and polydipsia in dogs. b) Acromegaly in dogs. c) Questions & Answers. March 26th, 2022. Endocrinologie Event 2022. Arnhem, The Netherlands. Chair & lecturer. a) Canine hypothyroidism b) Canine Cushing’s syndrome April 7th, 2022. Symposium (farewell Dr. Gerrit v/d Berg, UMC Groningen), Goningen, The Netherlands. a) Cushing’s syndrome due to ectopic ACTH secretion. April 21st, 2022. Voorjaarsdagen Next 2022, The Hague, The Netherlands. a) Jury member "research award 2022". May 20-21, 2022. Eickemeyer Internistische Diff. Seminar. Germany. a) Cushing’s syndrome. b) Diabetes mellitus in dogs and cats. c) Cases. June 11th, 2022. Utrecht Vet Event 2022. Utrecht, The Netherlands. Chair & lecturer. a) Het LAB in de DAP 3.0. Interpretatie laboratoriumuitslagen. July 3-10, 2022. Summer School of Veterinary Endocrinology, ESVE, Bologna, Italy. a) Principles of Endocrinology. b) Growth hormone related disorders in dogs. c) Feline hyperaldosteronism. d) Cushing’s syndrome in dogs. September 10th, 2022. Veeartsenij Festival 2022. Utrecht, The Netherlands. a) Pathogenesis and diagnosis of diabetes mellitus in cats. b) Treatment of diabetes mellitus in cats.
Numerous PAOD/PEGD/OvP/Proveto (continuous education) presentations and presentations for ESAVS (European School for Advanced Veterinary Studies).