Prof. dr. H.S. (Hans) Kooistra

Prof. dr. H.S. (Hans) Kooistra

Inwendige Geneeskunde Gezelschapsdieren
030 253 1684



Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery (Journal)Hans Kooistra (Editorial board member)
2014 → …


Endokrinologie: Herausforderung in der PraxisHans Kooistra (Invited speaker)
6 May 2010
, Seminar tijdens 8e Frankfurter Tierärztekongress
The diagnostic approach to polyuria in the dogHans Kooistra (Invited speaker)
2 May 2010
, WSAVA-FECAVA World congress
Primary hyperaldosteronism in cats – an underdiagnosed disorderHans Kooistra (Invited speaker)
2 May 2010
, WSAVA-FECAVA World congress


Clinical Endocrinology of Dogs and Cats (External organisation)Hans Kooistra (Member)
2009 → …


Endocrine diseases in companion animalsHans Kooistra (Invited speaker)
23 May 2008
, 40th International Symposium on Endocrinology and Metabolism (Paris, France)
Management of feline diabetes mellitusHans Kooistra (Invited speaker)
23 Apr 2008
, European Veterinary Conference Voorjaarsdagen 2008
Acromegaly and Cushing's syndrome in catsHans Kooistra (Invited speaker)
23 Apr 2008
, European Veterinary Conference Voorjaarsdagen


Endocrinologie: een beestenboelHans Kooistra (Invited speaker)
2 Nov 2007
, Ned Vereniging voor Endocrinologie (Rotterdam)
Hoge bloeddruk bij de katHans Kooistra (Invited speaker)
11 May 2007
, PAO-D cursusleider / docent (Utrecht)
The diagnostic approach of feline hyperaldosteronismHans Kooistra (Invited speaker)
3 May 2007
, Society of Comparative Endocrinology congress
Mammary growth hormone production and acromegaly in the dogHans Kooistra (Invited speaker)
1 Mar 2007
, SWODU Lecture, Diakonessenhuis Utrecht (Utrecht)
Domest Animal Endocrinol (External organisation)Hans Kooistra (Member)
2007 → …


The diagnostic approach of hypercortisolism in dogs and catsHans Kooistra (Invited speaker)
11 Oct 2006
, 2006 World Congress
Pitfalls in the diagnosis of hypoadrenocortism in dogsHans Kooistra (Invited speaker)
11 Oct 2006
, World Congress 2006
Hyperaldosteronusm in catsHans Kooistra (Invited speaker)
11 Oct 2006
, 2006 World Congress
Growth hormone disorders in dogsHans Kooistra (Invited speaker)
11 Oct 2006
, State of the Art Lecture, WSAVA (Praag)
Use of the cortisol/ACTH ratio anh the aldosterone/PRA ratio in diagnosis of primary hyposdrenocorticism in dogsHans Kooistra (Invited speaker)
17 Sept 2006
, Post Congress ESVE
The urinary corticoid/creatine ratioHans Kooistra (Invited speaker)
16 Sept 2006
, Post Congress ESVE
Domestic Animal Endocrinology (External organisation)Hans Kooistra (Member)
2006 → …


Diabetes mellitus.Hans Kooistra (Invited speaker)
, PAOD (Utrecht)