Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Gerits, F. (2024). Response to H-Diplo Roundtable Review of ‘Frank Gerits. The Ideological Scramble for Africa: How the Pursuit of Anticolonial Modernity Shaped a Postcolonial Order (1945–1966). Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2023. H-Diplo Roundtable review.
Gerits, F. (2024). Review of Emily Marker, Black France, White Europe. The American Historical Review, 1349.
Gerits, F. (2024). H-Diplo Roundtable Book Review of ‘Gasbarri, Flavia. US Foreign Policy and the End of the Cold War in Africa: A Bridge between Global Conflict and the New World Order, 1988-1994,London: Routledge, 2020. H-Diplo Roundtable review.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Gerits, F. (2023). Introduction to H-Diplo/RJISSF Roundtable Review of Emizet F. Kisangani and Jeffrey Pickering. African Interventions: State Militaries, Foreign Powers and Rebel Forces. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022. H-Diplo Roundtable review.
Gerits, F. (2023). The Ideological Scramble for Africa: How the Pursuit of Anticolonial Modernity shaped a Postcolonial Order, 1945-1966. Cornell University Press.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Gerits, F. (2022). Review of ‘Colonial Impotence. Virtue and Violence in a Congolese Concession (1911–1940)’. Tijdschrift Voor Geschiedenis, 135(4), 463.
Gerits, F. (2022). H-Diplo Book Review of “African Political thought: An Intellectual History of the Quest for Freedom” by Stephan Chan. H-Diplo.
Gerits, F. (2022). Introduction to H-Diplo Roundtable Review of “Postcolonial Security: Britain, France, and West Africa's Cold War” by Marco Wyss. H-Diplo Roundtable review.
Gerits, F. (2022). H-Diplo Book Review of “African Political thought: An Intellectual History of the Quest for Freedom” by Stephan Chan. Web publication/site, H-Diplo.
Gerits, F. (2022).
Review of ‘Colonial Impotence. Virtue and Violence in a Congolese Concession (1911–1940)’ by Benoît Henriet.
Tijdschrift Voor Geschiedenis,
135(4), 463-464. 2021
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Gerits, F. (2021). Review of “Veroverd bezet gekoloniseerd: Congo 1876-1914” by Mathieu Zana Etambala. BMGN - Low Countries Historical Review.
Gerits, F. (2021). H-Diplo Roundtable Review of “Cold Wars: Asia, the Midle East, Europe”. H-Diplo Roundtable review.
Gerits, F. (2021). H-Diplo Book Review of “The Blood of the Colony: Wine and the Rise and Fall of French Algeria” by Owen White. H-Diplo.
Gerits, F. (2021). H-Diplo Roundtable Review of “Cold Wars: Asia, the Middle East, Europe” by Lorenz M. Lüthi, H-Diplo Roundtable review.
Gerits, F. P. L., & Grilli, M. (Ed.) (2021).
Visions of African Unity: New Perspectives on the History of Pan-Africanism and African Unification Projects. Palgrave Macmillan. Vakpublicaties
Gerits, F. (2021). Open strategisch autonomie t.a.v. Afrika en Latijns-Amerika: Wetenschappelijke factsheet voor de Tweede Kamer van Nederland. KNAW.
Populariserende publicaties
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Gerits, F. (2020). Review of ‘Worldmaking after Empire: The Rise and Fall of Self-Determination by Getachew, Adom’. History, 105(366 ), 540.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Gerits, F. (2019). Introduction to ‘Alanna O’Malley, ‘The Diplomacy of Decolonisation: American, Britain and the United Nations during the Congo crisis 1960-1964’, Manchester University Press, 2018’. H-Diplo.
Gerits, F. P. L. (2019).
Americanising the Belgian Civilizing Mission: The Belgian Information Center in New York and the Public Diplomacy of Modernisation Projects in the Congo (1945-1961). In L. Crump, & S. Erlandsson (Eds.),
Margins for Manoeuvre in Cold War Europe: the Influence of Smaller Powers (pp. 130-146). Palgrave Macmillan. Gerits, F. P. L. (2019).
The Postcolonial Cultural Transaction: Rethinking the Guinea crisis within the French cultural strategy for Africa, 1958-60.
Cold War History,
19(4), 493-509. Gerits, F. P. L. (2019). The Reluctant Soft Power: 1989 and the European Community’s hesitant turn toward soft power in Africa (1970-1992). In E. Braat, & P. Corduwener (Eds.), 1989 and the West: Western Europe since the End of the Cold War (pp. 207-223). Routledge.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Gerits, F. P. L. (2018). Pan-African Federation. In M. Doyle (Ed.), Encyclopedia of the British Empire (Empires of the world). ABC-Clio.
Populariserende publicaties
Gillett, R. A., & Gerits, F. P. L. (2018). "What's Black Panther got to do with it?". Web publication/site
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Gerits, F. P. L. (2017).
Hungry Minds: the Eisenhower Administration and Cultural Assistance in Sub-Saharan Africa (1953-1961).
Diplomatic History,
41(3), 594-619. 2016
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Gerits, F. P. L. (2016). Review of ‘Freedom Time: Negritude, Decolonization, and the Future of the World’ by Gary Wilder. European Review of History/Revue Europeenne d'Histoire, 23(1-2), 315-316.
Gerits, F. P. L. (2016). ”Défendre l’oeuvre que nous réalisons en Afrique”: Belgian Public Diplomacy and the Global Cold War (1945-1966). Dutch Crossing, 68.
Gerits, F. P. L., Goddeeris, I., Christiaens, K., & Scott-Smith, G. (2016). The Benelux and the Cold War: Re-interpreting West-West Relations. Dutch Crossing, 40(1), 1.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Gerits, F. P. L. (2015).
‘When the Bull Elephants Fight’: Nkrumah, the Non-Aligned Movement and Pan-Africanism as an Interventionist Ideology (1957-1966).
The International History Review,
37(5), 951-969. Gerits, F. P. L., Christiaens, K., Goddeeris, I., & Scott-Smith, G. (2015). The Low Countries and Eastern Europe during the Cold War: Introduction. Dutch Crossing, 39(3), 221-231.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Gerits, F. (2014). The Ideological Scramble For Africa: The US, Ghanaian, French and British Competition for Africa’s Future, 1953-1963. [Doctoral thesis 3 (Research UU / Graduation NOT UU), European University Institute].
Gerits, F. P. L. (2014). Review of ‘Stalin's Curse: Battling for Communism in War and Cold War’ by Robert Gellately. European Review of History/Revue Europeenne d'Histoire, 21(5), 923-924.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Gerits, F. P. L. (2013). Review of ‘Interdoc. Een geheim netwerk in de Koude Oorlog’ by Giles Scott-Smith. BMGN - The Low Countries Historical Review, 128(3).
Gerits, F. P. L. (2013). Review of ‘The Shock of America: Europe and the Challenge of the Century’ by Ellwood David. European Review of History/Revue Europeenne d'Histoire, 923-924.
Gerits, F. P. L. (2013). Review of ‘Civil War and Reconstruction in Washington: Race and Radicalism’ by Robert Harrison. European Review of History/Revue Europeenne d'Histoire, 20(2), 324-326.
Gerits, F. P. L. (2013). International History at the EUI: An Interview with Federico Romero by Frank Gerits. Zeitenblicke, 12(1), Article urn:nbn:de:0009-9-36316.
Gerits, F. P. L. (2013). An International Approach to the Cultural Cold War : French Public Diplomacy towards Africa (1945-1965). Zeitenblicke, 12(1), Article urn:nbn:de:0009-9-36129.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Gerits, F. P. L. (2012). Taking Off the Soft Power Lens: The United States Information Service in Cold War Belgium (1950-1958). The Journal of Belgian History, 42(4), 10-49.
Gerits, F. P. L. (2012). Rethinking the Political Economy of Americanization: The Beginning of a Historical Critique. The Twentieth Century/Dvacátéstoleté, 2(1), 23-39.