Dr. Frank van Rijnsoever

Vening Meineszgebouw A
Princetonlaan 8a
Kamer 7.46
3584 CB Utrecht

Dr. Frank van Rijnsoever

Universitair hoofddocent
030 253 7484

Date of Birth: February 26th 1981

E-mail: f.j.vanrijnsoever@uu.nl


Work experience:

  • Assistant professor Innovation Studies, Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, Utrecht University (Since October 2009, tenured)
  • Junior Lecturer & PhD Student, Innovation Studies (0.6 Fte), Department of Innovation and Environmental Sciences, Utrecht University (October 2005 until October 2009)
  • Visiting researcher at Monash University, Department of Marketing, Melbourne (11th of November 2008 – 13th of April 2009), and short return visit in November 2009.


Selected Education & Courses:

  • Course: “Advances in Discrete Choice Models and Experimental Design for State Choice Data in Energy and Environmental Resources” Jordan Louviere (head of teaching committee), August 2011, Padua, Italy.
  • PhD at Utrecht University, Promotor; Prof Dr. Martin J. Dijst, Co-promotor: dr. C. Castaldi, Thesis title: “Consumers in Demand: The Relationship between Innovativeness and Use of Information Sources”, (dissertation date: February 26th 2010)     
  • ICPSR Summer Program 2007: “LISREL Models: General Structural Equations”, Douglas Baer, & “Complex Systems Models in the Social Sciences”, Ken Kollman & P.J. Lamberson, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA.
  • Master: Science and Innovation Management, Utrecht University (until September 1st  2005), program.


Selected publications in peer reviewed journals:

  • Van Rijnsoever, F.J., (2012). Sociology: The social sciences are already relevant. Nature 485, 309-309.
  • Van Rijnsoever, F.J., Meeus, M.T.H., Donders, A.R.T., (2012). The effects of economic status and recent experience on innovative behavior under environmental variability: an experimental approach. Research Policy, 41(5), 833-847
  • Van Rijnsoever, F. J. (2011). Two important issues when promoting healthier food. The Lancet, 377(9773), 1240.
  • Van Rijnsoever, F. J., & Hessels, L. K. (2011). Factors associated with disciplinary and interdisciplinary research collaboration. Research Policy, 40(3), 463-472.   
  • Van Rijnsoever, F. J., Hessels, L. K., & Vandeberg, R. L. J. (2008). A resource-based view on the interactions of university researchers. Research Policy, 37(8), 1255-1266.


Selected Grants:

  • “Forging collaborations between science and entrepreneurs; a tale of two populations.” (2012), NWO: Veni-grant,  Part of the Innovational Research Incentives Scheme. Replacement subsidy.
  •  “CCS Storytelling: from research results to communication practice” (2012), CATO2 (Dutch national R&D program for CO2 capture, transport and storage):  Junior researcher and material budget.
  • “Tipping points in organizational eco-systems” (2011), EU-Climate KIC, 1 PhD student (Together with prof. dr. Marko Hekkert).
  • “Project Innovatiesensor” (2011) NL Agency:  analysis of Dutch sustainable innovation subsidies.
  • “Evaluating Climate KIC incubators” (2011): evaluating the performance of the eight university incubators subsidized by the EU Climate KIC program.
  • “Developing a serious game for Innovation and Environmental Sciences” (2011), Faculty of Geosciences, Utrecht University: Internal competitive grant (see www.solartycoon.nl)
  •  “Matching supply and demand side preferences in food innovation” (2011), NWO (The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research): 2 PhD students and 0.2 FTE replacement subsidy for Frank van Rijnsoever (Together with prof. dr. Marko Hekkert and prof. dr. Ir Hans van Trijp).