Both in the Netherlands and abroad, starting in 2001 Elisabetta Manunza developed a variety of master and bachelor courses and a large number of innovative executive programmes (about 70 executive and in-company courses), teaching several aspects of European and Public Procurement Law.

In 2006 she co-founded the first Netherlands Post-Graduate School of Public Procurement Law at the VU University of Amsterdam.  

In 2012 she developed the first Netherlands Executive Interdisciplinary Programme for Public Procurement Law.

Target groups are practicing lawyers working for building and other companies involved in public procurement on the supply and demand side; law firms, judges and public buyers; the central, regional and municipal authorities, water boards and other contracting authorities, social enterprises.

She holds the Senior University Teaching Qualification (STQ, in Dutch SKO) which is in The Netherlands the highest Certification for the Academic teaching staff. Having a senior position means that, in addition to teaching responsibilities, one has a leading role in the development of the education provided. The Senior University Teaching Qualification includes at least the University Teaching Qualification requirements, as well as the provision of an educational cv to the assessment committee.

In 2021 she has been appointed as one of the two external experts to the most extensive PhD programme on sustainability and procurement worldwide: the Sapiens Network, the Innovative Training Network (ITN) financed by the EU's Horizon 2020 Marie Curie Programme.



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