
  • Knies, E. (2019), De zon- en schaduwzijde van Strategisch Human Resource Management, oratie, Utrecht: Universiteit Utrecht: Oratie Eva Knies.pdf.


  • Knies, E. (2012), Meer waarde voor en door medewerkers: een longitudinale studie naar de antecedenten en effecten van peoplemanagement, dissertatie, Utrecht: Universiteit Utrecht.


  • Steijn, B. & Knies, E. (2021), Research Handbook on HRM in the Public Sector, Edward Elgar.
  • Leisink, P., Andersen L.B., Brewer, G.A., Jacobsen, C.B. Knies, E. & Vandenabeele, W. (2021), Managing for public service performance: How people and values make a difference, Oxford University Press.


  • Van Kleeff, R., Van Harten, E.J, & Knies, E. (forthcoming), ‘Stairway to heaven or a placebo: the impact of Lean Leadership, through job demands, on hospital workers’ engagement and performance’, Leadership in Health Services.
  • Van Leeuwen, E.H., Knies, E., Van Rensen, E.L.J., Taris, T., Van den Heuvel, M., Lammers, J-W. (2023), ‘The systematic development of an online career-oriented people management training for line managers of professionals: A pilot field intervention study’, Public Personnel Management.
  • Van Kleeff, R., Van Harten, E.J., Knies, E. & Boselie, P. (2023), ‘”Lean Dancing”: How Involvement in Continuous Improvement and Lean Techniques Relate to Hospital Performance and Workers’ Wellbeing through Autonomy’, Sustainability, 15(6), 5546.
  • Van Leeuwen, E.H., Knies, E., Van Rensen, L. & Taris, T. (2022), 'Stimulating employability and job crafting behaviour of physicians: A randomized controlled trial', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19, 5666.
  • Knies, E., Borst, R.T., Leisink, P.L.M. & Farndale, E. (forthcoming), ‘The distinctiveness of public sector HRM: a four-wave trend analysis’, Human Resource Management Journal, 32 (4), 799-825.
    * Top 10% most downloaded papers in Human Resource Management Journal in the first year after publication.
  • Van Leeuwen, E., Taris, T., Van Rensen, L., Knies, E. & Lammers, J-W. (forthcoming), ‘A positive impact of the Covid-19 pandemic? A longitudinal study on the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on physicians’ work experiences and employability’, BMJ Open.
  • Penning de Vries, J. & Knies, E. (forthcoming), ‘”I expected more from you”: the effect of expectation-disconfirmation on employees’ satisfaction with supervisory support’, Review of Public Personnel Administration.
  • Borst, R.T. & Knies, E. (forthcoming), ‘Well-being of public servants under pressure: the roles of job demands and personality traits in the health-impairment process’, Review of Public Personnel Administration.
  • Van Berkel, H.H.A., Penning de Vries, J. & Knies, E. (forthcoming), ‘Managing street-level bureaucrats’ performance by promoting professional behavior through HRM’, Public Personnel Management.
  • Van Harten, E.J., De Cuyper, N., Knies, E. & Forrier, A. (2021), 'Taking the temperature of employability research: a systematic review of interrelationships across and within conceptual strands', European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 1-14.
  • Van Leeuwen, E.H., Taris, T.W., Van den Heuvel, M., Knies, E., Van Rensen, E.J. & Lammers, J-W. (forthcoming), ‘A Career Crafting Training Program: Results of an Intervention Study’, Frontiers in Psychology.
  • Van Leeuwen, E.H., Van den Heuvel, M., Knies, E. & Taris, T. (forthcoming), 'Career crafting training intervention for physicians: Protocol for a randomized controlled trial', JMIR Research Protocols.
  • Penning de Vries, J., Knies, E. & Leisink, P.L.M. (2020), 'Shared perceptions of supervisor support: What processes make supervisors and employees see eye to eye?', Review of Public Personnel Administration, 1-25.
  • Van Harten, E.J., De Cuyper, N., Guest, D.E., Fugate, M., Knies, E. & Forrier, A. (forthcoming), 'HRM and employability: Mutual gains or conflicting outcomes', International Journal of Human Resource Management.
  • Leisink, P.L.M., Knies, E. & Van Loon, N.M. (forthcoming), 'Does public service motivation matter? A study of participation in various volunteering domains', International Public Management Journal.
  • Knies, E., Boselie, P., Gould-Williams, J.S. & Vandenabeele, W.V. (2018), ‘Strategic human resource management and public sector performance: Context matters’, International Journal of Human Resource Management (introduction to special issue), 1-13.
  • Knies, E., Leisink, P.L.M. & Kraus-Hoogeveen, S. (2018), ‘Frontline managers’ contribution to mission achievement: A study of how people management affects thoughtful care’, Human Service Organizations: Management, Leadership, & Governance.
  • Knies, E., Leisink, P.L.M. & Van de Schoot, R. (2017), 'People management: developing and testing a measurement scale', International Journal of Human Resource Management, 1-33.
  • Van Harten, E.J., Knies, E. & Leisink, P.L.M. (2017), ‘Dealing with a changing work environment: hospital job type contingencies’, Journal of Health Organization and Management, 31 (6), 647-664.
  • Van Berkel, H.H.A. & Knies, E. (2017), 'The frontline delivery of activation: workers' preferences and their antecedents', European Journal of Social Work, 1-14.
  • Hartley, J., Alford, J., Knies, E. & Douglas, S. (2016), ‘Towards an empirical research agenda for public value theory’, Public Management Review, 670-685.
  • Van Loon, N.M., Leisink, P.L.M., Knies, E. & Brewer, G.A. (2016), 'Red Tape: Developing and Validating a New Job-Centered Measure', Public Administration Review, 76, 662-673.
  • Thijssen, J.G.L., Knies, E. & Leisink, P.L.M. (2016), 'Vergrijzing en loopbaanverwachting bij de politie: De betekenis van ervaringsopbouw en ontwikkelingsondersteuning', Tijdschrift voor HRM.
  • Tummers, L.G. & Knies, E. (2016), 'Measuring public leadership: Developing scales for four public leadership roles', Public Administration, 94, 433-451.
  • Van Harten, E.J., Knies, E. & Leisink, P.L.M. (2016), 'Employer's investments in hospital workers' employability and employment opportunities', Personnel Review, 45 (1), 84-102.
  • Grimmelikhuijsen, S.G. & Knies, E. (2017), 'Validating a scale for citizen trust in government organizations', International Review of Administrative Sciences.
  • Van Berkel, H.H.A. & Knies, E. (2015), ‘Performance management, caseloads and the frontline provision of social services’, Social Policy and Administration, 50 (1), 59-78.
  • De Weert, E., Knies, E. & Van Veghel, E. (2015), 'Hoe draagt peoplemanagement bij aan publieke dienstverlening van medewerkers bij de gemeente?', Tijdschrift voor HRM.
  • Weske, U., Leisink, P.L.M., & Knies, E. (2014), 'Local government austerity policies in the Netherlands: the effectiveness of social dialogue in preserving public service employment', Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research, 20 (3), 403-416.
  • Knies, E. & Leisink, P.L.M. (2014), ‘Linking people management and extra-role behaviour: results of a longitudinal study’, Human Resource Management Journal, 24 (1), 57-76.
  • Knies, E. & Leisink, P.L.M. (2014), ‘Leadership Behavior in Public Organizations: A Study of Supervisory Support by Police and Medical Center Middle Managers’, Review of Public Personnel Administration, 34, 108-127.
  • Tummers, L.G. & Knies, E. (2013), ‘Leadership and meaningful work in the public sector’, Public Administration Review, 73 (6), 859-868.
  • De Lange, W.A.M., Leisink, P.L.M. & Knies, E. (2011), 'Lerend vernieuwen in de praktijk: Fundamenteel vernieuwen van HRM-beleid bij Achmea', Tijdschrift voor HRM, 14 (3), 70-88.
  • Leisink, P.L.M. & Knies E. (2011), 'Line managers' support for older workers', International Journal of Human Resource Management, 22 (9), 1899-1914.
  • Knies, E. (2011), ‘When do supervisors support ‘tailor-made’ work arrangements?: an exploratory study’, Labour and Industry, 21 (3), 621-643.
  • Leisink, P.L.M., Knies, E. & De Lange, W.A.M. (2010), ‘Levensfasebewust diversiteitbeleid: De vernieuwing van HR-beleid bij verzekeraar Achmea’, Tijdschrift voor HRM, 13 (4), 53-85.
  • Knies, E. & Leisink, P.L.M. (2008), ‘Wie wil er (nou) voor de overheid werken?’, Bestuurswetenschappen, 62 (4), 14-35.


  • Ritz, A. & Knies, E. (2023), ‘Human resource management in public service organisations’, in: T. Bovaird & E. Loeffler (eds), Public Management and Governance, Routledge.
  • Knies, E. (2023), entries on AMO model, job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behaviour, in S. Johnstone, J.K. Rodriguez & A. Wilkinson, Encyclopedia of Human Resource Management, Edward Elgar.
  • Knies, E., Decramer, A. & Audenaert, M. (2022), ‘Line managers in the public sector’, in: K. Townsend, A. Bos-Nehles & K. Jiang (eds), Research Handbook on Line Managers, Edward Elgar, 169-183.
  • Knies, E. & Steijn, B. (2021), ‘Introduction to the Research Handbook on HRM in the public sector’, in: Steijn, B. & Knies, E. (2021), Research Handbook on HRM in the Public Sector, Edward Elgar, 1-12.
  • Steijn, B. & Knies, E. (2021), ‘HRM in the public sector: taking stock and looking ahead’, in: Steijn, B. & Knies, E. (2021), Research Handbook on HRM in the Public Sector, Edward Elgar, 390-398.
  • Leisink, P., Andersen L.B., Brewer, G.A., Jacobsen, C.B. Knies, E. & Vandenabeele, W. (2021), ‘Managing for public service performance: How people and values make a difference’, in: P. Leisink, L.B. Andersen, G.A. Brewer, C.B. Jacobsen, E. Knies & W. Vandenabeele (eds), Managing for Public Service Performance: How People and Values Make a Difference, Oxford University Press, 1-21.
  • Jacobsen, C.B. & Knies, E. (2021), ‘People management: Integrating insights from strategic Human Resource Management and leadership’, in: P. Leisink, L.B. Andersen, G.A. Brewer, C.B. Jacobsen, E. Knies & W. Vandenabeele (eds), Managing for Public Service Performance: How People and Values Make a Difference, Oxford University Press, 45-63.
  • Knies, E., Op de Beeck, S. & Hondeghem, A. (2021), ‘Antecedents of managers’ people management: Using the AMO model to explain differences in HRM implementation and leadership’, in: P. Leisink, L.B. Andersen, G.A. Brewer, C.B. Jacobsen, E. Knies & W. Vandenabeele (eds), Managing for Public Service Performance: How People and Values Make a Difference, Oxford University Press, 123-141.
  • Leisink, P., Andersen L.B., Brewer, G.A., Jacobsen, C.B. Knies, E. & Vandenabeele, W. (2021), ‘Conclusion: Directions for future research and practice’, in: P. Leisink, L.B. Andersen, G.A. Brewer, C.B. Jacobsen, E. Knies & W. Vandenabeele (eds), Managing for Public Service Performance: How People and Values Make a Difference, Oxford University Press, 297-315.
  • Leisink, P.L.M., Borst, R.T., Knies, E. & Battista, V. (2021), ‘HRM in a public sector context’, in: C.J. Brewster, E. Parry & M. Morley, Oxford Handbook of Contextual Approaches to Human Resource Management, Oxford University Press.
  • Knies, E., Leisink, P.L.M. & Kraus-Hoogeveen, S. (2019), 'Frontline managers’ contribution to mission achievement: A study of how people management affects thoughtful care', in: J.E. Mosley & S.R. Smith, Human Service Organizations and the Question of Impact, Routledge.
  • Knies, E. & Leisink, P.L.M. (forthcoming in 2017), 'People management in the public sector', in: C.J. Brewster & J.L. Cerdin, Not For The Money: People Management in Mission Driven Organizations, Palgrave/Macmillan.
  • Leisink, P.L.M. & Knies, E. (forthcoming in 2017), 'HRM and public personnel reforms in European countries', in: S. van Thiel & E. Ongaro (eds), Public Administration and Public Management in Europe', Palgrave/Macmillan.
  • Knies, E., Jacobsen, C.B. & Tummers, L.G. (2016), 'Leadership and organizational performance: state of the art and research agenda', in: J. Storey, J. Hartley, J.L. Denis, P. 't Hart & D. Ulrich (eds), The Routledge Companion to Leadership, Routledge, 404-418.
  • Knies, E. (2016), entries on 'AMO model', job satisfaction' and 'organizational citizenship behaviour', in: A. Wilkinson & S. Johnstone, Encyclopedia of Human Resource Management, Edward Elgar.
  • Knies, E., Leisink, P.L.M. & Thijssen, J.G.L. (2014), ‘The role of line managers in motivation of older workers’, in: P.M. Bal, T.A.M. Kooij & D.M. Rousseau, Aging workers and the employment relationship, Springer, 72-86.
  • Thijssen, J.G.L., Knies, E. & Leisink, P.L.M. (2014), ‘Aging as a career development challenge in organisations’, in: N. Chalofsky, T. Rocco & L. Morris, The Handbook of HRD: theory and application, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 265-280.
  • Vandenabeele, W.V., Leisink, P.L.M. & Knies, E. (2013), ‘Public value creation and strategic human resource management: Public service motivation as a linking mechanism’, in: P.L.M. Leisink, P. Boselie, M. van Bottenburg & D.M. Hosking, Managing Social Issues: A Public Values Perspective, Edward Elgar.
  • Knies, E., Leisink, P.L.M. & Boselie, P. (2012), ‘A high performance work system in a multi-stakeholder context’, in: T. Dundon & A. Wilkinson, Case studies in Global Management: Strategy, Innovation and People Management, Tilde University Press.