Dr. Eugène Loos

Universitair hoofddocent
Organisation Science



Using media literacy to fight disinformation: A mission impossible?Loos, E. (Speaker)
22 Nov 2023
, Youth Culture in a Digital World - Utrecht University course
Using media literacy to fight disinformationLoos, E. (Speaker)
8 May 2023
, REBO Skills Academy module Facts, Fake, and Fiction - Utrecht University


Using media literacy to fight disinformationLoos, E. (Speaker)
9 May 2022
, REBO Skills Academy module Facts, Fake, and Fiction


Fighting Fake News: A Generational Educational ApproachLoos, E. (Invited speaker)
10 Dec 2021
, Smart-EU final conference
Fighting Fake News: How evidence based are generational educational approaches?Loos, E. (Invited speaker)
8 Dec 2021
, Guest lecture SNSPA online international week
Fighting Fake News: A New Literacies Approach for Young PeopleLoos, E. (Invited speaker)
7 May 2021
, Guest lecture Utrecht University


Ouderen: Digitale immigranten in hun eigen dorpLoos, E. (Invited speaker)
23 Sept 2015
, De Waag Society
Key note “When old media were new: Lessons from technology generations for research on media use”, QRC conference - Bucharest, 23.09.2015Loos, E. (Invited speaker)
23 Aug 2015
, QRC conference - Bucharest


Key note “Technology generations: The use of old & new media and the (ir)relevance of age”, the international academic conference Communication and information sciences in network society: experiences and insights – II, Communication Faculty of Vilnius, 20-06-2014Loos, E. (Invited speaker)
20 Jun 2014
, International academic conference Communication and information sciences in network society: experiences and insights – II, Communication Faculty of Vilnius
Silver gaming: “Ter leering ende vermaeck”Loos, E. (Invited speaker)
8 Apr 2014
, Lezing voor regio Zuidwest ANBO


Human Computer International Conference HHCII)Loos, E. (Organiser)
21 Jul 201326 Jul 2013
Human Computer International Conference (HCII)Loos, E. (Organiser)
21 Jul 201326 Jul 2013
, Human Computer International Conference (HCII)
Key note "Towards accessible information for older inhabitants in a multimedia landscape: Debunking myths of age related communication barriers"Loos, E. (Invited speaker)
2 May 2013
Senior citizens: Digital immigrants in their own country? Debunking myths of age related information accessibility.Loos, E. (Invited speaker)
11 Apr 2013
, Invited lecture for the Mobile Communication, Economy & Society Research Program (CMES) of the IN3-UOC (Barcelona)


Informatiezoekgedrag van jongeren en ouderen: een wereld van verschil?Loos, E. (Invited speaker)
3 Nov 2012
, AUV (alunmi UvA)-dag (Amsterdam)
Workshop D 2: Communicating with senior generations, EuroPCom 2012, 3rd European Conference on Public CommunicationLoos, E. (Invited speaker)
17 Oct 2012
Van oude mensen, de dingen die niet voorbij gaan "Nieuwe media in de handen van een oude techniekgeneratie".Loos, E. (Invited speaker)
22 Jun 2012
, ANBO Max Goed Doelen Prijs (Hilversum)
Nieuwe media: van levensbelang voor de oudere werknemer?Loos, E. (Invited speaker)
18 Jan 2012
, Conferentie Verzilvering van de arbeidsmarkt: Kansen vermomd als problemen? Hogeschool Rotterdam, ANBO, KBO Zuid-Holland en PCOB. (Rotterdam)


Op zoek naar informatie op websites: een kwestie van leeftijd? [In search of information on websites: A question of age?].Loos, E. (Invited speaker)
13 Sept 2011
, Lecture given at online Tuesday (Amsterdam)
De derde levensfase: feit of fictie? [The third age: fact or fiction?].Loos, E. (Invited speaker)
15 Jan 2011
, The conference "Burgerparticipatie en Zelfontplooiing",Hogeschool Rotterdam, ANBO, KBO Zuid-Holland and PCOB
Observatorio (OBS*)Journal (Journal)Loos, E. (Editor)
Journal of Communication and Media (External organisation)Loos, E. (Member)
2011 → …
European research project “Third Age Online (TAO)Community & Collaboration” (External organisation)Loos, E. (Member)
2011 → …


Communicatietechnologie: een wondermiddel tegen eenzaamheid?Loos, E. (Keynote speaker)
24 Sept 2010
COST Action 298 (External organisation)Loos, E. (Member)
2010 → …
Alliantie Vitaal Bestuur (deelnemers: Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelatie, Ministerie van Economische Zaken, de Belastingdienst, TNO en enkele academische instituties). (External organisation)Loos, E. (Member)
2010 → …


Steering committee and chair of strand 4: “The future in young and old hands: towards an inclusive broadband society” and co-editor of the conference proceedingsLoos, E. (Organiser)
13 May 200915 May 2009
International conference: The good, the bad and the challenging. Organized by COST Action 298 “Participation in the Broadband Society”, Kopenhagen, 13-15 Mei 2009Loos, E. (Organiser)
13 May 200915 May 2009
European Cooperation in Science and Technology (External organisation)Loos, E. (Member)
2009 → …
Alliantie Vitaal Bestuur (deelnemers: Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelatie, Ministerie van Economische Zaken, de Belastingdienst, TNO en enkele academische instituties). (External organisation)Loos, E. (Member)
2009 → …


Innovatie aan het werkLoos, E. (Invited speaker)
5 Feb 2008
, Dialogic (Utrecht)
Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken (External organisation)Loos, E. (Member)
2008 → …
COST action 298 Researchprogramma Europese Unie "European Cooperation in the Field of Scientific and Technical Research" (External organisation)Loos, E. (Member)
2008 → …
COST action 298 Researchprogramma Europese Unie "European Cooperation in the Field of Scientific and Technical Research" (External organisation)Loos, E. (Member)
2008 → …
COST action 298 Researchprogramma Europese Unie "European Cooperation in the Field of Scientific and Technical Research" (External organisation)Loos, E. (Member)
2008 → …


Workshop gehouden bij Digitaal Erfgoedconferentie 2007Loos, E. (Participant)
13 Dec 2007
De kiezende burger en het nieuwe zorgstelsel.Loos, E. (Invited speaker)
27 Jun 2007
, Presentatie over resulaten van uitgevoerd onderzoek voor ambtenaren van het Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties. (Den Haag)
Observatorio (OBS*)(Journal)Loos, E. (Editor)
Conferentie the good, the bad and the unexpected. COST Action 298 (Event)Loos, E. (Member)
2007 → …
, Conferentie the good, the bad and the unexpected. COST Action 298
Alliantie Vitaal Bestuur (deelnemers: Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelatie, Ministerie van Economische Zaken, de Belastingdienst, TNO en enkele academische instituties). (External organisation)Loos, E. (Member)
2007 → …


Voorbereiding voor congres in MoskouLoos, E. (Organiser)


Teaching intercultural business communication: a narrative approachLoos, E. (Invited speaker)
26 Sept 2003
, Paper gepresenteerd op het congres "Sprache(n) in der Wissensgesellschaft" van de Gesellschaft für Angewandte Linguistik
Using ICT in Human Service Organizations: an enabling constraint? Social workers, new technology and their organizationLoos, E. (Invited speaker)
3 Sept 2003
, Paper gepresenteerd op de conferentie "The Good, the Bad and the Irrelevant: The user and the future of information and communication technologies" van de Europese Unie (COST Action 269) (Helsinki)
Metaphors they live by. Giving voice to work experiences in a network organization: a narrative approachLoos, E. (Invited speaker)
3 Jul 2003
, paper gepresenteerd op het 19e EGOS Colloquium "Organization Analysis Informing Social and Global Development" (Kopenhagen)