Dr. Eleni Braat

Internationale en Politieke Geschiedenis



Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Braat, E. (2023). Democratization of Intelligence. Demilitarizing the Greek Intelligence Service after the Junta. International Journal of Intelligence and CounterIntelligence. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1080/08850607.2023.2261824
Braat, E. (Author), & Drahmann, A. (Author). (2023). Het Spel & De Macht: Hoe Transparant is Onze ("Nieuwe") Bestuurscultuur?. Digital or Visual Products, Montesquieu Instituut. https://podcasts.apple.com/nl/podcast/het-spel-de-macht/id1550596333?i=1000609575947
Braat, E., & de Jong, B. (2023). Between a Rock and a Hard Place: The Precarious State of a Double Agent during the Cold War. International Journal of Intelligence and CounterIntelligence, 36(1), 78-108. https://doi.org/10.1080/08850607.2022.2088951

Populariserende publicaties

Braat, E., & Hekimoglou, A. (2023). Ένα πρώτο θετικό βήμα για την ΕΥΠ. Καθημερινή, 35. https://kathimerini.pressreader.com/article/282175065881817


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Braat, E. (2022). Review of Paul Genoni and Tanya Dalziell, Half the Perfect World: Writers, Dreamers and Drifters on Hydra, 1955-1964. Historein/Ιστορείν, 20(2). https://doi.org/10.12681/historein.25241
Braat, E. (2022). The Construction of Secret Intelligence as a Masculine Profession. International Journal of Intelligence and CounterIntelligence, 35(4), 694-712. https://doi.org/10.1080/08850607.2022.2055429


Braat, E. (2022). Wat doet de geheim agent eigenlijk in deze oorlog? De Hofvijver : Nieuwsbrief Montesquieu-instituut, 12(129). https://www.montesquieu-instituut.nl/9353000/1/j9vvj72dlowskug/vlriecuylbw9

Populariserende publicaties

Braat, E. (Author). (2022). Διαφάνεια για το παρελθόν της ΕΥΠ. Web publication/site, Καθημερινή/Kathimerini. https://www.kathimerini.gr/politics/562036987/arthro-tis-e-mpraat-stin-k-diafaneia-gia-to-parelthon-tis-eyp/
Braat, E. (Author), & de Jong, B. (Author). (2022). Revealed: untold story of the CIA/Stasi double agent abandoned after 22 years of service. Web publication/site, The Conversation. https://theconversation.com/revealed-untold-story-of-the-cia-stasi-double-agent-abandoned-after-22-years-of-service-174668
Braat, E., & de Jong, B. (2022). The inside story of the Cold War double agent who says he was abandoned after decades of service. The Independent. https://www.independent.co.uk/independentpremium/long-reads/stasi-cia-us-east-germany-b2133039.html#comments-area
Braat, E. (Author). (2022). The Greek National Intelligence Service and the Long Shadow of Authoritarianism - podcast. Digital or Visual Products https://movement.radio/show/the-archipelago-feat-eleni-braat-the-greek-national-intelligence-service-and-the-long-shadow-of-authoritarianism-2022-06-25
Braat, E. (Author), de Jong, B. (Author), & Ware, G. (Other). (2022). The Cold War double agent abandoned by the spy agencies he risked his life for - podcast. Digital or Visual Products, The Conversation. https://theconversation.com/the-cold-war-double-agent-abandoned-by-the-spy-agencies-he-risked-his-life-for-podcast-186077


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Braat, E. (2021). Κρατικά απόρρητα και το επάγγελμα του ιστορικού: Τρεις προσεγγίσεις πρόσβασης σε απόρρητα κρατικά αρχεία. In P. Kimourtzis, A. Mandylara, & N. Boubaris (Eds.), Ιστορία. Μια καλή τέχνη. (pp. 39-52). Asini.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Braat, E. C. (2020). Self-reinforcing Secrecy: Cultures of Secrecy within Intelligence Agencies. In D. Mokrosinska (Ed.), Transparency and Secrecy in European Democracies: Contested Trade-offs (1 ed., pp. 118-134). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9780429026003-9
Braat, E. C. (2020). Mobilizing Internationalism: The Dutch League of Nations Union (1919-1932). In K. Christiaens, J. Nieuwenhuys, & C. Roemer (Eds.), International Solidarity in the Low Countries during the Twentieth Century: New Perspectives and Themes (pp. 49-72). De Gruyter Oldenbourg. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110639346-003


Braat, E. C., & de Jong, B. (2020, Feb 26). CIA en Crypto AG herschrijven de geschiedenis. Clingendael Spectator. https://spectator.clingendael.org/nl/publicatie/cia-en-crypto-ag-herschrijven-de-geschiedenis


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Braat, E. C., & Corduwener, P. (2019, Jul 3). 1989: het einde of de versnelling van de geschiedenis? (6 ed.) Clingendael Spectator. https://spectator.clingendael.org/nl/dossier/30-jaar-na-de-val-van-de-muur-de-erfenis?p=1
Braat, E. C., & Corduwener, P. (2019). Introduction: 1989 and the West. Revisiting the Cold War Victory Narrative. In E. Braat, & P. Corduwener (Eds.), 1989 and the West. Western Europe since the End of the Cold War (pp. 1-12). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315146355-1
Braat, E., & Corduwener, P. (Ed.) (2019). 1989 and the West: Western Europe since the End of the Cold War. (Routledge studies in modern European history). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315146355


Braat, E. C., & Corduwener, P. (Eds.) (2019, Oct 31). 30 Jaar na de Val van de Muur: de Erfenis. (6 ed.) Clingendael Spectator. https://spectator.clingendael.org/nl/dossier/30-jaar-na-de-val-van-de-muur-de-erfenis


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Braat, E. C. (2018). Loyalty and Secret Intelligence: Anglo-Dutch Cooperation during World War II. Politics and Governance, 6(4), 159-167. https://doi.org/10.17645/pag.v6i4.1556
Braat, E. C. (2018). In voor- en tegenspoed: Het huwelijk tussen parlement en inlichtingen- en veiligheidsdienst. Justitiële Verkenningen, 44(maart), 33-48. http://www.wodc.nl/onderzoeksdatabase/jv201801-geheime-diensten-en-de-democratische-rechtsstaat.aspx
Braat, E. C. (2018). Naar een verdere professionalisering van de Nederlandse inlichtingengeschiedenis’: Recensie van Constant Hijzen, Vijandbeelden. De Veiligheidsdiensten en de Democratie, 1912-1992 (Boom 2016). Tijdschrift Voor Geschiedenis, 131(1), 189-190.

Populariserende publicaties

Braat, E. C. (2018). Tegen de WIV 2017: maar waartegen eigenlijk? iBestuur Magazine. https://ibestuur.nl/podium/tegen-de-wiv-2017-maar-waartegen-eigenlijk


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Baudet, F., Braat, E. C., van Woensel, J., & Wever, A. (2017). Military Intelligence: From Telling Truth to Power to Bewilderment. In F. Baudet, E. Braat, J. van Woensel, & A. Wever (Eds.), Perspectives on Military Intelligence from the First World War to Mali: Between Learning and Law (pp. 1-22). T.M.C. Asser Press. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-6265-183-8_1
Braat, E. C., & Baudet, F. (2017). Intelligence Accountability in a Globalizing World: Towards an Instrument of Measuring Effectiveness. In F. Baudet, E. Braat, J. van Woensel, & A. Wever (Eds.), Perspectives on Military Intelligence from the First World War to Mali: Between Learning and Law (pp. 221-242). T.M.C. Asser Press. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-6265-183-8_10
Baudet, F., Braat, E. C., van Woensel, J., & Wever, A. (Eds.) (2017). Perspectives on Military Intelligence from the First World War to Mali: Between Learning and Law. T.M.C. Asser Press. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-6265-183-8

Populariserende publicaties

Braat, E. C. (Author), & Hijzen, C. (Author). (2017). Trump blaast CIA op. Web publication/site, Stuk Rood Vlees. http://stukroodvlees.nl/trump-blaast-cia-op/
Braat, E. C. (Author), & Hijzen, C. (Author). (2017). Trump Blaast CIA Op. Web publication/site http://stukroodvlees.nl/trump-blaast-cia-op/
Braat, E. C. (2017). Val Geheime Diensten Niet Af. Nederlands Dagblad, 12-13.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Braat, E. C. (2016). Dutch Intelligence and Security Services. In P. C. Oleson (Ed.), AFIO's Guide to the Study of Intelligence (pp. 661-670). Association of Former Intelligence Officers. https://www.afio.com/40_guide.htm
Braat, E. C. (2016). Fur die politische Normalisierung von Geheimdienstarbeit. In M. Pahl, G. Pieken, & M. Rogg (Eds.), Achtung Spione!: Geheimdienste in Deutschland von 1945 bis 1956 (Vol. 2, pp. 389-407). Sandstein Verlag.
Braat, E. C. (2016). Recurring tensions between secrecy and democracy: Arguments on the Security Service in Dutch parliament, 1975-1995. Intelligence and National Security, 31(4), 532-555. https://doi.org/10.1080/02684527.2015.1048991

Populariserende publicaties

Braat, E. C. (Author), Hijzen, C. (Author), & Wiebes, C. (Author). (2016). Schoothond of waakhond: De parlementaire controle op geheime diensten in Nederland. Web publication/site, Stuk Rood Vlees. http://stukroodvlees.nl/schoothond-of-waakhond-de-parlementaire-controle-op-geheime-diensten-in-nederland/
Braat, E. C., Hijzen, C. W., & Wiebes, C. (2016). Hervorm de Commissie Inlichtingen. De Volkskrant [online]. http://www.volkskrant.nl/opinie/-hervorm-de-commissie-inlichtingen~a4224429/


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Braat, E. C. (2015). Review Alexis Rappas 'Cyprus in the 1930s'. Historein/Ιστορείν, 15(1), 167-170. https://doi.org/10.12681/historein.304
Braat, E. C. (2015). Guide to the Study of Intelligence: Dutch Intelligence and Security Services. The Intelligencer. Journal of US Intelligence Studies, 21(2), 41-46.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Braat, E. C. (2013). The Dutch East Indies and the Netherlands in the international disarmament debate of the 1920s: Why the colonies were of secondary interest. In State, economy, society (19th-20th centuries). Essays in honor of emeritus professor George B. Dertilis. : Κράτος, οικονομία, κοινωνία (19ος-20ος αιώνας) Metaichmio Publications.



Braat, E. C. (2012). Van oude jongens, de dingen die voorbij gaan ... Een sociale geschiedenis van de Binnenlandse Veiligheidsdienst, 1945-1998. Zalsman.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Braat, E. C. (2011). Dutch neutrality in the Pacific: a dead letter: A perspective from the international disarmament debate, 1921-1931. South East Asia Research, 19(1), 107-124.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Braat, E. C. (2008). Le pacifisme confessionel face au désarmement dans les Pays-Bas, 1925-1933. In J-P. Cahn, F. Knopper, & A-M. Saint-Gille (Eds.), De la guerre juste à la paix juste. Aspects confessionnels de la construction de la paix dans l'espace franco-allemand (XVIe-XXe siècle) Presses universitaires du Septentrion.