Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Lange, C. (2025). De soenna van Mohammed. De ontwikkeling van de soenna. In J. Wagemakers (Ed.), Inleiding tot de islam: Een levende traditie (pp. 101-107). Amsterdam University Press - Amsterdam Academic Archive.
Lange, C. (2025). De sharia. Ontstaan en premoderne ontwikkeling. In J. Wagemakers (Ed.), Inleiding tot de islam: Een levende traditie (pp. 121-126). Amsterdam University Press - Amsterdam Academic Archive.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Lange, C. (2024).
The Day of Surplus: On the market, in paradise. In F. Gauthier, & B. Krawietz (Eds.),
The Routledge Handbook of Global Islam and Consumer Culture (pp. 87-97). Routledge. 2023
Populariserende publicaties
Lange, C. (2023). Rumi over het transformeren van de zintuigen. ZemZem: Tijdschrift over het Midden-Oosten, Noord-Afrika en islam, 2023(2), 18-25.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Lange, C. (2022).
Op zoek naar relieken van de Profeet: Recensie van De tand van de Profeet (R. van Lanschot, 2022).
ZemZem: Tijdschrift over het Midden-Oosten, Noord-Afrika en islam,
18(2), 95-98. Lange, C., & Knysh, A. (Eds.) (2022). Sufi Cosmology. (Handbook of Sufi Studies; Vol. 154/2). Brill.
Lange, C., Fudge, B., GhaneaBassiri, K., & Bowen Savant, S. (Eds.) (2022).
Non Sola Scriptura: Essays on the Qurʾan and Islam in Honour of William A. Graham. (1 ed.) (Routledge Studies in the Qurʾān). Routledge. Lange, C. (2022). The death of Dargazini. In M. Gibson (Ed.), Fruit of Knowledge, Wheel of Learning (Vol I): Essays in Honour of Professor Carole Hillenbrand (pp. 90-106). Gingko Library.
Lange, C. (2021).
Wieser, Veronika / Eltschinger, Vincent / Heiss, Johann (Hg.): Cultures of Eschatology. Volume 1: Empires and Scriptural Authorities in Medieval Christian, Islamic and Buddhist Communities. Volume 2: Time, Death and Afterlife in Medieval Christian, Islamic and Buddhist Communities. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter/Oldenbourg 2020. XVIII/XII, 834 S. m. Abb. 8° = Kulturgeschichte der Apokalypse 3. Hartbd. € 149,95. ISBN 978-3-11-069031-6. Orientalistische Literaturzeitung,
116(3), 237-239. Lange, C., Abdul Latif, M., Celik, Y., Lyklema, M., Van Kuppevelt, D., & Van der Zwaan, J. (2021).
Text mining Islamic law.
Islamic Law and Society,
28(3), 234-281 . Jaski, B., Lange, C., Pytlowany, A., & van Rinsum, H. (Eds.) (2021).
The Orient in Utrecht: Adriaan Reland (1676-1718), Arabist, Cartographer, Antiquarian and Scholar of Comparative Religion. (The History of Oriental Studies; Vol. 10). Brill. Lange, C., Jaski, B., van Rinsum, H., & Pytlowany, A. (2021).
Introduction Adriaan Reland (1676–1718): Early Modern Humanist, Philologist and Scholar of Comparative Religion. In B. Jaski, C. Lange, A. Pytlowany, & H. J. V. Rinsum (Eds.),
The Orient in Utrecht: Adriaan Reland (1676-1718), Arabist, Cartographer, Antiquarian and Scholar of Comparative Religion (pp. 1-13). (The History of Oriental Studies; Vol. 10). Brill. Lange, C. R., Lyklema, A. M., Van der Zwaan, J., Van Kuppevelt, D.
, & Abdul Latif, M. (2021).
Are you sure your tool does what it is supposed to do? Validating Arabic root extraction.
Digital Scholarship in the Humanities,
36(Supplement_1), 137-150. Populariserende publicaties
Lange, C. (2021). Dante en het islamitisch paradijs. Armada : tijdschrift voor wereldliteratuur, 20(7), 12-13.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Lange, C., Abdul Latif, M., Van der Zwaan, J., Van Kuppevelt, D.
, & Lyklema, M. (2020).
Arabic BlackLab: An Online Text Mining Tool for Islamic Law. Data set/Database 2019
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Populariserende publicaties
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Lange, C. R. (2018). Islamisches Recht und öffentliches Recht in der Spätzeit des Kalifats (5.-7./11.-13. Jhd.). In C. Lange, W. Müller, & C. Neumann (Eds.), Islamische und westliche Jurisprudenz des Mittelalters im Vergleich (pp. 105-120). Mohr Siebeck.
Lange, C. R. . E., Müller, W., & Neumann, C. (Eds.) (2018). Islamische und westliche Jurisprudenz des Mittelalters im Vergleich. Mohr Siebeck.
Lange, C. R. (2018). Was there an Islamic intellectual revival (nahda) in the 17th and 18th centuries? A review essay. In A. Al Salimi, & R. Eisener (Eds.), Oman, Ibadism and Modernity (pp. 15-24). Georg Olms Verlag.
Lange, C. R., & van Lit, L. W. C. (2018). Constructing a world of its own: A translation of the chapter on the world of image from Shahrazuri's Rasa'il al-shajara al-ilahiyya. In A. Gheissari, J. Walbridge, & A. Alwishah (Eds.), Illuminationist texts and textual studies: Essays in memory of Hossein Ziai (pp. 160-178). (Iran Studies; Vol. 16). Brill.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Lange, C. R. (2017). The Judge and the judge: The Heavenly and the Earthly Court of Justice in Early Islam. In I. A. Rabb, & A. Krasner Balbale (Eds.), Justice and Leadership in Early Islamic Courts (pp. 91-108). (Harvard Series in Islamic Law, VII). Harvard University Press.
Lange, C. R. (2017). Mohammed. Perspectieven op de Profeet. Amsterdam University Press.
Lange, C. R. (2017). Immolation. In G. Krämer, D. Matringe, J. Nawas, E. Rowson, & K. Fleet (Eds.), Encyclopaedia of Islam, THREE (pp. 149-152). Brill.
Lange, C. R. (2017). Religious Studies and the Study of Islam: Mutual Misperceptions, Shared Promises. Nederlands theologisch tijdschrift, 71(1), 31-43.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Lange, C. R. (2016). The 'Eight Gates of Paradise' Tradition in Islam: A Genealogical and Structural Study. In S. Günther, & T. Lawson (Eds.), Roads to Paradise: Eschatology and Concepts of the Hereafter in Islam (pp. 341-370). Brill.
Lange, C. R. (2016). Paradise and the Islamic Religious Imagination. In A. Scafi, & C. Burnett (Eds.), The Cosmography of Paradise: The Other World from Ancient Mesopotamia to Medieval Europe (pp. 211-225). The Warburg Institute - Nino Aragno Editore.
Lange, C. R. (2016). Contemporary Salafi Literature on Paradise and Hell: The Case of 'Umar Sulayman al-Ashqar (d. 2012). In E. Kendall, & A. Khan (Eds.), Reclaiming Islamic Tradition: Modern Readings of the Classical Heritage (pp. 247-262). Edinburgh University Press.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Populariserende publicaties
Lange, C. R. (2015).
Eenduidig of meerduidig? Waarom het moeizaam is om de koran te lezen. In J. Wagemakers, & M. de Koning (Eds.),
Islam in verandering. Vroomheid en vertier onder moslims binnen en buiten Nederland (pp. 67-73). Parthenon. Lange, C. R. (2015).
Website column: Kan je als geesteswetenschapper beter in het buitenland zitten?. Web publication/site Lange, C. R. (2015).
Het hiernamaals is nu: hemel en hel in de islam” (documentary [4:03 min.] produced with FastFacts for De Jonge Academie, September 2015. Digital or Visual Products, De Jonge Akademie. 2014
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Lange, C. R. (2014). Sins, Expiation and Non-Rationality in Hanafī and Shafi'i Fiqh. In A. K. Reinhart, & R. Gleave (Eds.), Islamic Law in Theory: Studies on Jurisprudence in Honour of Bernard Weiss (pp. 143-175). (Studies in Islamic Law and Society; Vol. 37). Brill.
Lange, C. R. (2014). Public Order. In P. Bearman, & R. Peters (Eds.), The Ashgate Research Companion to Islamic Law (pp. 163-177). Ashgate.
Lange, C. R. (2014). A Sufi’s Paradise and Hell: Aziz-i Nasafi’s (fl. mid-7th/13th c.) Epistle on the Otherworld. In A. Korangy, & D. Sheffield (Eds.), No tapping around philology: a festschrift in honor of Wheeler McIntosh Thackston Jr.'s 70th birthday (pp. 193-214). Harrassowitz.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Lange, C. R. (2013). Ibn Hazm on Sins and Salvation. In S. Schmidtke, & C. Adang (Eds.), Ibn Hazm Handbook (pp. 429-453). Brill.
Lange, C. R. (2013). Vom Recht sich zu verhüllen. Dimensionen der Privatsphäre im muslimischen fiqh. In Peter Scholz, Christine Langenfeld, Jens Scheiner, & Naseef Naeem (Eds.), Jahrbuch für Verfassung, Recht und Staat im islamischen Kontext (pp. 35-52). Nomos.
Lange, C. R. (2013). Privacy. In Gerhard Böwering et al. (Ed.), The Encyclopedia of Islamic Political Thought (pp. 430a-431a). Princeton University Press.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Lange, C. R. (2011). Expiation. In G. Krämer, D. Matringe, J. Nawas, & E. Rowson (Eds.), Encyclopaedia of Islam Three (pp. 138a-143b). Brill.
Lange, C. R. (2011). Islamische Höllenvorstellungen: Genese – Struktur – Funktion. In E. Hornung, & A. Schweizer (Eds.), Jenseitsfahrten: Beiträge der Eranos Tagungen 2009 und 2010 (pp. 153-193).
Lange, C. R. (2011). Barzakh. In G. Krämer, D. Matringe, J. Nawas, & E. Rowson (Eds.), Encyclopaedia of Islam Three (pp. 67b-70a). Brill.
Lange, C. R. (2011). Capital punishment. In G. Krämer, D. Matringe, J. Nawas, & E. Rowson (Eds.), Encyclopaedia of Islam Three (pp. 104a-110b). Brill.
Lange, C. R. . E. (Ed.), & Mecit, S. (2011). The Seljuqs: Politics, Society and Culture. Edinburgh University Press.
Lange, C. R. (2011). Sitting by the Ruler’s Throne: al-Ghazālī on Justice and Mercy in this World and the Next. In D. Serrano (Ed.), Narrar y suscitar: violencia, compasión y crueldad en la literatura árabo-islámica (pp. 131-148). CSIC.
Lange, C. R. (2011). Changes of Hisba ander the Seljuqs. In C. Lange, & S. Mecit (Eds.), The Seljuqs: Politics, Society and Culture (pp. 157-181). Edinburgh University Press.
Lange, C. R. (2011). Introduction. In C. R. Lange (Ed.), The Seljuqs: Politics, Society and Culture (pp. 1-9). Edinburgh University Press.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Lange, C. R. (2010). Hell (Jahannam, nar, sa'ir, saqar, Zaqqum). In G. Krämer, D. Matringe, J. Nawas, & E. Rowson (Eds.), Encyclopaedia of Islam Three (pp. 143a-149b). Brill.
Lange, C. R. (2010). Hisba and the Problem of Overlapping Jurisdictions: An Introduction to, and Translation of, the Hisba Diplomas in Qalqashandi's Subh al-a'sha. In G. Picken (Ed.), Critical Concepts in Islamic Studies: Islamic Law: Volume III: Consolidation and 'Stagnation' (pp. 320-341). Routledge.
Lange, C. R. (2010). Crime and Punishment in Islamic History (Early to Middle Period): A Framework for Analysis. Religion Compass, 4(11), 694-706.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Lange, C. R., & Fierro, M. (2009). Public Violence in Islamic Societies: Power, Discipline and the Construction of the Public Sphere, 7th-19th Centuries. Edinburgh University Press.
Lange, C. R. (2009). Where on Earth is Hell? State Punishment and Eschatology in the Islamic Middle Period. In C. Lange, & M. Fierro (Eds.), Public Violence in Islamic Societies (pp. 156-178). Edinburgh University Press.
Lange, C. R. (2009). Bis ans Ende der Welt: Die Lebensquellsage aus dem Alexanderbuch (=Sharafnāmeh) des Niẓāmī Ganjawī (gest. um 1200). In L. Korn, E. Orthmann, & F. Schwarz (Eds.), Die Grenzen der Welt: Arabica et Iranica ad honorem Heinz Gaube (pp. 19-23). Reichert Verlag.
Lange, C. R., & Fierro, M. (2009). Spatial, Ritual and Representational Aspects of Public Violence in Islamic Societies (1st—19th Centuries CE). In M. Fierro, & C. Lange (Eds.), Public Violence in Islamic Societies (pp. 1-23). Edinburgh University Press.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Lange, C. R. (2008). Justice, Punishment and the Medieval Muslim Imagination. Cambridge University Press.
Lange, C. R. (2008).
Analogien and ihre Grenzen: Zum Begriff der muqaddarat in der hanafitischen and shafi'itischen Rechtsschule. In R. Brunner (Ed.),
Orientalistik im 21. Jahrhandert: Welche Vergangenheit, welche Zukunft? (XXX. Deutscher Orientalistentag, Freiburg, 24.-28. September 2007) (pp. 1-12). Populariserende publicaties
Lange, C. R. (2008). Der geheime Name Gottes. Zabern.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Lange, C. R. (2007). Legal and Cultural Dimensions of Ignominious Parading (Tashhir) in Islam. Islamic Law and Society, 14(1), 81-108.
Lange, C. R. (2007). 'On That Day When Faces Will Be Black’ (Q3:106): Toward a Semiology of the Human Face in the Arabo-Islamic Tradition. Journal of the American Oriental Society, 127(4), 429-446.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Lange, C. R. (2006). Hisba and the Problem of Overlapping Jurisdictions: An Introduction to, and Translation of, the Hisba Diplomas in Qalqashandī’s Subh al-a'sha. Harvard Middle Eastern and Islamic Review, 6, 85-107.
Populariserende publicaties
Lange, C. R. (2005). Einmal Islam und zurück: Ein westöstliches Tagebuch. Kadmos Kulturverlag.