
  • C. RYNGAERT, Selfless Intervention. The Exercise of Jurisdiction in the Common Interest, Oxford University Press, 2020
  • C. RYNGAERT, Jurisdiction in International Law, Oxford University Press, 2nd ed. 2015
  • C. RYNGAERT, "Accountability for Corporate Human Rights Abuses - Lessons from the Possible Exercise of Dutch National Criminal Jurisdiction over Multinational Corporations", 29 Criminal Law Forum 1-24 (2017)
  • C. RYNGAERT, "Embassy bank accounts and State immunity from execution - Doing justice to the financial interests of creditors", 26 Leiden Journal of International Law 73-88 (2013)
  • C. RYNGAERT, “Litigating Abuses Committed by Private Military Companies”, 19 European Journal of International Law 1035-1053 (2008) 



Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Azeredo da Silveira, M., & Ryngaert, C. (2024). The impact of extraterritorial and secondary sanctions on contractual obligations. In T. Ruys, C. Ryngaert, & F. Rodriguez Silvestre (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Secondary Sanctions and International Law (pp. 362-404). Cambridge University Press.
Ryngaert, C. (2024). HR 17 mei 2024, 23/01711. Staatsimmuniteit - geschil over beëindiging arbeidsovereenkomst werkneemster ambassade. Nederlandse jurisprudentie, 2023(24), Article 204.
Ryngaert, C., & Lossmann, K. (2024). Persona non grata declarations under international diplomatic law. Ars Aequi, 843-851.
Ryngaert, C. (2024). The Netherlands and International Law. In The Oxford Handbook of International Law in Europe Oxford University Press.
Ruys, T., Ryngaert, C., & Rodriguez Silvestre, F. (Eds.) (2024). The Cambridge Handbook on Secondary Sanctions and International Law. Cambridge University Press.
Ryngaert, C. (2024). Nexus and International Tax Jurisdiction. Cahiers de droit fiscal international, 108, 103-120.
Ryngaert, C., (2024). Aydin Sefa Akay t. Turkije (EHRM, 59/17) – Immuniteit van internationale rechters in het licht van art. 5 EVRM, (EHRC Updates).
Ryngaert, C., & Jaarsma, M. (2024). ESG and international criminal liability. In T. Kuntz (Ed.), Research Handbook on Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (pp. 359–376). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Ryngaert, C., Ruys, T., & Rodriguez Silvestre, F. (2024). De EU en secundaire economische sancties. SEW, tijdschrift voor Europees en economisch recht, 2024(1), 2-11.
Pasquet, L., & Ryngaert, C. (2024). Privileges and Immunities of International Courts and Tribunals. In The Max Planck Encyclopedias of International Law Oxford University Press.
de Hemptinne, J., Peters, A., Prosperi, L., Ryngaert, C., van Steenberghe, R., & van Uhm, D. (2024). Inputs on the public consultation of the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court regarding accountability for environmental crimes under the Rome Statute. Utrecht University.
CAVV (2024). De consequenties op de lange termijn van het oprichten van een alternatief tribunaal om de misdaad van agressie te berechten en andere mogelijkheden om de Russische president Poetin te berechten: Advies nr. 45.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Trevisanut, S., Kanetake, M., & Ryngaert, C. (2023). The In/Ex-clusiveness of International Law: Some Remarks on the 17th Annual Conference of the European Society of International Law by the Local Organizers. European Journal of International Law, 34(1), 221-224.
Ryngaert, C. (2023). Enforcement Jurisdiction in A-territorial Spaces: Addressing Crime on the High Seas and in Cyberspace. In M. Ó Floinn, L. Farmer, J. Hörnle, & D. Ormerod (Eds.), Transformations in Criminal Jurisdiction: Extraterritoriality and Enforcement (1 ed., pp. 167-190). Hart Publishing.
Parrish, A., & Ryngaert, C. (2023). Introduction to the Research Handbook on Extraterritoriality in International Law. In A. Parrish, & C. Ryngaert (Eds.), Research Handbook on Extraterritoriality in International Law (pp. 1-11). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Parrish, A., & Ryngaert, C. (Eds.) (2023). Research Handbook on Extraterritoriality in International Law. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Ryngaert, C. (2023). International jurisdiction law. In A. Parrish, & C. Ryngaert (Eds.), Research Handbook on Extraterritoriality in International Law (pp. 13-30). (Research Handbooks in International Law series). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Ryngaert, C. (2023). Objective Regime. In Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law Oxford University Press.
van Alebeek, R., van den Herik, L., & Ryngaert, C. (2023). Prosecuting Russian Officials for the Crime of Aggression: What About Immunities? European Convention on Human Rights Law Review, 4(2), 115-132.
Ryngaert, C. (2023). Extraterritorial Enforcement Jurisdiction in Cyberspace: Normative Shifts. German Law Journal, 24(Special Issue 3), 537-550.
Ryngaert, C. (2023). Interpreting an unsatisfactory EU Blocking Statute: Bank Melli Iran. Common Market Law Review, 60(2), 517-532.
van Uhm, D., & Ryngaert, C. (2023). Criminalising ecocide. In M. J. J. P. Luchtman (Ed.), Of swords and shields: due process and crime control in times of globalization: Liber amicorum prof. dr. J.A.E. Vervaele (1 ed., pp. 261-269). Eleven.
Ryngaert, C. (2023). How, and to What Extent, Should the ICC’s Office of the Prosecutor Engage With National Authorities Exercising Universal Jurisdiction?. Web publication/site, ICC Forum.
Ryngaert, C., (2023). SBK/Fortenova (EU-sancties): annotatie bij ECLI:NL:RBAMS:2022:5466 en ECLI:NL:GHAMS:2022:3691, No. JOR 2023/94


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Pasquet, L., & Ryngaert, C. (2022). The Immunity of the Holy See. Italian Law Journal, 8(2), 837-855.
Ryngaert, C. (2022). Human security and non-state actors. In G. Oberleitner (Ed.), Research Handbook on International Law and Human Security (pp. 74-89). (Research Handbooks in International Law). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Ryngaert, C. (2022). De internationale rechtmatigheid van EU-handelsbetrekkingen met bezette gebieden. SEW, tijdschrift voor Europees en economisch recht, 2022(7/8), 351-361.
Over de Linden, H., & Ryngaert, C. (2022). Confiscatie van Russische eigendommen met het oog op de wederopbouw van Oekraïne: juridische mogelijkheden. Overheid en Aansprakelijkheid, 2022(2), 43-52. Article 26.
Ryngaert, C. (2022). Customary International Law Interpretation: The Role of Domestic Courts. In P. Merkouris, J. Kammerhofer, & N. Arajärvi (Eds.), The Theory, Practice, and Interpretation of Customary International Law (pp. 481-506). Cambridge University Press.
Istrefi, K., & Ryngaert, C. (2022). Makuchyan and Minasyan v Azerbaijan and Hungary: Novel Questions of State Responsibility, Presidential Pardon, and Due Diligence of Sentencing Transfer Meet in a Rare Case of the Right to Life. European Convention on Human Rights Law Review, 3(2), 263-278.
Ryngaert, C. (2022). National Jurisdiction and International Law. International and Comparative Law Research Centre.


Ryngaert, C. (2022). Towards an International Anti-Corruption Court?
Ryngaert, C. (2022). Westfa-Chin v Verenigde Staten van Amerika (immuniteit van jurisdictie). Nederlandse jurisprudentie, 41(NJ 2022/292).
Ryngaert, C. (2022). EU sanctions against Russia: does the duty to freeze assets of listed persons also extend to their voting rights in corporations?. Web publication/site, RENFORCE Blog.
Ryngaert, C. (2022). Jurisdiction of States. In Elgar Encyclopedia of Human Rights (pp. 357-363). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Ryngaert, C., & van Mierlo, A. I. M. (2022). annotatie HR 5 november 2021, 20/01595 (Yukos). Nederlandse jurisprudentie, 2022(13), 1849-1992. Article 102.
Ryngaert, C., (2022). J.C. e.a. t. België (EHRM, 11625/17) – De immuniteit van de Heilige Stoel in zaken van seksueel misbruik
Ryngaert, C. (2022). Article 59 - Arrest proceedings in the custodial State. In K. Ambos (Ed.), Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: Article by Article Commentary (4 ed., pp. 1732-1746). C.H. Beck.
Ryngaert, C. (2022). Article 58 - Issuance by the Pre-Trial Chamber ofa warrant of arrest or a summons to appear. In K. Ambos (Ed.), Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: Article by Article Commentary (4 ed., pp. 1710-1729). C.H. Beck.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Ryngaert, C. (2021). The Restatement and the Law of Jurisdiction: A Commentary. European Journal of International Law, 32(4), 1455–1469.
Ryngaert, C. (2021). De impact van Amerikaanse economische sancties op het Nederlandse contractenrecht - Tussen hamer en aambeeld. In E. de Jong, L. Dalhuisen, T. Bouwman, & I. Giesen (Eds.), Opvattingen Onderzoeken : Een verkennend juridisch-empirisch onderzoek naar het gebruik van maatschappelijke opvattingen in de Nederlandse rechtspraak. (pp. 87-114). Boom Uitgevers.
Haijer, F., & Ryngaert, C. (2021). Prosecuting Foreign Corrupt Practices: Is Extraterritoriality a Tool to Protect Community Interests? In G. Zyberi (Ed.), Protecting Community Interests Through International Law (pp. 163-184). Intersentia.
Ryngaert, C. (2021). Non-state armed groups and international humanitarian law-making – the challenge of legitimacy: A reply to Cindy Wittke and Hyeran Jo. In H. Krieger, & J. Püschmann (Eds.), Law-Making and Legitimacy in International Humanitarian Law (pp. 375-383). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Ryngaert, C., & Istrefi, K. (2021). Introduction: Special Issue ‘The Legacy of the Mothers of Srebrenica Case’. Utrecht Journal of International and European Law, 36(2), 114-117.
Ryngaert, C. (2021). Attributing Conduct in the Law of State Responsibility: Lessons from Dutch Courts Applying the Control Standard in the Context of International Military Operations. Utrecht Journal of International and European Law, 36(2), 170-180.
Ryngaert, C., & Wessel, R. (2021). Een nieuw EU-sanctieregime tegen ernstige schendingen van de mensenrechten. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Europees recht, 27(3/4), 66-73.
Ryngaert, C., Zimmermann, C., & Schefer, K. (2021). Comments: Extraterritoriality and Common Concern. In T. Cottier (Ed.), The Prospects of Common Concern of Humankind in International Law (pp. 447-460). Cambridge University Press.


Ryngaert, C. (2021). The Immunity of the Holy See in Sexual Abuse Cases: Reflections on the Judgment of the European Court of Human Rights in J.C. v Belgium. Web publication/site, Völkerrechtsblog.
Ryngaert, C. (2021). Is blootstelling aan Amerikaanse sanctiewetgeving overmacht? Een empirische toetsing van opvattingen.. Web publication/site http://Is blootstelling aan Amerikaanse sanctiewetgeving overmacht? Een empirische toetsing van opvattingen.
Ryngaert, C., & Kim, H.-M. (2021). Justice for World War II’s ‘comfort women’: lessons from the Seoul District Court’s rejection of Japan’s state immunity: Ucall blog. Web publication/site, Utrecht Centre for Accountability and Liability Law.
Ryngaert, C., & Rados, M. (2021). Germany’s Universal Jurisdiction over War Crimes and the Al-Khatib Trial: Ucall blog. Web publication/site, Utrecht Centre for Accountability and Liability Law.
Ryngaert, C. (2021). The EU Global Human Rights Sanctions Regime: How to Enforce Member States’ Compliance with Travel Bans? RENFORCE blog. Web publication/site
Ryngaert, C., (2021). Immuniteit van executie voor Kazachstaans sovereign wealth fund? Noot onder Hoge Raad 18 december 2020, nrs. 19/03142 en 19/10344, ECLI:NL:HR:2020:2103, 3 p., (Jurisprudentie Onderneming en Recht; Vol. 82).
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2021). Odile Ammann, Domestic Courts and the Interpretation of International Law. Methods and Reasoning Based on the Swiss Example. Leiden Journal of International Law, 34(1), 279-282.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Roorda, L., & Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2020). Public International Law Constraints on the Exercise of Adjudicatory Jurisdiction in Civil Matters. In S. Forlati, & P. Franzina (Eds.), Universal Civil Jurisdiction: Which Way Forward? (pp. 74-98). Brill.
Ryngaert, C. M. J., & Blom, S. (2020). Een ‘EU Magnitsky Act’? Naar een geïndividualiseerd EU-sanctiemechanisme met betrekking tot schendingen van de mensenrechten in derde landen. SEW, tijdschrift voor Europees en economisch recht, 2020(10), 535-544. Article 168.
Fransen, R., & Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2020). EU trade relations with occupied territories: Third party obligations flowing from the application of occupation law in relation to natural resources exploitation. In A. Duval, & E. Kassoti (Eds.), The Legality of Economic Activities in Occupied Territories: International, EU Law and Business and Human Rights Perspectives (1 ed., pp. 47-64). Routledge.
Ryngaert, C. M. J., & Istrefi, K. (2020). An Azeri kills an Armenian soldier at a NATO training in Budapest: the ECtHR decides a rare case of State responsibility and presidential pardon. Web publication/site
Momoh, S. O., van Eijken, H., & Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2020). Statelessness Determination Procedures: Towards a Bespoke Procedure for Nigeria. The Statelessness & Citizenship Review, 2(1), 86–111.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2020). Selfless Intervention: The Exercise of Jurisdiction in the Common Interest. Oxford University Press.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2020). Functionele immuniteit van vreemde gezagsdragers in de context van internationale misdrijven: Een uitdaging voor Nederlandse rechtbanken. Nederlands juristenblad, 2020(23), 1652-1659. Article 1446.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2020). Protecting Animals Within and Across Borders: Extraterritorial Jurisdiction and the Challenges of Globalization . Heidelberg Journal of International Law (Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht), 80, 263-270.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2020). EJIL:Talk! Functional immunity of foreign State officials in respect of international crimes before the Hague District Court: A regressive interpretation of progressive international law. Web publication/site, EJIL: Talk!.
Kanetake, M., Ryngaert, C. M. J., & Zwijsen, S. (2020). State Responsibility for Arms Transfers: The Law of State Responsibility and the Arms Trade Treaty. Ars Aequi, 2020(2), 151-160. Article AA20200151.
Ryngaert, C. M. J., & Taylor, M. S. C. (2020). The GDPR as Global Data Protection Regulation? American Journal of International Law, 114, 5-9.
Enneking, L., Giesen, I., Schaap, A. L. M., Ryngaert, C. M. J., Kristen, F. G. H., & Roorda, L. (Eds.) (2020). Accountability, International Business Operations and the Law: Providing Justice for Corporate Human Rights Violations in Global Value Chains. (1 ed.) (Globalization: Law and Policy). Routledge.


Ryngaert, C., & Ruys, T. (2020). US sanctions against persons involved in the construction of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline project: Europe’s energy sovereignty under threat – Part I: RENFORCE blog. Web publication/site
Ryngaert, C., & Ruys, T. (2020). US sanctions against persons involved in the construction of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline project: Europe’s energy sovereignty under threat – Part II: RENFORCE blog. Web publication/site
Ruys, T., & Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2020). Secondary Sanctions: A Weapon Out of Control? Part II: The legality of secondary sanctions under conventional law and the IMF’s tacit approval procedure for payment restrictions inspired by security concerns. Web publication/site, EJIL: Talk!.
Ruys, T., & Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2020). Secondary Sanctions: A Weapon Out of Control? Part I: Permissibility of the sanctions under the law of jurisdiction. Web publication/site, EJIL: Talk!.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2020). De Nederlandse aansprakelijkstelling van Syrië middels een diplomatieke nota: op weg naar het Internationaal Gerechtshof. Web publication/site, UCALL blog.
Ryngaert, C. M. J., (2020). Hoge Raad, X v Staat der Nederlanden (IS-uitreizigers), 26 juni 2020, No. NJ afl. 37/38 , No. NJ 2020/293, Jun 26, 2020.
Ryngaert, C. M. J., (2020). EHRM 5 mei 2020 3599/18 (M.N./België) - extraterritoriale toepassing EVRM, No. NJ 2020/267, 3 p.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2019). Indications of Settlement Provenance and the Duty of Non-recognition Under International Law. European Papers, 4(3), 791-799.
Ryngaert, C. M. J., Giesen, I., Roorda, L., Enneking, L., Kristen, F. G. H., & Schaap, A. L. M. (2019). Accountability, international business operations, and the law: The way forward. In L. Enneking, I. Giesen, A.-J. Schaap, C. Ryngaert, F. Kristen, & L. Roorda (Eds.), Accountability, International Business Operations and the Law: Providing Justice for Corporate Human Rights Violations in Global Value Chains (1 ed., pp. 281-296). (Globalisation: Law and Policy). Routledge.
Ryngaert, C. M. J., & Spijkers, O. (2019). The End of the Road: State Liability for Acts of UN Peacekeeping Contingents After the Dutch Supreme Court’s Judgment in Mothers of Srebrenica (2019). Netherlands International Law Review, 66, 537-553.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2019). Addressing North Korean Forced Labour by Means of International Economic Sanctions. In R. E. Breuker, & I. B. L. H. van Gardingen (Eds.), Tightening Belts: Two Regional Case Studies on Corporate Social Responsibility (pp. 281-293). T.M.C. Asser Press.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2019). Cosmopolitan Jurisdiction and the National Interest. In S. Allen (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Jurisdiction in International Law (pp. 209-227). Oxford University Press.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2019). Participatie van derdelanders in extraterritoriale regelgeving: naar een transnational bestuursrecht. In A. Buijze, P. Langbroek, & R. Widdershoven (Eds.), Goed bestuur in perspectief: Liber Amicorum Henk Addink (pp. 77-88). Wolters Kluwer.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2019). Horizontal Complementarity. In Max Planck encyclopedia of international procedural law (Oxford public international law). Oxford University Press.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2019). De Europese ‘Blocking Statute’: Een probaat middel om het Europese bedrijfsleven te beschermen tegen de Amerikaanse secundaire sancties tegen Iran? SEW, tijdschrift voor Europees en economisch recht, 2019(4), 157-167. Article 57.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2019). The OSCE’s domestic legal status: an exploration of relevant international law sources. In M. Steinbrück Platise, C. Moser, & A. Peters (Eds.), The legal framework of the OSCE (pp. 165-182). Cambridge University Press.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2019). Immunity from execution and diplomatic property. In T. Ruys, N. Angelet, & L. Ferro (Eds.), The Cambridge handbook of immunities and international law (pp. 285-306). Cambridge University Press.
Ryngaert, C. M. J., & van Eijk, N. (2019). International cooperation by (European) security and intelligence services: reviewing the creation of a joint database in light of data protection guarantees. International Data Privacy Law, 9(1), 61-73.
Ryngaert, C. M. J., & Haijer, F. A. (2019). Article 42: Jurisdiction. In The United Nations Convention against Corruption : A Commentary (pp. 406-414). Oxford University Press.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2019). Jurisdiction. In J. D. Aspremont, & S. Singh (Eds.), Concepts for international law: contributions to disciplinary thought (pp. 577-583). Edward Elgar Publishing.


Giesen, I., Enneking, L., Kristen, F. G. H., Roorda, L., Ryngaert, C. M. J., & Schaap, A. L. M. (2019). Introduction. In L. Enneking, I. Giesen, A.-J. Schaap, C. Ryngaert, F. Kristen, & L. Roorda (Eds.), Accountability, International Business Operations and the Law: Providing Justice for Corporate Human Rights Violations in Global Value Chains (1 ed., pp. 3-17). (Globalization: Law and Policy). Routledge.
Ryngaert, C. M. J., & Vagias, M. (2019). Jurisdictional Reasonableness. Questions of international law, (62), 1-3.
Ryngaert, C. M. J., & Taylor, M. S. C. (2019). Implementing the right to erasure: the judgment of the EU Court of Justice in Google v CNIL. Web publication/site, RENFORCE Blog.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2019). Extraterritorial liability for corrupt practices. Web publication/site, UCALL blog.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2019). Cosmopolitan Extraterritoriality. Web publication/site, UCALL blog.
Ryngaert, C. M. J., (2019). Annotatie - Hoge Raad, Mothers of Srebrenica, ECLI:NL:HR:2019:1223, (NJ; Vol. 219, No. 368).
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2019). Book review L. Chenwi and T. Soboka Bulta (eds.): Extraterritorial Human Rights Obligations from an African Perspective. In Ethiopian Yearbook of International Law 2018 (pp. 245-251). (Ethiopian Yearbook of International Law; Vol. 2018). Springer.
Ryngaert, C. M. J., Wessel, R. A., Prévost, D., & Wouters, J. (2019). Global Constitutionalism: Editorial Introduction. Netherlands International Law Review, 66(2), 191-195.
Ryngaert, C. M. J., (2019). Valt gebruikmaking van stemrecht door aandeelhouder onder bevriezing van de goederen? Hoge Raad 18-01-2019 , No. NJ 2019/119, 3 p.

Populariserende publicaties

Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2019). Europa versus Trump: hoe de Europese economische soevereiniteit te beschermen tegen Amerikaanse sancties. Web publication/site, RENFORCE Blog.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Ryngaert, C. M. J., van der Wilt, H., & Santos Vara, J. (2018). Jurisdiction. In International Law in Domestic Courts: A Casebook (pp. 77-99). Oxford University Press.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2018). International Humanitarian Law. In International Law in Domestic Courts: A Casebook (pp. 462-488). Oxford University Press.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2018). Extraterritorial Obligations under Human Rights Law. In M. Lattimer, & P. Sands (Eds.), The Grey Zone: Civilian Protection Between Human Rights and the Laws of War (pp. 273-293). Hart Publishing.
Wouters, J., Ryngaert, C. M. J., Ruys, T., & De Baere, G. (2018). International Law from a European Perspective. Hart Publishing.
Ryngaert, C. M. J., & Hagens, M. (2018). Massasurveillance en privacy: De betekenis van het EHRM-arrest Big Brother Watch e.a. t. het Verenigd Koninkrijk voor het EU-recht. Tijdschrift voor Internetrecht, 2018(5/6), 209-217.
Ryngaert, C. M. J., & Fransen, R. (2018). EU extraterritorial obligations with respect to trade with occupied territories: Reflections after the case of Front Polisario before EU courts . Europe and the World: A law review, 2(1), 1-20. Article 7.
Ryngaert, C. M. J., Krebs, J., & Jessberger, F. (2018). Universal jurisdiction and international crimes: Constraints and best practices. European Parliament.
Henckens, M. L. C. M., Ryngaert, C. M. J., Driessen, P. P. J., & Worrell, E. (2018). Normative principles and the sustainable use of geologically scarce mineral resources. Resources Policy, 59, 351-359.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2018). Domestic Criminal Accountability for Dutch Corporations Profiting from North Korean Forced Labour. In R. E. Breuker, & I. B. L. H. V. Gardingen (Eds.), People for profit: North Korean forced labour on a global scale (pp. 199-207). LeidenAsiaCentre.
Ryngaert, C. M. J., & Hora Siccama, D. W. (2018). Ascertaining Customary International Law: An Inquiry into the Methods Used by Domestic Courts. Netherlands International Law Review, 65(1), 1-25.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2018). Accountability for Corporate Human Rights Abuses: Lessons from the Possible Exercise of Dutch National Criminal Jurisdiction over Multinational Corporations. Criminal Law Forum, 29(1), 1-24.


Ryngaert, C. M. J., & Fransen, R. (2018). Rotten fisheries: EU Advocate-General finds EU-Morocco Fisheries Agreement incompatible with international law. Web publication/site, RENFORCE Blog.
Ryngaert, C. M. J., & Vehling, E. (2018). The European Production Order – Tackling the Problem of Enforcement Jurisdiction and Extraterritoriality in Cyberspace. Web publication/site, RENFORCE Blog.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2018). Domestic criminal accountability for Dutch corporations profiting from North Korean forced labour. Web publication/site, UCALL blog.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2018). The zero draft on a legally binding instrument on business and human rights: the challenge of jurisdiction. Web publication/site, UCALL blog.
Ryngaert, C. M. J., & Waardenburg, L. (2018). Tackling extra-territorial ship-breaking: from the EU Waste Shipment Regulation to the EU Ship Recycling Regulation: reflections after the Rotterdam District Court's judgment in SeaTrade. Journal of International Maritime Law, 24(3), 226-231.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2018). EU Trade Agreements and Human Rights: From Extraterritorial to Territorial Obligations. International Community Law Review, 20(3-4), 374-393.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2018). Accountability of Multinational Corporations for Human Rights Abuses. Utrecht Law Review, 14(2), 1-5.

Populariserende publicaties

Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2018). Naar een verdrag over maatschappelijk verantwoord ondernemen? Een commentaar op de eerste ontwerpversie. Web publication/site, UCALL blog.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2017). Territory in the Law of Jurisdiction: Imagining Alternatives. In M. Kuijer, & W. Werner (Eds.), Netherlands Yearbook of International Law 2016: The Changing Nature of Territoriality in International Law (pp. 49-82). (Netherlands Yearbook of International Law 2016; Vol. 47). Springer.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2017). Peacekeepers Facilitating Human Rights Violations: The Liability of the Dutch State in the Mothers of Srebrenica Cases. Netherlands International Law Review, 64(3), 453-535.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2017). Sources of International Law in Domestic Law: Relationship between International and Municipal Law Sources. In J. D'Aspremont, S. Besson, & S. Knuchel (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook on The Sources of International Law (1 ed., pp. 1137-1156). (Oxford Handbooks). Oxford University Press.
Ryngaert, C. M. J., & Pennings, F., (2017). Jurisdictional Immunity and Infringement of Fundamental Labor Rights: Commentary on Supreme Court of the Netherlands: European Patent Organisation & the State of the Netherlands v Vakbondsunie van het Europees Octrooibureau (VEOB) & Staff Union of the European Patent Office (SUEPO), Case No. 15/02186, 20 January 2017, No. 15/02186, 6 p., Jan 20, 2017. (International Labor Rights Case Law; Vol. 3, No. 3).
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2017). From Universal Civil Jurisdiction to Forum of Necessity: Reflections on the Judgment of the European Court of Human Rights in Nait-Liman. Rivista di diritto internazionale, 100(3), 782-807.
Ryngaert, C. M. J., & Zoetekouw, M. (2017). The End of Territory? The Re-Emergence of Community as a Principle of Jurisdictional Order in the Internet Era. In U. Kohl (Ed.), The Net and the Nation State: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Internet Governance (pp. 185-201). Cambridge University Press.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2017). Representations of the (Extra)territorial : Theoretical and Visual Perspectives. Utrecht Law Review, 13(2), 1-6.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2017). Non-State Actors in International Law: A Rejoinder to Professor Thirlway. Netherlands International Law Review, 64(1), 155-162.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2017). Climate Change Mitigation Techniques and International Law: Assessing the Externalities of Reforestation and Geoengineering. Ratio Juris, 30(3), 273-289.
Dobson, N. L., & Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2017). Provocative climate protection: EU "extraterritorial" regulation of maritime emissions. International and comparative law quarterly, 66(2), 295-333.


Ryngaert, C. M. J., & van Gelder, E. (2017). Dutch report on prosecuting corporations for violations of International Criminal Law. Revue internationale de droit pénal , 88(2), 113-147.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2017). Nederlandse wapenhandelaar aansprakelijk gesteld voor medeplichtigheid aan oorlogsmisdrijven: Gerechtshof ’s-Hertogenbosch, 21 april 2017, ECLI: NL: GHSHE: 2017: 1760 (Kouwenhoven). Ars Aequi, 883-886. Article AA20170833.
van Gelder, E. M., & Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2017). Vervolging van ondernemingen voor schendingen van de mensenrechten: mogelijkheden naar Nederlands strafrecht. Tijdschrift voor Bijzonder Strafrecht & Handhaving, 2017(3), 118-123.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2017). Staatsimmuniteit van executie: beslagmogelijkheden voor crediteuren na de herfstarresten van de Hoge Raad (2016). Tijdschrift voor Civiele Rechtspleging, 25(3), 111-118.

Overige resultaten

Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2017). The Polisario Front Judgment of the EU Court of Justice: a Reset of EU-Morocco Trade Relations in the Offing. Web publication/site, RENFORCE Blog.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2017). Diplomatieke immuniteit voor uitbuiting van huispersoneel?. Web publication/site, UCALL blog.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2017). Accountability and International Business Operations: some conclusions of the 2017 Ucall conference. Web publication/site, UCALL blog.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2017). Holding private military and security companies to account: from legal to democratic accountability. Web publication/site, UCALL blog.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2017). Human rights violations by international organizations: exploring the responsibility of member states. Web publication/site, UCALL blog.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2017). Dutch Court of Appeal holds businessman liable for complicity in war crimes. Web publication/site, UCALL blog.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2017). Dutch Supreme Court upholds immunity of the European Patent Organization in collective labor case. Web publication/site, UCALL blog.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2017). The external effects of the EU’s regulation of sulfur dioxide (SOx) emissions. Web publication/site, RENFORCE Blog.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2017). Shared obligations and shared responsibility in international law. Web publication/site, UCALL blog.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2017). Russische aansprakelijkheid voor het neerhalen van de MH17 en andere incidenten in Oost-Oekraïne? Oekraïne dagvaardt Rusland voor het Internationaal Gerechtshof. Web publication/site, UCALL blog.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2016). Immunities of International Organizations before Domestic Courts: Reflections on the Collective Labour Case against the European Patent Organization. In M. den heijer, & H. van der Wilt (Eds.), Netherlands Yearbook of International Law 2015: Jus Cogens: Quo Vadis? (pp. 393-408). (Netherlands Yearbook of International Law; Vol. 46). Springer.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2016). Dealing with Organisations and Corporations. In P. Malcontent (Ed.), Facing the Past: Amending Historical Injustices through Instruments of Transitional Justice (pp. 187-202). ( Series on transitional justice; Vol. 21). Intersentia.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2016). Civiele vorderingen en transnationale racketeering: Een kritische lezing van het arrest van het Amerikaanse Hooggerechtshof in RJR Nabisco tegen de Europese Gemeenschap . Tijdschrift voor Bijzonder Strafrecht & Handhaving, I(4), 211-216.
Roorda, L., & Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2016). Business and Human Rights Litigation in Europe and Canada: The Promises of Forum of Necessity Jurisdiction. Rabels Zeitschrift für internationales und ausländisches Privatrecht, 80(4), 783–816.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2016). The Responsibility of Member States of International Organizations: Concluding Observations. In A. S. Barros, C. Ryngaert, & J. Wouters (Eds.), International Organizations and Member State Responsibility: Critical Perspectives (pp. 210-226). Brill.
Barros, S., Ryngaert, C. M. J., & Wouters, J. (2016). Member States, International Organizations and International Responsibility: Exploring a Legal Triangle. In A. S. Barros, C. Ryngaert, & J. Wouters (Eds.), International Organizations and Member State Responsibility: Critical Perspectives (pp. 1-7). Brill.
Ryngaert, C. M. J., & Ringbom, H. (2016). Port State Jurisdiction: Challenges and Potential. The International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law, 31(3), 379-394.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2016). Non-State Actors: Carving out a Space in a State-Centred International Legal System. Netherlands International Law Review, 63(2), 183-195.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2016). Extraterritorial State Action in the Global Interest: the Promise of Unilateralism. In M. Amir, & R. Sela (Eds.), Extraterritorialities in Occupied Worlds (pp. 215-242). Punctum Press.
Henckens, M. L. C. M., Driessen, P., Ryngaert, C. M. J., & Worrell, E. (2016). The set-up of an international agreement on the conservation and sustainable use of geologically scarce mineral resources. Resources Policy, 49, 92-101.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2016). Repression of Violations of International Humanitarian Law. In J. Wouters, P. De Man, & N. Verlinden (Eds.), Armed Conflicts and the Law (pp. 485-512). (International Law; Vol. 17). Intersentia.


Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2016). Het EU-handelsakkoord met Marokko: ook van toepassing in de Westelijke Sahara? GvEU 10 december 2015. Ars Aequi, 2016(3), 208-211.
Jongbloed, A. W., & Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2016). De beslagrechtelijke immuniteit van vreemde staten na de herfstarresten van de Hoge Raad (2016). Beslag en Executie in de Rechtspraktijk, 2016(5/6), 19-24.
Ryngaert, C. M. J., (2016). Nucleaire ontwapening en internationaal recht: Internationaal Gerechtshof weigert zijn rechtsmacht vast te stellen, No. 2016/29-31, 4 p., (Ars Aequi).
Ryngaert, C. M. J., & Hora Siccama, D. (2016). Justice for Sexual Crimes Committed by IS: Exploring Accountability and Compliance Mechanisms. European Parliament.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2016). Some Reflections on Securing the Arrest of ICC Fugitives. In R. Steinberg (Ed.), Contemporary issues facing the International Criminal Court (pp. 434-444). Brill.
Ryngaert, C. M. J., & Bodrova, J., (2016). Subpoena of President Kabbah: A Commentary, No. SCSL-04–15-T, 4 p., Jun 30, 2008. (Annotated leading cases of international criminal tribunals; Vol. XLVI).
Ryngaert, C. M. J., (2016). Mukeshimana - Nguilinzira and ors. v. Belgium and ors., Brussels Court of First Instance, ILDC 1604 (BE 2010), 8 December 2010, No. ILDC 1604 , 6 p., Dec 08, 2010. (C.M.J. Ryngaert, I.F. Dekker, R.A. Wessel and J. Wouters (eds.), Judicial Decisions on the Law of International Organizations).
Ryngaert, C. M. J., (2016). League of Arab States v. T., Belgian Court of Cassation, 127 ILR (2005) 94, 12 March, 6 p., Mar 12, 2005. (C.M.J. Ryngaert, I.F. Dekker, R.A. Wessel and J. Wouters (eds.), Judicial Decisions on the Law of International Organizations).
Ryngaert, C. M. J., Barros, S., & Wouters, J. (Eds.) (2016). International Organizations and Member State Responsibility: Critical Perspectives. Brill.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2016). Nationale rechterlijke toetsing van VN-sanctiemaatregelen: EHRM 21 juni 2016, 5809/08 (Al-Dulimi en Montana Management, Inc. tegen Zwitserland) . Ars Aequi, 5809/08, 764-767.
Barros, A. S., & Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2016). Abuse of Privileges and Immunities (Article VII Sections 24-25 Specialized Agencies Convention). In A. Reinisch, & P. Bachmayer (Eds.), The Conventions on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations and its Specialized Agencies: A Commentary (pp. 467-476). Article IX OUP.
Ryngaert, C. M. J., & Barros, A. S. (2016). Officials (Article VI Sections 18-23 Specialized Agencies Convention). In A. Reinisch, & P. Bachmayer (Eds.), The Conventions on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations and its Specialized Agencies: A Commentary (pp. 395-440). OUP.
Ryngaert, C. M. J., & Bodrova, J. (2016). Subpoena of President Kabbah: A Commentary. In A. Klip, S. Freeland, & A. Low (Eds.), Annotated Leading Cases of International Criminal Tribunals, Special Court for Sierra Leone (2008-2009) (pp. 131-134). (Annotated Leading Cases; Vol. 46). Intersentia.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2016). Markos Karavias: Corporate Obligations under International Law. Journal of World Investment and Trade, 17, 319-324.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2016). Product uit de Westelijke Jordaanoever (Israëlische nederzetting): Europese consumentenlabels voor Israëlische producten uit de bezette gebieden in het licht van het internationaal recht. SEW, tijdschrift voor Europees en economisch recht, 4, 162-168. Article 65.
Ryngaert, C. M. J., Dekker, I. F., Wessel, R., & Wouters, J. (Eds.) (2016). Judicial Decisions on the Law of International Organizations. OUP.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2016). Rechtmatigheid van Russisch optreden tegen Nederlands Greenpeace-schip. Ars Aequi, 65, 49-52.
Hall, C. K., & Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2016). Arrest proceedings in the custodial State. In O. Triffterer, & K. Ambos (Eds.), The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: A commentary (3 ed., pp. 1459-1472). Article 59 C.H. Beck.
Ryngaert, C. M. J., & Hall, C. K. (2016). Issuance by the Pre-Trial Chamber of a warrant of arrest or a summons to appear. In O. Triffterer, & K. Ambos (Eds.), The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: A Commentary (3 ed., pp. 1438-1458). Article 58 C.H. Beck.

Overige resultaten

Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2016). Mag de Amerikaanse justitie onze emailgegevens inkijken?. Web publication/site, RENFORCE Blog.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2016). Amerikaans Hooggerechtshof verklaart EU en haar lidstaten niet ontvankelijk in grote witwaszaak. Web publication/site, RENFORCE Blog.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2016). Puppet states and human rights abuses: a quest for accountability. Web publication/site, UCALL blog.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2016). Does the Netherlands’ extradition of genocide suspects to Rwanda violate their human rights?. Web publication/site, UCALL blog.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2016). Een MH17-procedure tegen Rusland voor een Nederlandse rechtbank?. Web publication/site, UCALL blog.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2016). Al-Saadoon v United Kingdom: another shot at human rights accountability for the extraterritorial use of lethal force. Web publication/site, UCALL blog.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2016). Reactie op ‘MH17-proces wordt erg lastig in Nederland’. Web publication/site, UCALL blog.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2016). Cholera in Haïti: erkent de VN haar aansprakelijkheid?. Web publication/site, UCALL blog.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2016). Justice Scalia and international law. Web publication/site, UCALL blog.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2016). Accountability voor internationale misdaden in Afrika: een nieuwe dageraad na de veroordeling van Hissène Habré?. Web publication/site, UCALL blog.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2016). Humanitarian Relief Operations as Countermeasures: Overcoming the Withholding of Consent. Web publication/site, EJIL: Talk!.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2015). Conflicts of Jurisdiction over Orders to Produce Documents Located Abroad: Reappraising "Conflict of International Jurisdiction: Ordering the Production of Documents in Violation of the Law of the Situs" (Ivo Onkelinx 1971-I). Revue belge de droit international, 48(1-2), 423-431.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2015). The Responsibility of Member States of International Organizations: Concluding Observations. International Organizations Law Review, 12(2), 502-517.
Ryngaert, C. M. J., & Koekkoek, M. (2015). Extraterritorial regulation of natural resources: A functional approach. In J. Wouters, A. Marx, D. Geraets, & B. Natens (Eds.), Global Governance through Trade: EU Policies and Approaches (pp. 245-271). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2015). Universal Jurisdiction over International Crimes and Gross Human Rights Violations: The Role of the Principle of Subsidiarity. The Global Community. Yearbook of International Law and Jurisprudence, 2015, 275-289.
Ryngaert, C. M. J., & Vervaele, J. A. E. (2015). Core Values Beyond Territories and Borders: The Internal and External Dimension of EU Regulation and Enforcement. In T. van den Brink, M. Luchtman, & M. Scholten (Eds.), Sovereignty in the Shared Legal Order of the EU: Core Values of Regulation and Enforcement (1 ed., pp. 299-324). Intersentia.
Haijer, F. A., & Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2015). Reflections on Jaloud v. the Netherlands: Jurisdictional Consequences and Resonance in Dutch Society. Journal of International Peacekeeping, 19, 174–189.
Ryngaert, C. M. J., & Schaap, A. L. M. (2015). De internationale onrechtmatigheid van Amerikaanse secundaire sanctiewetgeving. Tijdschrift voor Sanctierecht en Onderneming, 2015(1), 9-16.
Ryngaert, C. M. J., & Schrijver, N. (2015). Lessons Learned from the Srebrenica Massacre: From UN Peacekeeping Reform to Legal Responsibility. Netherlands International Law Review, 62, 219-227.
Ryngaert, C. (2015). Srebrenica continued. Dutch district court holds the Netherlands liable for cooperating with Bosnian Serbs. Netherlands International Law Review, 61(3), 365-454.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2015). Unilateral Jurisdiction and Global Values. Eleven Publishers.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2015). State Responsibility and Non-State Actors. In M. Noortmann, A. Reinisch, & C. Ryngaert (Eds.), Non-State Actors in International Law (pp. 163-182). (Studies in international law ; Vol. 55). Hart Publishing.
d'Aspremont, J., Nollkaemper, A., Plakokefalos, I., & Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2015). Sharing Responsibility Between Non-State Actors and States in International Law. Netherlands International Law Review, 62(1), 49-67.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2015). Jurisdiction in International Law. (2nd ed.) (Oxford Monographs in International Law ). Oxford University Press.
Ryngaert, C., & Pennings, F. (2015). Fundamentele arbeidsrechten en immuniteit: De zaak tegen de Europese Octrooi Organisatie. Nederlands juristenblad, 2015(18), 1212-1218. Article 859.
Ryngaert, C. (2015). Whither Territoriality? The European Union's Use of Territoriality to Set Norms with Universal Effects. In C. Ryngaert, E. Molenaar, & S. Nouwen (Eds.), What's Wrong with International Law?: Liber Amicorum A.H.A. Soons (pp. 434-448). (Nova et Vetera Iuris Gentium; Vol. 27). Brill.
Gal-Or, N., Noortmann, M., & Ryngaert, C. (2015). Can the armed opposition group and the multinational corporation be held liable in international law? In N. Gal-Or, C. Ryngaert, & M. Noortmann (Eds.), Responsibilities of the Non-State Actor in Armed Conflict and the Market Place: Theoretical Considerations and Empirical Findings (pp. 371-378). Brill.
Ryngaert, C. (2015). Introduction: Responsibilities of the Non-State Actor in Armed Conflict and the Market Place. In N. Gal-Or, C. Ryngaert, & M. Noortmann (Eds.), Responsibilities of the Non-State Actor in Armed Conflict and the Market Place: Theoretical Considerations and Empirical Findings (pp. 1-20). Brill.
Ryngaert, C. (2015). Transnational Private Regulation and Human Rights: The limitations of stateless law and the re-entry of the state. In J. Letnar Cernic, & T. van Ho (Eds.), Human Rights and Business: Direct Corporate Accountability for Human Rights (pp. 99-130). Wolf Legal Publishers.


Ryngaert, C. M. J., (2015). Commentaar bij Internationaal Gerechtshof: Kroatië v. Servië, 2 p., (Nederlands Juristenblad; Vol. 90).
Barros, A. S., Ryngaert, C. M. J., & Wouters, J. (2015). Member States, International Organizations and International Responsibility: Exploring a Legal Triangle. International Organizations Law Review, 12(2), 285-292.
Ryngaert, C. M. J., Molenaar, E., & Nouwen, S. (2015). Introduction: "What's wrong with international law?". In C. Ryngaert, E. J. Molenaar, & S. Nouwen (Eds.), What's wrong with international law?: Liber amicorum A.H.A. Soons (pp. 3-5). (Nova et Vetera Iuris Gentium; No. 27). Martinus Nijhoff.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2015). An Urgent Suggestion to Pour Old Wine into New Bottles: Comment on "A New Jurisprudential Framework for Jurisdiction". AJIL Unbound, 109, 81-85.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2015). Woodrow Wilson. In J. Wouters (Ed.), Verenigde Naties: Mensenwerk. 25 markante leiders (pp. 136-143). Lannoo.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2015). The Concept of Jurisdiction in International Law. In A. Orakhelashvili (Ed.), Research Handbook on Jurisdiction and Immunities in International Law (pp. 50-76). (Research Handbooks in International Law series). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Ryngaert, C. M. J., & Pennings, F. J. L. (2015). Korte respons op de reactie van Niels Blokker. Nederlands juristenblad, 2015(27), 1837-1838.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2015). Het advies over de EU-toetreding tot het EVRM: Overwegingen betreffende het Gemeenschappelijk Buitenlands en Veiligheidsbeleid. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor de Mensenrechten, 40(2), 215-218.
Ryngaert, C. M. J., Noortmann, M., & Reinisch, A. (2015). Non-State Actors in International Law. Hart Publishing.
Ryngaert, C. (2015). Humanitair ingrijpen zonder humanitaire interventie: Een antwoord aan Kenneth Manusama. Ars Aequi, 2015(juni), 470-473. Article AA20150470.
Ryngaert, C., Gal-Or, N., & Noortmann, M. (2015). Responsibilities of the Non-State Actor in Armed Conflict and the Market Place: Theoretical Considerations and Empirical Findings. Brill.
Ryngaert, C. (2015). Transition from Illegal Regimes in International Law by Yaël Ronen. International and comparative law quarterly, 64(1), 231-233.
Ryngaert, C., Molenaar, E., & Nouwen, S. (Eds.) (2015). What’s Wrong with International Law? Liber Amicorum A.H.A. Soons. ( Nova et Vetera Iuris Gentium; Vol. 27). Brill.

Populariserende publicaties

Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2015). VS verdienen dankbaarheid voor optreden tegen FIFA. Financieele Dagblad.

Overige resultaten

Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2015). The long arm of EU law: EU animal welfare legislation extended to international road transport . Web publication/site, RENFORCE Blog.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2015). The Yukos saga continued: Russia retaliates against attempts in the West to seize Russian assets. Web publication/site, UCALL blog.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2015). Enforcing the Yukos arbitral award: overcoming the state immunity defense. Web publication/site, UCALL blog.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2015). Internationaal Gerechtshof acht Servië noch Kroatië aansprakelijk voor vermeende genocide begaan tijdens het Balkan-conflict. Web publication/site, UCALL blog.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2015). Does the European Court of Human Rights read the UCall blog? Court makes U-turn in life imprisonment cases. Web publication/site, UCALL blog.
Ryngaert, C. M. J., & Thompson, B. (2015). Srebrenica: Military Chamber of Arnhem Court upholds prosecutor’s decision not to investigate the role of Dutch commanders. Web publication/site, UCALL blog.
Ryngaert, C. M. J., & Vandekerckhove, H. (2015). International Criminal and Civil Liability for the Downing of MH17: An Uphill Struggle. Web publication/site, UCALL blog.
Ryngaert, C., & Abdalla, A. A. (2015). Extradition of Terrorism Suspects: European Court of Human Rights Rules on the Compatibility of Life without Parole with the European Convention. The Case of Nizar Trabelsi v. Belgium. Web publication/site, UCALL blog.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2015). Minister van Justitie verbiedt tenuitvoerlegging van vonnis tegen Europese Octrooiorganisatie: Accountability van internationale organisaties blijft ver weg. Web publication/site, UCALL blog.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Ryngaert, C., & Barros, S. (2014). The Position of Member States in (Autonomous) Institutional Decision-Making: Implications for the Establishment of Responsibility. International Organizations Law Review, 11(1), 53-82.
Ryngaert, C., Roorda, L., & Straten, B. (Eds.) (2014). Private beveiliging in de strijd tegen de piraterij: Een onderzoek naar de aansprakelijkheid van private beveiligers en de Staat. In I. Giesen, J. Emaus, & L. Enneking (Eds.), Verantwoordelijkheid, aansprakelijkheid en privatisering van publieke taken (pp. 165-188). (Utrecht Centre for Accountability and Liability Law (UCALL); Vol. 1). Boom Uitgevers.
Ryngaert, C., & Noortmann, M. (Eds.) (2014). Human Security and International Law: The Challenge of Non-State Actors. (International law; Vol. 12). Intersentia.
Noortmann, M., & Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2014). Towards a (New) Human Security-Based Agenda for International Law and Non-State Actors? In C. Ryngaert, & M. Noortmann (Eds.), Human Security and International Law: The Challenge of Non-State Actors (pp. 195-203). (International law ; Vol. 12). Intersentia.
Ryngaert, C. M. J., & Struyven, H. (2014). Threats Posed to Human Security by Non-State Corporate Actors: The Answer of International Criminal Law. In C. Ryngaert, & M. Noortmann (Eds.), Human Security and International Law: The Challenge of Non-State Actors (pp. 101-134). (International law; Vol. 12). Intersentia.
Ryngaert, C. M. J., & Noortmann, M. (2014). Human Security and International Law: The Challenge of Non-State Actors. In C. Ryngaert, & M. Noortmann (Eds.), Human Security and International Law: The Challenge of Non-State Actors (pp. 1-12). (International Law; Vol. 12). Intersentia.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2014). Oscillating between Embracing and Avoiding Bosphorus: The European Court of Human Rights on Member State Responsibility for Acts of International Organisations and the Case of the European Union. European Law Review, 2014(2), 176-192.


Ryngaert, C. M. J., (2014). Jones v United Kingdom: The European Court of Human Rights restricts individual accountability for torture, 4 p., (Utrecht Journal of International and European Law; Vol. 30, No. 79).
Ryngaert, C. M. J., (2014). Commentary to Bikindi v. Prosecutor, Case No. ICTR-01-72-A, A. Ch., 18 March 2010, No. ICTR-01-72-A, 5 p., Mar 18, 2010. (A. Klip, S. Freedland and A. Low (eds.), Annotated Leading Cases of International Criminal Tribunals; Vol. 42).
Ryngaert, C. (2014). Vlaanderen is geen Kosovo of Krim. Het Belang van Limburg.
Ryngaert, C. (2014). Dollar geeft VS macht om wetgeving af te dwingen: Monsterboete BNP Paribas vestigt aandacht op ongewenst optreden als politieagent van de wereld. Financieele Dagblad.
Ryngaert, C. (2014). Al is het recht het onze niet, toch uitleveren. Trouw.
Honniball, A., & Ryngaert, C. (2014). The Interrelationship between Human Rights and Climate Change. Human Rights and International Legal Discourse, 8(1), 2–10.
Ryngaert, C. (2014). Amendment of the Provisions of the Dutch Penal Code Pertaining to the Exercise of Extraterritorial Jurisdiction. Netherlands International Law Review, 61(2), 243-248.
Ryngaert, C. M. J., & D’Aspermont, J. (2014). Third report on the Obligations and Responsibility of Non-State Actors in International Law. International Law Association, Committee on non-State Actors, Washington Conference.

Populariserende publicaties

Ryngaert, C., Coelho, N., & Honniball, A. N. (2014). Haven Rotterdam liet Russische olietanker terecht toe. De Volkskrant.

Overige resultaten

Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2014). Al is hun recht het onze niet, toch uitleveren. Web publication/site, Trouw online.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2014). Jones v United Kingdom: the European Court of Human Rights restricts individual accountability for torture. Web publication/site, UCALL blog.
Ryngaert, C. (2014). Jaloud v the Netherlands: European Court of Human Rights finds the Netherlands liable for failing to adequately investigate the use of lethal force by Dutch troops in Iraq. Web publication/site, UCALL blog.
Ryngaert, C. (2014). District Court of The Hague holds State of the Netherlands liable for Srebrenica massacre: Part II. Web publication/site, UCALL blog.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2013). Tort Litigation in Respect of Overseas Violations of Environmental Law Committed by Corporations: Lessons from the Akpan v Shell Litigation in the Netherlands. McGill International Journal of Sustainable Development Law and Policy, 8, 245-260.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2013). Accountability of International Organizations for Human Rights Violations: The Cases of the UN Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) and the “UN Terrorism Blacklists”. In M. Fitzmaurice, & P. Merkouris (Eds.), The Interpretation and Application of the European Convention on Human Rights (pp. 73-91). Brill.
Wouters, J., Ryngaert, C., & Cloots, A.-S. (2013). The International Legal Framework against Corruption: Achievements and Challenges. Melbourne Journal of International Law, 14(1), 205-280.
de Baere, G., & Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2013). The ECJ’s Judgment in Air Transport Association of America and the International Legal Context of the EU’s Climate Change Policy. European Foreign Affairs Review, 18(3), 389-409.
Lintel, I., & Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2013). The Interface between Non-governmental Organizations and the Human Rights Committee. International Community Law Review, 15(3), 359-379.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2013). Jurisdiction: Towards a Reasonableness Test. In M. Langford, W. Vandenhole, M. Scheinin, & W. van Genutgten (Eds.), Global Justice, Statue Duties: The Extraterritorial Scope of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in International Law (pp. 192-211). Cambridge University Press.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2013). State Cooperation with the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda. International Criminal Law Review, 13, 125-146.


Ryngaert, C. M. J., (2013). Note to Supreme Court (Hoge Raad), State of the Netherlands v. Mustafić et al., State of the Netherlands v. Nuhanović, Judgements of 6 September 2013, 6 p., Sept 06, 2013. (Netherlands International Law Review; Vol. 60).
Ryngaert, C. M. J., (2013). Annotatie bij H.vJ., arrest van 16 oktober 2012, zaaknummer C-364/10, Hongarijke t. Slowaakse Republiek (internationaalrechtelijke immuniteit vs. vrijheid van verkeer en verblijf), No. C-364/10, Oct 16, 2012. (SEW, tijdschrift voor Europees en economisch recht).
Ryngaert, C. M. J., & Bidaine, J., (2013). ILDC 2739 (BE 2014), No. 13 Rechtskundig Weekblad 2013-14, 507, Oct 01, 2013.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2013). Humanitarian assistance and the conundrum of consent: A legal perspective. Amsterdam Law Forum, 5(2), 5-19.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2013). Belgium. In A. Reinisch (Ed.), The Privileges and Immunities of International Organizations in Domestic Courts (pp. 55-72). Oxford University Press.
Ryngaert, C. M. J., & Cuyckens, H. (2013). The General Assembly. In G. Zyberi (Ed.), An Institutional Approach to The Responsibility to Protect (pp. 109-129). Cambridge University Press.

Overige resultaten

Ryngaert, C. (2013). Shared Responsibility and the Draft EU-ECHR Accession Agreement: Some Observations Regarding Attribution and the Intervening Role of the Court of Justice. Web publication/site, Shares Project Blog.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Ryngaert, C. M. J., (2012). Commentaar bij Internationaal Gerechtshof: België v. Senegal, 2 p., (Nederlands Juristenblad; Vol. 38).
Gould, L. M., & Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2012). The Interface Between Transitional Justice and Reconciliation in the Wake of Civil War: A Case Study of Northern Uganda . In I. Boerefijn, L. Henderson , R. Janse, & R. Waever (Eds.), Human Rights and Conflict: Essays in Honour of Bas de Gaay Fortman (pp. 499-524). Intersentia.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (Ed.) (2012). De fondsen en programma's van de Verenigde Naties. Acco.
Ryngaert, C. M. J., Reydams, L., & Wouters, J. (Eds.) (2012). The International Prosecutor. Oxford University Press.
Ryngaert, C. M. J., (2012). E-UYJM and 7,737 others v AL-SSAA-S and 70 others, Appeal judgment, Court of Cassation, No. Nr P111163F, No. ILDC 1920 (BE 2012), Jan 18, 2012.
Ryngaert, C. M. J., & Buhmann, K. (Eds.) (2012). Business and Human Rights in Conflict Zones. Human Rights and International Legal Discourse, 6(1).
Kristjansdottir, E., Nollkaemper, A., & Ryngaert, C. M. J. (Eds.) (2012). International Law in Domestic Courts: Rule of Law Reform in Post-Conflict States. Intersentia.
Ryngaert, C. (2012). Delivering as one. In C. Ryngaert (Ed.), De fondsen en programma's van de Verenigde Naties (pp. 163-169). Acco.
Ryngaert, C. (2012). Book Review N. Lubell, Extraterritorial Use of Force against Non-State Actors. Melbourne Journal of International Law, 13, 266-273.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2012). Clarifying the Extraterritorial Application of the European Convention on Human Rights (Al Skeini v the United Kingdom). Merkourios, 28(74), 57-60.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2012). Enige reflecties over de verruiming van de mogelijkheden tot opsporing en vervolging van internationale misdrijven in Nederland. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor de Mensenrechten, 37(1), 25-33.
Ryngaert, C. M. J., & Buhmann, K. (2012). Human Rights Challenges for Multinational Corporations Working and Investing in Conflict Zones. Human Rights and International Legal Discourse, 6, 3-13.
Ryngaert, C. M. J., Wouters, J., & Cloots, A.-S. (2012). The Fight against Corruption in International Law. In Preadvies Koninklijke Nederlandse Vereniging voor Internationaal Recht (pp. 25-98). Asser Press.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2012). Rusland en de Europese Unie: Een onmogelijke zoektocht naar gemeenschappelijke waarden. Internationale Spectator, 66, 424-428.
Ryngaert, C. M. J., Wouters, J., & Schmitt, P. (2012). Het Hof van Cassatie en de immuniteit van internationale organisaties. Rechtskundig weekblad, 75, 678-683.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2012). The Understandings on the Crime of Aggression. In G. Dive, B. Goes, & D. Vandermeersch (Eds.), From Rome to Kampala - the first two amendments to the Rome Statute (pp. 21-30). Bruylant.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2012). Arrest and Detention: The Role of the International Prosecutor. In L. Reydams, J. Wouters, & C. Ryngaert (Eds.), The International Prosecutor from Nuremberg to The Hague (pp. 647-699). OUP.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2012). Human Rights in the Dutch Legal Order. In R. Arnold (Ed.), The Universalism of Human Rights (pp. 237-256). Springer.
Ryngaert, C. M. J., & Gal-Or, N. (2012). From theory to practice - exploring the relevance of the Draft Articles on the Responsibility of International organizations (DARIO): The responsibility of the WTO and the UN. German Law Journal, 13, 511-541.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2012). Apportioning Responsibility between the UN and Member States in UN Peace-Support Operations: An Inquiry into the Application of the ‘Effective Control’ Standard after Behrami. Israel Law Review, 45(1), 151-178.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2012). Het Internationaal Straftribunaal voor Rwanda en de overdracht van génocidaires aan Rwanda: Ethisch-juridische Uitdagingen. Ethische Perspectieven, 22(2), 161-170.
Ryngaert, C. M. J., & Gould, L. (2012). The Interface Between Transitional Justice and Reconciliation in the Wake of Civil War: A Case Study of Northern Uganda. In I. Boerefijn, L. Henderson, R. Janse, & R. Weaver (Eds.), Human Rights and Conflict: Essays in Honour of Bas de Gaay Fortman (pp. 499-524). Intersentia.


Ryngaert, C. M. J., (2012). ILDC 2055 (BE 2012), No. No C/11/0688/F, ILDC 2055 (BE 2012), Nov 22, 2012.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2012). Report of the International Law Association's Committee on non-State Actors. Sofia conference.

Overige resultaten

Ryngaert, C. (2012). The Maastricht Principles and Extraterritorial Obligations in the Area of ESC Rights: A Response to Margot Salomon. Web publication/site, EJIL: Talk!.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2011). State Responsibility, Necessity and Human Rights. Netherlands Yearbook of International Law, 41, 79-98.
Ryngaert, C., & Hamid, L. (2011). Oorlog en vluchtelingen: Uitsluitingen en vervolging van oorlogsmisdadigers op de vlucht. In M. Morel, & C. Ryngaert (Eds.), Migratie: Winnaars en Verliezers (pp. 145-154). Acco.
Ryngaert, C. (2011). Wereldbank. In C. Ryngaert (Ed.), De gespecialiseerde organisaties van de Verenigde Naties (pp. 47-54). Acco.
Ryngaert, C. (2011). Organisatie voor Industriele Ontwikkeling (UNIDO). In C. Ryngaert (Ed.), De gespecialiseerde organiseerde organisaties van de Verenigde Naties (pp. 143-150). Acco.
Ryngaert, C. (2011). Dutch Genocide Bill Comes with Caveats. International Justice Tribune, 140.
Ryngaert, C., & Van de Meulebroucke, A. (2011). Enhancing and Enforcing Compliance with International Humanitarian Law by Non-state Armed Groups: An Inquiry into some Mechanisms. Journal of Conflict and Security Law, 17, 443-472.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2011). The Long Road to the Entrenchment of Human Rights in China. Studia diplomatica, 64(2), 99-112.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2011). The Responsibility of Member States in Connection with Acts of International Organizations: Assessing the Recent Case Law of the European Court of Human Rights. International and comparative law quarterly, 60(4), 997-1016.
Ryngaert, C. M. J., & Sobrie, S. (2011). Recognition of States: International Law or Realpolitik? The practice of recognition in the wake of Kosovo, South Ossetia and Abkhazia. Leiden Journal of International Law, 24(2), 467-490.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2011). Non-State Actors and International Humanitarian Law. In J. d'Aspremont (Ed.), Participants in the International Legal System: Multiple Perspectives on Non-State Actors in International Law (pp. 284-294). Routledge.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2011). The Legal Status of the Holy See. Goettingen Journal of International Law, 3, 827-857.
Ryngaert, C. M. J., & Gould, L. M. (2011). International Criminal Justice and Jus Post Bellum: The Challenge of ICC Complementarity: A Case-Study of the Situation in Uganda. Belgian Review of International Law, 44(1-2), 91-121.
Ryngaert, C. M. J., & Buchanan, H. (2011). Member State Responsibility for the Acts of International Organizations. Utrecht Law Review, 7, 131-146.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2011). Horizontal Complementarity. In C. Stahn, & M. M. El-Zeidy (Eds.), The International Criminal Court and Complementarity: From Theory to Practice (pp. 855-887). Cambridge University Press.
Ryngaert, C. M. J., Schmitt, P., & Wouters, J. (2011). Western European Union v. Siedler; General Secretariat of the ACP Group v. Lutchmaya, Belgian Supreme Court decisions on the Immunities of International Institutions in Labor and Employment Matters. American Journal of International Law, 105, 560-567.
Dekker, I. F., & Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2011). Immunity of International Organisations: Balancing the Organisation's Functional Autonomy and the Fundamental Rights of Individuals. In Making Choices in Public and Private International Immunity Law: Preadviezen, Mededelingen van de Nederlandse Vereniging voor International Recht 138 (pp. 83-109). T.M.C. Asser Press.


Ryngaert, C. M. J., (2011). De aansprakelijkheid van Nederland voor de gebeurtenissen in Srebrenica: Het verrassende arrest van het Gerechtshof te Den Haag, 4 p., (Wereldbeeld; Vol. 35, No. 3).
Ryngaert, C. M. J., (2011). ILDC 1726 (BE 2011), No. Case no 37/2011, ILDC 1726 (BE 2011), Mar 12, 2011.
Ryngaert, C. M. J., (2011). ILDC 1811 (BE 2011), No. Nr F100011N, No. ILDC 1811 (BE 2011), Mar 11, 2011.
Ryngaert, C. M. J., & Morel, M. (2011). Migratie: Winnaars en verliezers. Acco.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (Ed.) (2011). De gespecialiseerde organisaties van de Verenigde Naties. Acco.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Ryngaert, C. M. J., & Noortmann, M. (Eds.) (2010). Non-State Actors and Human Rights Law. Human Rights and International Legal Discourse, 4(1).
Ryngaert, C. (2010). Complementarity in Universality Cases: Legal-Systemic and Legal Policy Considerations. In M. Bergsmo (Ed.), Complementarity and the Exercise of Universal Jurisdiction for Core International Crimes: Forum for International Humanitarian and Criminal Law (FICHL) (pp. 165-200). Torkel Opsahl Academic EPublisher .
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2010). Mensenrechten in China: Werk in uitvoering. Internationale Spectator, 64, 587-591.
Ryngaert, C. M. J., & Noortmann, M. (2010). Non-State Actors and International Governance. Human Rights and International Legal Discourse, 4, 5-14.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2010). Domestic Remedies against the OPEC Cartel. In A. Reinisch (Ed.), Challenging Acts of International Organizations before Domestic Courts (pp. 239-257). Oxford University Press.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2010). The ICJ’s Advisory Opinion on Kosovo’s Declaration of Independence: A Missed Opportunity? Netherlands International Law Review, 57, 481-494.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2010). Immunity of International Organizations before Domestic Courts: Recent Trends. International Organizations Law Review, 7, 121-148.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2010). The European Union and the Universality of Human Rights. In M.-C. Foblets, & J.-Y. Carlier (Eds.), Islam and Europe: Crises are challenges (pp. 167-200). Leuven University Press.
Blommestijn, M., & Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2010). Exploring the Obligations for States to Act upon the ICC's Arrest Warrant for Omar Al-Bashir: A Legal Conflict between the Duty to Arrest and the Customary Status of Head of State Immunity. Zeitschrift für Internationale Strafrechtsdogmatik, 5(6), 428-444.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2010). Non-State Actors and the Legitimacy of International Law. In M. Noortmann, & C. Ryngaert (Eds.), Non-State Actors Dynamics in International law (pp. 69-90). Ashgate.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2010). Verantwoordelijkheid van internationale organisaties: Enige gevalsstudies (Kosovo en VN-terrorismelijsten). Overheid en Aansprakelijkheid, 75-82.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2010). The United States and the International Criminal Court: Re-Engagement. In S. Sterkx, & J. Wouters (Eds.), Transatlantic Strategy Forum: European Union, United States and Global Governance – Major Trends and Challenges (pp. 39-45). Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies.


Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2010). The Universality of Human Rights: Country report The Netherlands. International Academy of Comparative Law.
Ryngaert, C. M. J., & Fitzmaurice, M. (2010). Report of the International Law Association's Committee on non-State Actors. Unknown Publisher.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2010). Corporate Social Responsibility: Access to Justice in the Netherlands (Country report). International Commission of Jurists.
Ryngaert, C. M. J., (2010). ILDC 1604 (BE 2010), No. RG No 04/4807/A, 07/15547/A, ILDC 1604 (BE 2010), Dec 08, 2010.
Ryngaert, C. M. J., (2010). ILDC 216 (BE 2010), No. Cass no P.10.0119.N, Apr 27, 2010.
Ryngaert, C. M. J., (2010). ILDC 1574 (BE 2010), No. Cass Nr P10 1512N, Sept 28, 2010.
Noortmann, M., & Ryngaert, C. M. J. (Eds.) (2010). Non-State Actor Dynamics in International Law: From Law-Takers to Law-Makers. Ashgate.
Ryngaert, C. M. J., (2010). ILDC 1502 (BE 2010), No. Journal des Tribunaux 2010, 142, Jan 19, 2010.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2010). Het advies van het Internationaal Gerechtshof over Kosovo: Een gemiste kans? Wereldbeeld.
Ryngaert, C. M. J., (2010). ILDC 216 (BE 2010), Apr 27, 2010.
Ryngaert, C. M. J., Vanheusden, A., Wouters, J., Vidal, M., & Naert, F. (2010). Klavertje vier van het internationaal recht: Recente ontwikkelingen op het vlak van piraterij, grensoverschrijdende infrastructuurdossiers, klimaatverandering en internationale immuniteiten. In VRG-Alumni Katholieke Universiteit Leuven.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Ryngaert, C. M. J., & Wouters, J. (2009). Litigation for Overseas Corporate Human Rights Abuses in the European Union: The Challenge of Jurisdiction. The George Washington International Law Review, 40(4), 101-136.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (Ed.) (2009). Human Rights and International Criminal Law. Human Rights and International Legal Discourse, 3(1).
Ryngaert, C. (2009). Territorial Jurisdiction over Cross-Frontier Offences: Revisiting a Classic Problem of International Criminal Law. International Criminal Law Review, 9, 187-209.
Ryngaert, C. (2009). The International Criminal Court and Universal Jurisdiction: A Fraught Relationship. New Criminal Law Review, 12, 498-512.
Wouters, J., & Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2009). The Impact of Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law on the Process of the Formation of Customary International Law. In M. Kamminga, & M. Scheinin (Eds.), The Impact of Human Rights Law on General International Law (pp. 111-131). OUP.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2009). The Principle of Complementarity: A Means of Ensuring Effective International Criminal Justice. In C. Ryngaert (Ed.), The Effectiveness of International Criminal Justice (pp. 145-252). Intersentia.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2009). The Limits of Substantive International Economic Law: In Support of Reasonable Extraterritorial Jurisdiction. In E. Claes, W. Devroe, & B. Keirsbilck (Eds.), Limits of the Law (pp. 237-252). Springer.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2009). International Criminal Tribunals and Human Rights: Editorial Introduction. Human Rights and International Legal Discourse, 3, 1-5.
Ryngaert, C. M. J., & Griffioen, C. (2009). The Relevance of the Right to Self-determination in the Kosovo Matter. Chinese Journal of International Law, 8, 573-587.


Ryngaert, C. M. J., (2009). ILDC 1625 (BE 2009), No. Cass No S 04 0129 F, Dec 21, 2009.
Ryngaert, C. M. J., (2009). ILDC 1573 (BE 2009), No. Cass Nr C 03 0328 F, Dec 21, 2009.
Ryngaert, C. M. J., (2009). ILDC 1576 (BE 2009), No. Cass nr C 07 0407 F, ILDC 1576 (BE 2009), Dec 21, 2009.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2009). The Failed Referral of Michel Bagaragaza from the ICTR to the Netherlands. Hague Justice Journal, 4, 237-243.
Ryngaert, C. M. J., (2009). ILDC 1363 (BE 2010), Dec 21, 2009.
Ryngaert, C. M. J., Maes, F., Willems, P., Waelkens, J. J. J., & Morel, M. (2009). VN-initiatieven op het vlak van armoede en sociale uitsluiting: Rapport voor de Vlaamse Gemeenschap namens de Vereniging voor de Verenigde Naties. Vereniging voor de Verenigde Naties.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (Ed.) (2009). The Effectiveness of International Criminal Justice. Intersentia.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Ryngaert, C. M. J. (Ed.), & Wouters, J. (2008). Mensenrechten: Actuele brandpunten. Acco.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2008). Universal Tort Jurisdiction over Gross Human Rights Violations under International Law. Netherlands Yearbook of International Law, 3-60.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2008). The United States and the International Criminal Courts. The Global Community. Yearbook of International Law and Jurisprudence, 125-143.
Wouters, J., Ryngaert, C., & Schmitt, P. (2008). De verantwoordelijkheid voor mensenrechtenschendingen door internationale organisaties. In J. Wouters, & C. Ryngaert (Eds.), Mensenrechten: Actuele brandpunten (pp. 195-208). Acco.
Wouters, J., & Ryngaert, C. (2008). Actuele brandpunten van mensenrechten: Inleidende beschouwingen. In J. Wouters, & C. Ryngaert (Eds.), Mensenrechten: Actuele brandpunten (pp. 13-20). Acco.
Ryngaert, C. (2008). Private militaire bedrijven en de mensenrechten. In J. Wouters, & C. Ryngaert (Eds.), Mensenrechten: Actuele brandpunten (pp. 179-194). Acco.
Ryngaert, C. (2008). Book Review H.-W. Wang, Der universale Strafanspruch des nationalen Staates. Criminal Law Forum, 19, 353-357.
Ryngaert, C. (2008). Human Rights Obligations of Armed Groups. Revue belge de droit international, 41, 354-381.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2008). Private military contractors en schendingen van de mensenrechten: Vervolging in Nederland? NJCM-Bulletin, 33(7), 961-975.
Wouters, J., & Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2008). Globalisering en internationaal recht. In J. Delwaide, & G. Geeraerts (Eds.), Globalisering interdisciplinair bekeken (pp. 91-112). Brussels University Press.
Ryngaert, C. (2008). Litigating Abuses Committed by Private Military Companies. European Journal of International Law, 19(5), 1035-1053.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2008). Jurisdiction in International Law. Oxford University Press.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2008). Trade and the Environment. Merkourios, 67, 48-79.
Ryngaert, C. (2008). Extraterritorial Export Controls (Secondary Boycotts). Chinese Journal of International Law, 7, 625-658.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2008). De toepassing van het beginsel aut dedere aut judicare in de Belgische rechtsorde. Tijdschrift voor Strafrecht, 346-353.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2008). Applying the Rome Statute’s Complementarity Principle: Drawing Lessons from the Prosecution of Core Crimes by States acting under the Universality Principle. Criminal Law Forum, 153-180.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2008). Universal Jurisdiction over Violations of International Humanitarian Law in Germany. The Military Law and the Law of War Review, 47, 377-404.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2008). Jurisdiction over Antitrust Violations in International Law. Intersentia.


Ryngaert, C. M. J., (2008). Commentaar bij Internationaal Gerechtshof: Djibouti v. Frankrijk (2008), 2 p., (Nederlands Juristenblad).
Wouters, J., & Ryngaert, C. (2008). De lange mars van de mensenrechten. De Standaard.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2008). Universaliteit van de mensenrechten en culturele diversiteit: Rapport voor de Nederlandse Adviesraad Internationale Vraagstukken. Adviesraad Internationale Vraagstukken.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2008). Victim Participation and Bias in the Cambodian Courts: The Pre-Trial Chamber’s Decisions in the Case against Nuon Chea. Hague Justice Journal, 1, 68-82.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2008). The Doctrine of Abuse of Process: A comment to the Cambodia Tribunal’s Decision in the Case against Duch. Leiden Journal of International Law, 21(3), 719-737.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2007). Current Developments: First Proceedings in the Cambodian Extraordinary Chambers. Leuven Center for Global Governance Studies.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (Ed.) (2007). The EU and International Criminal Tribunals. ESF COST Action.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2007). Jurisdiction in International Law: U.S. and European Perspectives. [Doctoral thesis 3 (Research UU / Graduation NOT UU), KU Leuven].
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2007). Cross-border Takeover Regulation: A Transatlantic Perspective. European Company and Financial Law Review, 4-3(2007), 434-459.
Wouters, J., & Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2007). De toepassing van de (Belgische) wet van 5 augustus 2003 betreffende ernstige schendingen van het internationaal humanitair recht. Nullum Crimen, 1-21.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2007). De verantwoordelijkheid van transnationale ondernemingen voor schendingen van de mensenrechten: De VN-Speciale vertegenwoordiger stelt zijn rapport voor. Wereldbeeld, 2, 2-8.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2007). Anders globaliseren: Mensenrechten, milieu en internationale handel. Acco.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2007). The Humanization of International Law: Reflections on Theodor Meron’s Hague Lecture. Human Rights and International Legal Discourse, 423-439.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2007). Universal Jurisdiction over Genocide and Wartime Torture in Dutch Courts: An Appraisal of the Afghan and Rwandan Cases. Hague Justice Journal, 2, 13-36.
Ryngaert, C. M. J., & de Vos, K. (2007). De nieuwe VN-Mensenraad: Nieuwe hoop voor de rechten van het kind. Tijdschrift voor Jeugdrecht en Kinderrechten, 2, 69-75.


Ryngaert, C. M. J., (2007). Beginselenstrijd over de overgangsregeling van de Genocidewet: Het legaliteitsbeginsel versus het non-discriminatiebeginsel. Kritische aanmerkingen bij Cass. 28 maart 2007, 4 p., Mar 28, 2007. (Rechtskundig Weekblad).
Ryngaert, C. M. J., (2007). Annotatie arrest Lechouritou en anderen t. Duitsland (C-292/05, dd. 15.02.2007) (betreffende compensatie toe te kennen aan de slachtoffers van een door Duitsland in Griekenland begane massamoord tijdens W.O II), No. C-292/05, 4 p., Feb 15, 2007. (SEW, tijdschrift voor Europees en economisch recht).
Ryngaert, C. M. J., (2007). ILDC 1118 (BE 2008), No. Case No P.07.0216.F, May 30, 2007.
Ryngaert, C. M. J., (2007). ILDC 748 (BE 2007), No. Case No P-07-0031-F/2, Mar 28, 2007.
Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2007). De spanning tussen vrede en gerechtigheid: Boekbespreking Luc Huyse, Alles gaat voorbij, behalve het verleden. Internationale Spectator, 1, 49-50.

Overige resultaten

Ryngaert, C. (2007). Another Afghan Case in the Hague District Court: Universal Jurisdiction over Violations of Common Article 3. Web publication/site, The Hague Justice Portal.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Ryngaert, C. (2006). Universal Jurisdiction in an ICC Era: A Role to Play for EU Member States with the Support of the European Union. European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice, 14, 46-80.
Ryngaert, C. (2006). Assessing International Discovery After Intel v. AMD (US Supreme Court, 2004): Expanded US Discovery Opportunities for Foreign Litigants? European Business Organizational Law Review, 675-695.


Ryngaert, C. M. J., (2006). Annotatie arrest Showa Denko Hof voor Justitie EG (C-289/04 dd. 29.06.2006) (ne bis in idem in het mededingingsrecht), No. C-289/04, 4 p., Jun 29, 2006. (SEW, tijdschrift voor Europees en economisch recht).
Ryngaert, C. M. J., (2006). ILDC 592 (BE 2006), No. Case No P.05.1491.N, 2006 JdT 642, Jun 27, 2006.
Ryngaert, C. (2006). Universele jurisdictie. In J. Wouter, & B. Pattyn (Eds.), Misdaden tegen de mensheid (pp. 141-154). Acco.
Wouters, J., pattyn, B., & Ryngaert, C. (2006). Misdaden tegen de mensheid en de international strijd tegen de straffeloosheid: Inleidende beschouwingen. In J. Wouters, & B. Pattyn (Eds.), Misdaden tegen de mensheid (pp. 9-18). Acco.
Verrijdt, W., & Ryngaert, C. (2006). Arbitragehof vernietigt overgangsbepaling over Genocidewet. De Juristenkrant, 133, 6.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Ryngaert, C. M. J., & Wouters, J. (Eds.) (2005). De VN, een wereld van verschil? Acco.
Ryngaert, C., & Wouters, J. (2005). Good Governance in International Organisations. In D. Curtin, & R. A. Wessel (Eds.), Good governance and the European Union: Reflections on Concepts, Institutions and Substance (pp. 69-104). Intersentia.
Ryngaert, C. (2005). Het arrest Erdal van het Arbitragehof: Eindelijk duidelijkheid over de onrechtmatigheid van de retroactieve toepassing van extraterritoriale rechtsmachtuitbreidingen. Tijdschrift voor Strafrecht, 345-351.
Ryngaert, C. (2005). De niet-uitlevering van eigen onderdanen en het kaderbesluit betreffende het Europees aanhoudingsbevel: Belgische, Nederlandse en Duitse rechtspraak vergeleken. Rechtskundig weekblad, 886-891.
Ryngaert, C. (2005). The Application of U.S. Law to Foreign-Flag Vessels: The Operation of the Clear Statement Rule after Spector v. Norwegian Cruise Line (U.S. Supreme Court 2005). Journal of International Maritime Law, 331-341.
Ryngaert, C. (2005). Universal Criminal Jurisdiction over Torture: A State of Affairs After 20 Years UN Torture Convention. Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights, 23(4), 571-611.


Ryngaert, C. M. J., (2005). Noot onder Cass., 29 Juni 2005, TotalFinaElf, 5 p.
Ryngaert, C. M. J., (2005). ILDC 52 (BE 2005), No. 2005-131, Jul 19, 2005.
Ryngaert, C. M. J., (2005). ILDC 9 (BE 2005), No. Decision No 73/2005, Apr 20, 2005.
Ryngaert, C. M. J., (2005). ILDC 1229 (BE 2005), No. First Instance Decision, 2006 6216 JdT 171, ILDC 1229 (BE 2005), Dec 01, 2005.
Ryngaert, C. M. J., (2005). ILDC 373 (BE 2005), No. P050767N, No. ILDC 373 (BE 2005), Jul 26, 2005.
Ryngaert, C. M. J., (2005). ILDC 1504 (BE 2005), No. (2008) 72(16) Rechtsk Weekbl 679, No. ILDC 1504 (BE 2005), Mar 10, 2005.
Wouters, J., & Ryngaert, C. (2005). De strafbaarstelling van misdaden tegen het international humanitair recht in het Belgisch materiel strafrecht in het licht van het Statuut van het Internationaal Strafgerechtshof. In België en het Internationaal Strafgerechtshof: Complementariteit en Samenwerking (pp. 37-74). Bruylant/Eleven.
Ryngaert, C. (2005). De VN en aids. In J. Wouters, & C. Ryngaert (Eds.), De VN, een wereld van verschil? (pp. 203-214). Acco.
Wouters, J., Ruys, T., & Ryngaert, C. (2005). Naar een meer gestructureerde transatlantische samenwerking. De Tijd.
Wouters, J., Ruys, T., & Ryngaert, C. (2005). VN-top mag geen onderonsje tussen regeringen worden. De Tijd.
Ryngaert, C. (2005). Interview met Serge Brammertz (adjunct-aanklager Internationaal Strafgerechtshof) en Chris Van den Wyngaert (rechter Joegoslavie-tribunal). Wereldbeeld, 2005(2), 17-23.
Ryngaert, C. M. J., (2005). ILDC 1504 (BE 2010), Mar 10, 2005.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Wouters, J., & Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2004). Democratie en internationaal recht. In P. Popelier, & M. Adams (Eds.), Democratie en recht (pp. 575-608). Intersentia.
Wouters, J., de Smet, L., & Ryngaert, C. (2004). Tort Claims against Multinational Companies for Foreign Human Rights Violations Committed Abroad: Lessons from the Alien Tort Claims Act? In P. J. Slot, & M. Bulterman (Eds.), Globalisation and Jurisdiction (pp. 183-200). Kluwer.
Ryngaert, C. (2004). De verenigbaarheid van de Amerikaanse Sarbanes-Oxley Act met internationaal en Belgisch recht. Tijdschrift voor Rechtspersoon en Vennootschap, 3-21.
Wouters, J., & Ryngaert, C. (2004). Drijven de continenten uit elkaar? Transatlantische spanningen over uni- en multilateralisme. Internationale Spectator, 58(7/8), 361-367.
Ryngaert, C. (2004). Het Europees aanhoudingsbevel lastens Moreno-Garcia. Nieuw juridisch weekblad, 1226-1233.
Ryngaert, C. (2004). Book Review L. Reydams, Universal Jurisdiction: Municipal and International Legal Perspectives. Humanitäres Völkerrecht - Journal of international law of peace and armed conflict, 3, 205-206.
Ryngaert, C. (2004). Book Review S. Macedo (ed.), Universal Jurisdiction: National Courts and the Prosecution of Serious Crimes under International Law. Humanitäres Völkerrecht - Journal of international law of peace and armed conflict, 3, 206-208.
Ryngaert, C. (2004). The U.S. Supreme Court's Decision in Sosa v. Alvarez-Machain. International Law Forum du droit international, 6(3), 116-121.
Ryngaert, C. (2004). The European Commission's Amicus Curiae Brief in the Alvarez-Machain Case. International Law Forum du droit international, 6(2), 55-60.
Wouters, J., De Meester, B., & Ryngaert, C. (2004). Democracy and International Law. Netherlands Yearbook of International Law, 34, 137-198.
Ryngaert, C. (2004). Foreign-to-Foreign Claims: The US Supreme Court's Decision (2004) v the English High Court's Decision (2003) in the Vitamins Case. European competition law review, 25, 611-616.
Panken, H., Ryngaert, C., & Van Eeckhoutte, D. (2004). Het arrest Sharon van het Hof van Cassatie: Bouwstenen voor de verdere Rol van Universele Jurisdictie, Internationale Immuniteiten en de doorwerking van het Internationaal Gewoonterecht. Belgian Review of International Law, 37(1), 211-254.


Ryngaert, C. M. J., (2004). ILDC 6 (BE 2004), No. Case No P.04.1211.N, JT 2005, 322, Aug 24, 2004.
Ryngaert, C. M. J., (2004). ILDC 54 (BE 2004), No. P.03.1310.F, No. ILDC 54 (BE 2004), Jan 14, 2004.
Wouters, J., & Ryngaert, C. (2004). Irak blijft VN nodig hebben. De Standaard.
Ryngaert, C. (2004). Openbaarheid van bestuur in internationale financiële instellingen. Wereldbeeld, 1, 6-11.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Ryngaert, C. (2003). De doodstraf in internationaal perspectief: Een transatlantische dialoog. Ethische Perspectieven, 13(4), 244-251.


Ryngaert, C. M. J., (2003). ILDC 5 (BE 2003), No. P.02.1139.F/2, JT 2003, 243, Feb 12, 2003.
Ryngaert, C. M. J., (2003). ILDC 1363 (BE 2003), No. Journal des Tribunaux 2003, 684, No. ILDC 1363 (BE 2003), Mar 04, 2003.
Ryngaert, C. (2003). Oproep tot zelfverklaarde pacifisten en vredesidealisten. Tijdschrift voor Geestelijk leven, 259-261.
Ryngaert, C. (2003). Het einde van de Genocidewet. Zoeklicht, 37, 23-25.

Overige resultaten

Wouters, J., & Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2003). Naar een sterkere juridische en institutionele omkadering van de globalisering: Parl. St. Kamer, 2330/001.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Foblets, M.-C., Bouckaert, S., & Ryngaert, C. M. J. (2002). De rechtspositie van niet-begeleide minderjarige vreemdelingen zonder (gestabiliseerde) verblijfsstatus. In M. C. Foblets, & B. Hubeau (Eds.), Migratie- en migrantenrecht: Recente ontwikkelingen (Vol. 7, pp. 311-421). Die Keure.
Ryngaert, C. (2002). Leerlingenopvang en stakingsrecht in het onderwijs: Moeilijk verzoenbaar? Tijdschrift voor Onderwijsrecht en Onderwijsbeleid, 89-97.
Ryngaert, C. (2002). Hervorming van de Veiligheidsraad: Tegelijk Utopie en Noodzaak. Samenstelling en besluitvorming in de Veiligheidsraad van de Verenigde Naties. Jura Falconis, 38(2), 225-286.


Ang, F., & Ryngaert, C. M. J., (2002). ILDC 46 (BE 2002), No. (2002-2003) 8 Rechtskundig Weekblad 301, ILDC 46 (BE 2002), Mar 01, 2002.



Ryngaert, C. M. J., (2001). ILDC 42 (BE 2001), No. Cass No S.99.0103.F, ILDC 42 (BE 2001), Mar 12, 2001.



Ryngaert, C. M. J., (2000). ILDC 37 (BE 2000), No. 91/AR/2778, JT 2000, 790, No. ILDC 37 (BE 2000), Jan 25, 2000.