Charlotte is a PhD candidate at Utrecht University. Charlotte's PhD project concerns the regulation of the transparency of and the accountability for Networked Automated Administrative Decision-Making (abbreviated as: ‘NAADM’) in the Netherlands. She investigates this topic by a combination of legal doctrinal research and two in-depth qualitative case studies. Charlotte was a visiting PhD-student at the UNSW Allens Hub for Technology, Law and Innovation in Sydney, Australia (June-July 2023) and at Edinburgh Law School in Edinburgh, Scotland (November-December 2024).
Charlotte's research is supervised by Prof. Dr. Jurgen Goossens, Prof. Dr. Jurgen de Poorter and Prof. Dr. Esther Keymolen.
Her research is part of the NWO-MVI project Connecting Humankind through Algorithms and Information Networks.
Charlotte holds a degree in Law & Technology (LL.M.) from Tilburg University and a degree in Law & Economics (LL.M.) from Utrecht University (cum laude).