Dr. Alraune Zech

Vening Meineszgebouw A
Princetonlaan 8a
Kamer 3.86
3584 CB Utrecht

Dr. Alraune Zech

Universitair docent
030 253 7464

Research Interests

  • Processes and remediation strategies in contaminated aquifers: 
    • Modelling of biodegradation and bioremediation (EU project MIBIREM)
    • Developing removal strategies for PFAS (UU project PFAS living lab)
    • Describing transport and inactivation of virus
  • Hydrogeology in practicle applications: 
    • Erosion of silicate grouting in construction pits (NWO funded project SilPit)
    • Heat transport in the subsurface: Local thermal non-equilibrium (cooperation with DfG funded project LTNE at University Halle)
  • Upscaling of subsurface flow and transport parameters 
    • Studying scaling effects of hydraulic conductivity (including the use of Machine Learning)
    • Impact of aquifer heterogeneity on field scale flow and transport
    • Linking flow and transport characteristics at pore scale level to field scale properties, e.g. hydraulic conductivity, porosity, diffusion coefficients, tortuosity and dispersion
  • Data analysis and development of field data interpretation techniques 
    • Identifying reliable parameters for modelling field scale dispersion
    • methods for interpreting statistical parameters of aquifer heterogeneity in well flow configuration, e.g. pumping test or dipole tests 


Outreach, Affiliations and Conferences