Prof. mr. Sacha Prechal



Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Prechal, S. (2022). Article 19 TFEU and National Courts: A New Role for the Principle of Effective Judicial Protection? In M. Bonelli, M. Eliantonio, & G. Gentile (Eds.), Article 47 of the EU Charter and Effective Judicial Protection: Volume 1: The Court of Justice's Perspective (1 ed., pp. 11-26). Bloomsbury Publishing.
Prechal, S. (2022). Individuals challenging directives in EU courts. Common Market Law Review, 59, 41-50.
de Vries, S., Prechal, S., & Woude, M. V. D. (2022). In gesprek met René Barents... SEW, tijdschrift voor Europees en economisch recht, 70(9), 388-394. [9].


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Prechal, S. (2021). National standards of fundamental rights and the Charter. In EUnited in diversity. Between common constitutional traditions and national identities. (pp. 115-130)
Prechal, S. (2021). Het prijskaartje van niet-implementatie. In Grensoverstijgende rechtsbeoefening: Liber amicorum Jan Jans (pp. 261-266). Uitgeverij Paris.
de Graaf, K., Marseille, B., Prechal, S., Widdershoven, R., & Winter, H. (Eds.) (2021). Grensoverstijgende rechtsbeoefening: Liber amicorum Jan Jans. Paris.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Prechal, A., & Widdershoven, R. J. G. M. (2020). Principle of Effective Judicial Protection. In M. Scholten, & A. B. (Eds.), Controlling EU Agencies: The Rule of Law in a Multi-jurisdictional Legal Order (pp. 80-97). Edward Elgar Publishing.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Prechal, A. (2017). Europeanisering van het nationale bestuursrecht in hoofdlijnen. In R. J. G. M. Widdershoven, & S. Prechal (Eds.), Inleiding tot het Europees bestuursrecht (4 ed.). Ars Aequi Libri.
Prechal, A. (2017). Mutual Trust before the Court of Justice of the European Union. European Papers, 2(1), 75-92.
van der Brink, J. E., den Ouden, W., Prechal, A., Widdershoven, R. J. G. M., & Jans, J. H. (2017). Rechtsbeginselen en fundamentele rechten. In S. Prechal, & R. J. G. M. Widdershoven (Eds.), Inleiding tot het Europees bestuursrecht (4 ed., pp. 123-262). Ars Aequi Libri.
Prechal, A., Widdershoven, R. J. G. M., & Jans, J. H. (2017). Slotbeschouwingen. In S. Prechal, & R. J. G. M. Widdershoven (Eds.), Inleiding tot het Europees bestuursrecht (4 ed., pp. 469-476). Ars Aequi Libri.
Prechal, A., & Widdershoven, R. J. G. M. (2017). Inleiding. In S. Prechal, & R. J. G. M. Widdershoven (Eds.), Inleiding tot het Europees bestuursrecht (4 ed., pp. 1-34). Ars Aequi Libri.


Prechal, A., & Widdershoven, R. J. G. M. (2017). Inleiding tot het Europees bestuursrecht. (4 ed.) Ars Aequi Libri.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Prechal, A. (2016). The Many Formations of the Court of Justice: 15 Years after Nice. Fordham international law journal, 1273-1288.


Prechal, A. (2016). Redactionele signalen. SEW, tijdschrift voor Europees en economisch recht, 509.
Prechal, A. (2016). Redactionele signalen. SEW, tijdschrift voor Europees en economisch recht, 457.
Prechal, A. (2016). Imaginaire tegenstrijdigheden. A&MR, 255.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Prechal, A. (2015). De la Communauté à l’Union: la grammaire du droit européen en mutation ? In La Cour de Justice de L’Union européenne sous la présidence de Vassilios Skouris (2003-2015): Liber amicorum Vassilios Skouris (pp. 473-489). (Mélanges). Bruylant.
Prechal, A. (2015). The Court of Justice and Effective Judicial Protection: What Has the Charter Changed? In C. Paulussen, T. Takacs, V. Lazic, & B. van Rompuy (Eds.), Fundamental Rights in International and European Law: Public and Private Law Perspectives (pp. 143-157). TMC Asser Press/ Springer Verlag.
Prechal, A. (2015). Europeanisation of National Administrative Law. In J. H. Jans, S. Prechal, & R. J. G. M. Widdershoven (Eds.), Europeanisation of Public Law (Second revised edition ed., pp. 39-70). Europa Law Publishing.
Jans, J. H., Prechal, A., & Widdershoven, R. J. G. M. (2015). Chapter 8, Summing Up. In J. H. Jans, S. Prechal, & R. J. G. M. Widdershoven (Eds.), Europeanisation of Public Law (Second revised edition ed., pp. 489-496). Europa Law Publishing.
van der Brink, J. E., Den Ouden, W., Prechal, A., Widdershoven, R. J. G. M., & Jans, J. H. (2015). Chapter 4. General Principles of Law. In J. H. Jans, S. Prechal, & R. J. G. M. Widdershoven (Eds.), Europeanisation of Public Law (Second revised edition ed., pp. 135-260). Europa Law Publishing.
Prechal, A., Widdershoven, R. J. G. M., & Jans, J. H. (2015). Chapter 1. Introduction. In J. H. Jans, S. Prechal, & R. J. G. M. Widdershoven (Eds.), Europeanisation of Public Law (Second revised edition ed., pp. 3-36). Europa Law Publishing.


Prechal, A. (2015). Interne situatie en prejudiciële vragen. SEW, tijdschrift voor Europees en economisch recht, 2015(11), 494-496.
Eijsbouts, W. T., Jans, J. H., Prechal, A., & Senden, L. A. J. (2015). Europees Recht - Algemeen Deel. (Vijfde druk ed.) Europa Law Publishing.
Jans, J. H., Prechal, A., & Widdershoven, R. J. G. M. (2015). Europeanisation of Public Law. (Second revised edition ed.) Europa Law Publishing.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Prechal, S. (2014). Communication within the preliminary rulings procedure: responsibilities of the national courts. Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law, 753-761.
Prechal, S., & Peers, S. (2014). Article 52 – Scope of Guarenteed Rights. In T. Hervey, J. Kenner, S. Peers, & A. Ward (Eds.), The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights – A Commentary (pp. 1455-1521). Hart Publishing.
Prechal, A. (2014). The European acquis of civil procedure: constitutional aspects. Uniform Law Review, 19(1), 1-20.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Tizzano, A., Kokott, J., & Prechal, A. (2013). Van Gend en Loos 1963-2013, Actes du colloque. Office des publications de l'Union Européenne.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Prechal, A. (2012). Oneigenlijk Spel? Creatief Gebruik van Procesrecht voor het Hof van Justitie. In J-H. Reestman (Ed.), De Regels en het Spel, Opstellen over Recht, Filosofie, Literatuur en geschiedenis aangeboden aan Tom Eijsbouts (pp. 315-322). TMC Asser Press.
Prechal, A., de Vries, S. A., & van Doorn, F. (2012). The Implementation of the Services Directive in the Netherlands. In U. Stelkens, W. Weiss, & M. Mirschberger (Eds.), The Implementation of the EU Services Directive – Transposition, Problems and Strategies (pp. 435-473). T.M.C. Asser Press, Springer.


Prechal, A. (2012). 'Europese' rechtspraak van de CRvB en de samenwerking met het Hof van Justitie van de EU. Trema, 156-159.
Prechal, A., & Burri, S. D. (2012). updated by S.D. Burri & H. van Eijken, EU Gender Equality Law in 33 countries, Update 2010, European Network of Legal Experts in the field of Gender Equality. European Commission.
Prechal, A. (2012). Editorial Comments: Delivering Justice: Smaller and bigger steps at the ECJ. CMLRev, 987-993.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Widdershoven, R. J. G. M., Prechal, A., & Jans, J. H. (2011). Inleiding tot het Europees Bestuursrecht. (3e druk ed.) Ars Aequi Libri.
Widdershoven, R. J. G. M., & Prechal, A. (2011). Redefining the Relationship between ‘Rewe-effectiveness’ and Effective Judicial Protection. Review of European Administrative Law, 2, 31-50.
Widdershoven, R. J. G. M., & Prechal, A. (2011). Effectiveness or Effective Judicial Protection: A Poorly Articulated Relationship. In T. Baumé (Ed.), Today’s Multi-layered Legal Order: Current Issues and Perspectives, Liber amicorum Arjen Meij (pp. 283-296). Paris Legal Publishers.
de Vries, S. A., Prechal, A., & van Eijken, H. (2011). The Principle of Attributed Powers and the Scope of EU Law. In L. Besselink, F. Pennings, & S. Prechal (Eds.), The Eclipse of the Legality Principle in the European Union (pp. 213-247). Kluwer Law International.
van den Brink, A., & Prechal, A. (2011). Methoden van omzetting van EU-recht in Nederland, Rapport aan de Raad van State. Raad van State.


Burri, S. D., & Prechal, A. (2011). EU Gender Equality Law in 33 countries, Update 2010, European Network of Legal Experts in the field of Gender Equality. European Commission.
Burri, S. D., & Prechal, A. (2011). EU Rules on Gender Equality: How are they transposed into national law? Update 2010, European Network of Legal Experts in the field of Gender Equality. European Commission.
Besselink, L. F. M., Pennings, F. J. L., & Prechal, A. (2011). The Eclipse of the Legality Principle in the European Union. Kluwer Law International.
Burri, S. D., & Prechal, A. (2011). EU Gender Equality Law, Update 2010, European Network of Legal Experts in the field of Gender Equality. European Commission.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Prechal, A. (2010). Competence creep and General Principles of Law. Review of European Administrative Law, 3(1), 5-22.
van Harten, H. J., de Graaf, K. J., Jans, J. H., Prechal, A., & Widdershoven, R. J. G. M. (2010). European Administrative Law Series (3). In European Administrative Law, Top Down and Bottom up; Proceedings of the First REALaw Research Forum (pp. 135-154). Europa Law Publishing.
Besselink, L. F. M., Pennings, F. J. L., & Prechal, A. (2010). Introduction: Legality in Multiple Legal Orders. In L. F. M. Besselink, F. J. L. Pennings, & A. Prechal (Eds.), The Eclipse of the Legality Principle in the European Union, European Monographs, vol. 75 (pp. 3-9). Kluwer Law International.
Beukers, T. W. B., Harten, H. J., & Prechal, A. (2010). Het recht van de Europese Unie in 50 klassieke arresten. Boom Juridische Uitgevers.
Prechal, A. (2010). Annotatie onder Von Colson en Kamann. In T. W. B. van Beukers, H. J. Harten, & A. Prechal (Eds.), Het recht van de Europese Unie in 50 klassieke arresten (pp. 154-159). Boom Juridische Uitgevers.


Besselink, L. F. M., Pennings, F. J. L., & Prechal, A. (2010). The Eclipse of the Legality Principle in the European Union, European Monographs, vol. 75. Kluwer Law International.
Prechal, A. (2010). De lijfstraffen van de onderzoeksdirecteur. Nederlands juristenblad, 2010(14), 873.
Prechal, A., de Graaf, K. J., Jans, J. H., & Widdershoven, R. J. G. M. (2010). European Administrative Law, Top Down and Bottom up; Proceedings of the First REALaw Research Forum, Europa Law Publishing. Europa Law Publishing.
Prechal, A., Eijsbouts, W. T., Jans, J. H., & Senden, L. A. J. (2010). Europees Recht - Algemeen Deel. Sinds het Verdrag van Lissabon. (derde geheel herziene druk ed.) Europa Law Publishing.
Prechal, A. (2010). Defrenne: de Europese gelijkebeloningssaga met verstrekkende gevolgen. Ars Aequi, 2010(4), 283.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Prechal, A. (2009). ‘Non-discrimination Does Not Fall Down from Heaven’: The Context and Evolution of Non-discrimination in EU Law. (Eric Stein Working Paper ; Vol. 2009, No. 4). Czech Society for European and Comparative Law.
Prechal, A. (2009). Editorial Comments: ‘Protocology’. CMLRev, 6(2009), 1785-1793.
Prechal, A., & Burri, S. D. (2009). EU Rules on Gender Equality: How are they transposed into national law? Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Union, (2009).
Prechal, A., & Marguery, T. P. (2009). La mise en oeuvre des decisions-cadres une lecon pour les futures directives penales? In J. Dutheil de la Rochère (Ed.), L'exécution du droit de l'Union, entre mécanismes communautaires et droits nationaux (pp. 225-251). Bruylant.
Prechal, A., & de Vries, S. A. (2009). Seamless web of judicial protection in the internal market? European Law Review, 34(2009), 5-24.


Burri, S. D., & Prechal, A. (2009). The Transposition of the Recast Directive 2006/54/EC, European Commission Directorate General for Employment, Social Affaires and Equal Opportunities. European Commission.
de Graaf, K., Jans, J. H., Prechal, A., & Widdershoven, R. J. G. M. (2009). European administrative law: Top-down and bottom-up; proceedings of the first REALaw research forum. Europa Law Publishing.
Prechal, A. (2009). Redactionele signalen. Sociaal-economische wetgeving, 10, 365-366.
Prechal, A. (2009). Redactionele signalen. Sociaal-economische wetgeving, 12, 461-461.
Prechal, A. (2009). Redactionele signalen. Sociaal-economische wetgeving, 11, 409-409.
Prechal, A., & Burri, S. D. (2009). Gender Equality in 30 European Countries, 2009 update: European network of legal experts in the field of gender equality. European Commission Directorate General for Employment, Social Affaires and Equal Opportunities, Unit G/2.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Adriaanse, P. C., Barkhuysen, P., Boswijk, P., Habib, K., de Kruif, C., Luchtman, M. J. J. P., Ouden, W., Prechal, A., Steunenberg, B., Vervaele, J. A. E., Voermans, W. J. M., de Vries, S. A., & Widdershoven, R. J. G. M. (2008). Implementatie van EU-handhavingsvoorschriften. Boom Juridische Uitgevers.
Prechal, A. (2008). Fundamental rights as limits to the liberalisation of service markets. In The EU and WTO Law on Services (pp. 55-73). Kluwer Law International.
Prechal, A., & van Roermund, B. (2008). Binding unity in EU legal order: An Introduction. In S. Prechal, & B. van Roermund (Eds.), The Coherence of EU Law: The Search for Unity in Divergent Concepts (pp. 1-20). Oxford University Press.
Prechal, A. (2008). Free Movement and Procedural Requirements: Proportionality Reconsidered. Legal issues of European integration, 35(3), 201-216.
Prechal, A. (2008). Editorial comments: Two-speed European Citizenship? Can the Lisbon treaty help to close the gap? Common Market Law Review, 1(45), 1-11.
Burri, S. D., & Prechal, A. (2008). Comparative Approaches to Gender Equality and Non-Discrimination within Europe. In D. Schiek, & V. Chege (Eds.), European Non-Discrimination Law: Comparative Perspectives on Multidimensional Equality Law (pp. 215-247). Routledge Cavendish.
Prechal, A., & Widdershoven, R. J. G. M. (2008). The Dutch General Administrative Law Act: Europe-proof? European Public Law, 14(1), 81-98.
Prechal, A. (2008). De emancipatie van ‘het algemene transparantiebeginsel’. Sociaal-economische wetgeving, 9(2008), 316-322.
Prechal, A., & de Vries, S. A. (2008). Viking/Laval en de grondslagen van het internetmarktrecht. Sociaal-economische wetgeving, 11(2008), 425-440.
de Leeuw, M. E., & Prechal, A. (2008). Transparency: A General Principle of EU law? In U. Bernitz, J. Nergelius, & C. Cardner (Eds.), General Principles of European Community Law in a Process of Development (pp. 207-248). Kluwer Law International.
Prechal, A. (2008). Ius Commune: de bijdrage van het Europees recht in negen voorbeelden. Ars Aequi, 6(57), 413-420.
Prechal, A. (2008). Gender Equality Law: a source of inspiration for other EU legal fields? European Gender Equality Law Review, 1(2008), 8-14.
Boswijk, P., Prechal, A., de Vries, S. A., Widdershoven, R. J. G. M., Adriaanse, P. C., Barkhuysen, T., Habib, K., de Kruif, C., Luchtman, M. J. J. P., Ouden, W., Steunenberg, B., Vervaele, J. A. E., & Voermans, W. J. M. (2008). Implementation of EU enforcement provisions: between European control and national practice. Review of European Administrative Law, 1(2), 83-97.
Boswijk, P., Prechal, A., de Vries, S. A., Widdershoven, R. J. G. M., Adriaanse, P. C., Barkhuysen, T., Habib, K., de Kruif, C., Luchtman, M. J. J. P., Ouden, W., Steunenberg, B., Vervaele, J. A. E., & Voermans, W. J. M. (2008). Implementatie van EU-handhavingsvoorschriften: tussen Europese regels en nationale praktijk. RegelMaat, 5(2008), 180-191.
Prechal, A. (2008). Enforcement of EC labour law: some less felicitous consequences? In F. Pennings, Y. Konijn, & A. Veldman (Eds.), Social Responsibility in Labour Relations – European and Comparative perspectives (pp. 15-24). Kluwer Law International.
Prechal, A. (2008). Experiences from Professional Practice – some steps towards empirical research. In S. Prechal, & B. van Roermund (Eds.), The Coherence of EU Law: The Search for Unity In Divergent Concepts (pp. 155-182). Oxford University Press.
Prechal, A. (2008). Protection of Rights: how far? In S. Prechal, & B. van Roermund (Eds.), The Coherence of EU Law: The Search for Unity in Divergent Concepts (pp. 155-182). Oxford University Press.


Prechal, A., & van Roermund, B. (2008). The Coherence of EU Law: The Search for Unity in Divergent Concepts. Oxford University Press.
Burri, S. D., & Prechal, A. (2008). EU Gender Equality Law, 1e druk. Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.
Prechal, A. (2008). Bookreview L'applicabilité directe dans le droit de la C.E.E. European Law Review, 3, 439-443.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Prechal, A. (2007). National courts in EU judicial structures. In Yearbook of European Law 2006 (pp. 429-450). Oxford University Press.
Prechal, A., & Blockmans, S. (2007). The European integration process: a continuum of ‘deepening’ and ‘widening’. In S. Blockmans, & A. Prechal (Eds.), Reconciling the deepening and widening of the European Union (pp. 1-12). T.M.C. Asser Press.
Prechal, A., & de Leeuw, M. E. (2007). Dimensions of Transparency: The Building Blocks for a New Legal Principle? zero issue. Review of European Administrative Law, 51-61.
Widdershoven, R. J. G. M., Verhoeven, M. J. M., Prechal, A., Duijkersloot, A. P. W., van de Gronden, J. W., Hessel, B., & Ortlep, R. (2007). De Europese agenda van de Awb. Bju.
Widdershoven, R. J. G. M., Prechal, A., Jans, J. H., & de Lange, R. (2007). Europeanisation of Public Law. Europa Law Publishing.
Prechal, A. (2007). Direct Effect, Indirect Effect, Supremacy and the Evolving Constitution of the European Union. In C. Barnard (Ed.), The Fundamentals of EU Law Revisited. Assessing the Impact of the Constitutional Debate, Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law (pp. 35-69). Oxford.
Prechal, A. (2007). Domestic legal effects of EU criminal law: variations on three themes. In Interface between EU Law and National Law (pp. 335-345). Europa Law Publishing.


Prechal, A., & Burri, S. D. (2007). Legal Aspects of the Gender Pay Gap. European Commission.
Burri, S. D., Prechal, A., & Masselot, A. (2007). Report on Pregnancy, Maternity, Parental and Paternity Rights. European Commission.
Burri, S. D., & Prechal, A. (2007). Bulletin Legal Issues in Gender Equality no 2/2007. European Commission.
Burri, S. D., & Prechal, A. (2007). Bulletin Legal Issues in Gender Equality no 1/2007. European Commission.
Prechal, A., & Burri, S. D. (2007). General Report on Developments in EU Gender Equality Law, June 2006 – May 2007. European Commission, Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities.
Prechal, A., & Blockmans, S. (2007). Reconciling the deepening and widening of the European Union. T.M.C. Asser Press.
Widdershoven, R. J. G. M., Verhoeven, M. J. M., Prechal, A., Duijkersloot, A. P. W., van de Gronden, J. W., Hessel, B., & Ortlep, R. (2007). Ilsink over de Europese agenda van de Awb. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Bestuursrecht, 5, 156-159.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

van Ooik, R. H., & Prechal, A. (2006). De Europeanisering van het recht: gevolgen voor de Nederlandse rechtspraak. Rechtstreeks, 1, 7-22.
Prechal, A. (2006). Member State liability and direct effect: what’s the difference after all? European Business Law Review, 17(2), 299-316.


van Rijswick, H. F. M. W., & Prechal, A. (2006). Supervision and Supervisory authorities: a few introductory remarks. Utrecht Law Review, 2(1), 1-7.
Prechal, A. (2006). General Report on Developments in EU Gender Equality Law, June 2005 - May 2006, by the Commission’s Network of legal experts in the fields of employment, social affairs and equality between men and women, drafted by the networks co-ordinator, Sacha Prechal, European Commission, Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, Unit EMPL/G/2, European Commission.

Overige resultaten

Prechal, A. (2006). Juridisch cement voor de Europese Unie. Europa Law Publishing.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Prechal, A., & van Ooik, R. H. (2005). Directives in EC Law, second, completely revised edition. Oxford University Press.
Prechal, A. (2005). Adieu à la Directive? European Constitutional Law Review, 1(3), 481-494.
Prechal, A., van Ooik, R. H., Jans, J. H., & Mortelmans, K. J. M. (2005). Europeanisation of the Law: Consequences for the Dutch Judiciary. (Academische reeks Raad voor de rechtspraak ed.) Raad voor de rechtspraak.


Prechal, A. (2005). General Report on the Developments in EU Gender Equality Law. (Unit EMPL/G/1 ed.) European Commission, Directorate General for Employment.
Prechal, A., (2005). 2005, , (Gevoegde zaken C-397/01 t/m C-403/01), Oct 05, 2005.
Prechal, A. (2005). Achievements and Trends in EU Gender Equality Law. In P. Xuereb (Ed.), Anti-Discrimination, Inclusion and Equality in Malta (pp. 33-40)


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Prechal, A. (2004). Preliminary procedure: a role for legal scholarship? In The Uncertain Future of the Preliminary Procedure (pp. 17-30).
Prechal, A. (2004). Non-Discrimination and Social Policy: Achievements in Three Themes. Common Market Law Review, 533-551.
Prechal, A., & Shelkoplyas, N. (2004). National Procedures, Public policy and EC Law. From Van Schijndel to Eco Swiss and beyond. European Review of Private Law, 589-611.
Prechal, A. (2004). Administration of Justice in the EU - who should do what. In La Cour de justice des Communautés européennes 1952-2002: Bilan et perspectives (pp. 61-83). Bruylant.
Prechal, A., (2004). CMLR 2005, , (Noot bij: Joined Cases C-397/01 to C-403/01, Bernhard Pfeiffer et al.), Oct 05, 2004.
Mortelmans, K. J. M., van Ooik, R. H., & Prechal, A. (2004). Europees recht en de Nederlandse rechter. Verworvenheden en Uitdagingen. Kluwer.
Prechal, A. (2004). Rights v. Principles, or How to Remove Fundamental Rights from the Jurisdiction of the Courts. In J. W. de Zwaan, J. H. Jans, & F. A. Nelissen (Eds.), The European Union. An Ongoing Process of Integration, Liber Amicorum Alfred E. Kellermann (pp. 177-185). T.M.C. Asser Press.


Prechal, A., (2004). SEW 2004, , (Zaak C-453/00, Kühne & Heitz NV), Jan 13, 2004.
Besselink, L. F. M., & Prechal, A. (2004). Kroniek van het Europees en Nederlands Constitutioneel recht. Nederlands juristenblad, 2004(10), 504-512.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

van Ooik, R. H., & Prechal, A. (2003). Het institutionele recht van de Europese Unie en de Nederlandse rechter: het acquis in een notendop. Sociaal-economische wetgeving, 328-352.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Widdershoven, R. J. G. M., Jans, J. H., de Lange, R., & Prechal, A. (2002). Inleiding tot het Europees Bestuursrecht (2e herziene druk). Ars Aequi Libri.
Besselink, L. F. M., Kummeling, H. R. B. M., Mendelts, P., & Prechal, A. (2002). De Nederlandse Grondwet en de Europese Unie. Europa Law Publishing.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Mortelmans, K. J. M., & Prechal, A. (2001). Nederlands-Europese regelgeving; verbeter de kwaliteit en begin bij jezelf. RegelMaat, (1), 36-43.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Widdershoven, R. J. G. M., Jans, J. H., de Lange, R., & Prechal, A. (1999). Inleiding tot het Europees bestuursrecht. Ars Aequi Libri.