Recent publications (selection, last five years)
Koster, T., Poortman, A. R., van der Lippe, T., & Kleingeld, P. (2021). Parenting in Postdivorce Families: The Influence of Residence, Repartnering, and Gender. Journal of Marriage and Family, 83(2), 498-515
Koster, T., Poortman, A. Van der Lippe, T., & Kleingeld, P. (2021). Fairness Perceptions of the Division of Household Labor: Housework and Childcare. Journal of Family Issues, Online first
Van den Berg, A., & Poortman, A. R. (2021). De werk-privé balans van gescheiden ouders: De rol van werkeisen, privé-eisen en hun combinatie. Mens en maatschappij, 96(1), 67-90.
Poortman, A. (2021). Postdivorce parent-child contact and child outcomes: The role of spatial mobility. Pp. 207 -229 in D. Mortelmans & L. Bernardi (Eds.). Shared Physical Custody. Interdisciplinary Insights in Child Custody Arrangements. Springer: European Studies of Population, volume 25.
Van Houdt, K. & Poortman, A. (2018). Joint lifestyles and the risk of union dissolution: Differences between marriage and cohabitation. Demographic Research, 39, 431-458. (Received: Editor’s choice award from DR)
De Bruijn, S., Poortman, A. R., & van der Lippe, T. (2018). Do parenting plans work? The effect of parenting plans on procedural, family and child outcomes. International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family, 32(3), 394-411.
Poortman, A. (2018). Postdivorce parent–child contact and child well-being: The importance of predivorce parental involvement. Journal of Marriage and Family, 80, 671-683.
Poortman, A. & Van Gaalen, R. (2017). Shared residence after separation: A review and new findings from the Netherlands. Family Court Review, 55, 531-544.
Van der Heijden, F., Poortman, A. & Van der Lippe, T. (2016). Children's postdivorce residence arrangements and parental experienced time pressure. Journal of Marriage and Family, 78, 468-481.