Dr. Andrei Petoukhov

Dr. Andrei Petoukhov

Universitair hoofddocent
Physical and Colloid Chemistry
030 253 1167


Please download my full cv above if you want to know more about my teaching, research, publications and funding. In brief, my professional experience is summarised in the Table below.


Part-time associate professor, laboratory of physical chemistry, Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands


The SAXS man @ Utrecht University. 

My research is strongly bound to the SAXS/WAXS station at the DUtch-Belgium BeamLine at the ESRF (DUBBLE). I use DUBBLE and other ESRF beamlines for my own research and I also help other people to perform their experiments in Grenoble. That is why I am known in Utrecht as the "SAXS man". 

I currently hold the position of Associate professor in the world-famous van 't Hoff laboratory for physical and colloid chemistry


Nijmegen University, The Netherlands


Institut für Festkörperforschung, KFA  Jülich, Germany


Institute of Crystallography, Moscow, Russia


PhD degree: Physics department, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia


MSc degree: Physics department, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia