Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Seepma, S., Ruiz Hernandez, S., Nehrke, G.
, Soetaert, K., Philipse, A., Kuipers, B., & Wolthers, M. (2021).
Controlling CaCO3 particle size with {Ca2+}:{CO32-} ratios in aqueous environments. Abstract from Goldschmidt 2021. Seepma, S., Ruiz Hernandez, S., Nehrke, G., Soetaert, K.
, Philipse, A., Kuipers, B., & Wolthers, M. (2021).
The influence of {Ca2+}:{CO32-} stoichiometry ratios on CaCO3 nucleation and growth in aqueous environments. Poster session presented at NAC Conference (Nederlands Aardwetenschappelijk Congres) (Online). Heijnen, S. M. F., van Vliet, P.
, Kuipers, B. W. M., Philipse, A. P., Petukhov, A. V., & Ouhajji, S. (2021).
Depletion-induced chiral chain formation of magnetic spheres.
14(3), 1-8. [507]., S., Ruiz Hernandez, S., Nehrke, G.
, Soetaert, K., Philipse, A. P., Kuipers, B. W. M., & Wolthers, M. (2021).
Controlling CaCO3 particle size with {Ca2+}:{CO32-} ratios in aqueous environments. Crystal Growth & Design,
21(3), 1576-1590. 2020
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Rosenberg, M.
, Dekker, F., Donaldson, J. G.
, Philipse, A. P., & Kantorovich, S. S. (2020).
Self-assembly of charged colloidal cubes.
Soft Matter,
16(18), 4451-4461., F., González García, G., Philipse, A. P., & Tuinier, R. (2020).
Phase stability of dispersions of hollow silica nanocubes mediated by non-adsorbing polymers.
European Physical Journal E,
43(6), [38]. Stojimirovic, B.
, Vis, M., Tuinier, R., Philipse, A. P., & Trefalt, G. (2020).
Experimental Evidence for Algebraic Double-Layer Forces.
36(1), 47-54., F., Kuipers, B. W. M., Petukhov, A. V., Tuinier, R., & Philipse, A. P. (2020).
Scattering from colloidal cubic silica shells: Part I, particle form factors and optical contrast variation.
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,
571, 419-428. Dekker, F., Kuipers, B. W. M., González García, G., Tuinier, R., & Philipse, A. P. (2020).
Scattering from colloidal cubic silica shells: Part II, static structure factors and osmotic equation of state.
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,
571, 267-274. Vrieling, H.
, Kooijman, S., de Ridder, J.
, Thies-Weesie, D., Soema, P., Jiskoot, W., van Riet, E.
, Heck, A., Philipse, A., Kersten, G., Meiring, H., Pennings, J., & Metz, B. (2020).
Activation of human monocytes by colloidal aluminium salts.
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences,
109(1), 750–760.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Meijer, J. M., Meester, V.
, Hagemans, F., Lekkerkerker, H. N. W., Philipse, A. P., & Petukhov, A. V. (2019).
Convectively Assembled Monolayers of Colloidal Cubes: Evidence of Optimal Packings.
35(14), 4946-4955. 2018
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Ouhajji, S., Van Ravensteijn, B. G. P., Fernández-Rico, C.
, Lacina, K. S., Philipse, A. P., & Petukhov, A. V. (2018).
Wet-chemical synthesis of chiral colloids.
ACS Nano,
12(12), 12089-12095. Dekker, F., Tuinier, R., & Philipse, A. P. (2018).
Synthesis of Hollow Silica Nanocubes with Tuneable Size and Shape, Suitable for Light Scattering Studies.
Colloids and Interfaces,
2(4), [44]. Vis, M., Tuinier, R., Kuipers, B. W. M., Vrij, A., & Philipse, A. P. (2018).
Interactions between amphoteric surfaces with strongly overlapping double layers.
Soft Matter,
14(23), 4702-4710. Landman, J., Ouhajji, S., Prévost, S., Narayanan, T.
, Groenewold, J., Philipse, A. P., Kegel, W. K., & Petukhov, A. V. (2018).
Inward growth by nucleation: Multiscale self-assembly of ordered membranes.
Science advances,
4(6), [eaat1817]. Caciagli, A.
, Baars, R. J., Philipse, A. P., & Kuipers, B. W. M. (2018).
Erratum to “Exact expression for the magnetic field of a finite cylinder with arbitrary uniform magnetization” [J. Magnet. Magnet. Mater. 456 (2018) 423–432].
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials,
461, 133., A.
, Baars, R. J., Philipse, A. P., & Kuipers, B. W. M. (2018).
Exact expression for the magnetic field of a finite cylinder with arbitrary uniform magnetization.
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials,
456, 423-432., L., Donaldson, J. G.
, Meijer, J-M., Petukhov, A. V., Kleckner, D., Kantorovich, S. S., Irvine, W. T. M.
, Philipse, A. P., & Sacanna, S. (2018).
Self-organization in dipolar cube fluids constrained by competing anisotropies.
Soft Matter,
14(7), 1080-1087. 2017
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Philipse, A. P., Tuinier, R., Kuipers, B. W. M., Vrij, A., & Vis, M. (2017).
On the Repulsive Interaction Between Strongly Overlapping Double Layers of Charge-regulated Surfaces.
Colloids and Interface Science Communications,
21, 10-14. Ouhajji, S., Landman, J., Prévost, S.
, Jiang, L., Philipse, A. P., & Petukhov, A. V. (2017).
In situ observation of self-assembly of sugars and surfactants from nanometres to microns.
Soft Matter,
13(13), 2421-2425. Meijer, J. M., Pal, A., Ouhajji, S., Lekkerkerker, H. N. W., Philipse, A. P., & Petukhov, A. V. (2017).
Observation of solid-solid transitions in 3D crystals of colloidal superballs.
Nature Communications,
8, [14352]. 2016
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
van Rijssel, J., Costo, R., Vrij, A.
, Philipse, A. P., & Erne, B. H. (2016).
Thermodynamic Charge-to-Mass Sensor for Colloids, Proteins, and Polyelectrolytes.
1(11), 1344-1350., S. I. R., Krans, N. A., Pompe, C. E., den Otter, J. H., Thies-Weesie, D. M. E., & Philipse, A. P. (2016).
Synthesis method for crystalline hollow titania micron-cubes.
Colloids and surfaces. A, physicochemical and engineering aspects,
504, 228-233. Ouhajji, S., Nylander, T., Piculell, L.
, Tuinier, R., Linse, P.
, & Philipse, A. P. (2016).
Depletion controlled surface deposition of uncharged colloidal spheres from stable bulk dispersions.
Soft Matter,
12(17), 3963-3971. 2015
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Baars, R. J., van Leeuwen, Y. M., Hendrix, Y.
, Velikov, K. P., Kegel, W. K., & Philipse, A. P. (2015).
Morphology-controlled functional colloids by heterocoagulation of zein and nanoparticles.
Colloids and surfaces. A, physicochemical and engineering aspects,
483, 209-215. Van Berkum, S., Biewenga, P. D.
, Verkleij, S. P., Van Zon, J. B. A.
, Boere, K. W. M., Pal, A., Philipse, A. P., & Erné, B. H. (2015).
Swelling enhanced remanent magnetization of hydrogels cross-linked with magnetic nanoparticles.
31(1), 442-450. Liu, P., De Folter, J. W. J., Petukhov, A. V., & Philipse, A. P. (2015).
Reconfigurable assembly of superparamagnetic colloids confined in thermo-reversible microtubes.
Soft Matter,
11(31), 6201-6211. Philipse, A. P., Kuipers, B. W. M., & Vrij, A. (2015).
A thermodynamic gauge for mobile counter-ions from colloids and nanoparticles.
Faraday discussions,
181, 103-121. Rossi, L., Soni, V.
, Ashton, D. J., Pine, D. J.
, Philipse, A. P., Chaikin, P. M.
, Dijkstra, M., Sacanna, S., & Irvine, W. T. M. (2015).
Shape-sensitive crystallization in colloidal superball fluids.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America,
112(17), 5286-5290. De Folter, J. W. J., Liu, P., Jiang, L., Kuijk, A., Bakker, H. E., Imhof, A., Van Blaaderen, A., Huang, J.
, Kegel, W. K., Philipse, A. P., & Petukhov, A. V. (2015).
Self-organization of anisotropic and binary colloids in thermo-switchable 1D microconfinement.
Particle & Particle Systems Characterization,
32(3), 313-320. Castillo, S. I. R., Thies-Weesie, D. M. E., & Philipse, A. P. (2015).
Formation and liquid permeability of dense colloidal cube packings.
Physical Review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics,
91(2), [022311]. 2014
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
van Rijssel, J., Peters, V. F. D.
, Meeldijk, J. D., Kortschot, R. J., Moes, R., Petukhov, A. V., Erne, B. H., & Philipse, A. P. (2014).
Size-Dependent Second Virial Coefficients of Quantum Dots from Quantitative Cryogenic Electron Microscopy.
Journal of Physical Chemistry. B,
118(37), 11000-11005. Siretanu, I., Ebeling, D., Andersson, M. P., Stipp, S. L. S.
, Philipse, A., Stuart, M. C., Van Den Ende, D., & Mugele, F. (2014).
Direct observation of ionic structure at solid-liquid interfaces: A deep look into the Stern Layer.
Scientific Reports,
4, [4956]., R. J., Philipse, A. P., & Erné, B. H. (2014).
Debye length dependence of the anomalous dynamics of ionic double layers in a parallel plate capacitor.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C,
118(22), 11584-11592. Kortschot, R. J., Lyklema, J.
, Philipse, A. P., & Erné, B. H. (2014).
Diverging electrophoretic and dynamic mobility of model silica colloids at low ionic strength in ethanol.
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,
422, 65-70. Castillo, S. I. R., Pompe, C. E., Van Mourik, J., Verbart, D. M. A.
, Thies - Weesie, D., De Jongh, P. E., & Philipse, A. P. (2014).
Colloidal cubes for the enhanced degradation of organic dyes.
Journal of Materials Chemistry A,
2(26), 10193-10201. Castillo, S. I. R., Ouhajji, S., Fokker, S.
, Erné, B. H., Schneijdenberg, C. T. W. M., Thies - Weesie, D., Philipse, A. P., & Thies - Weesie, D. (2014).
Silica cubes with tunable coating thickness and porosity: From hematite filled silica boxes to hollow silica bubbles.
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials,
195, 75-86. Overige resultaten
Timonen, J. V. I., Hooghoudt, T., Vilaplana Artigas, M., Philipse, A. P., Guerrero Sanchez, C., Casamada Ribot, C., Philippi, V., & de Groot, R. (2014). Magnetic fluid.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Philipse, A. P., Kuipers, B. W. M., & Vrij, A. (2013).
Algebraic repulsions between charged planes with strongly overlapping electrical double layers.
29(9), 2859-2870. Byelov, D., Meijer, J. M., Snigireva, I., Snigirev, A.
, Rossi, L., van den Pol, E., Kuijk, A., Philipse, A. P., Imhof, A., van Blaaderen, A., Vroege, G. J., & Petukhov, A. V. (2013).
In situ hard X-ray microscopy of self-assembly in colloidal suspensions.
RSC Advances,
3, 15670-15677. van Berkum, S., Dee, J. T.
, Philipse, A. P., & Erné, B. H. (2013).
Frequency-Dependent Magnetic Susceptibility of Magnetite and Cobalt Ferrite Nanoparticles Embedded in PAA Hydrogel.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences,
14(5), 10162-10177. Jiang, L., de Folter, J. W. J., Huang, J.
, Philipse, A. P., Kegel, W. K., & Petukhov, A. V. (2013).
Helical Colloidal Sphere Structures through Thermo-Reversible Co-Assembly with Molecular Microtubes.
Angewandte Chemie-International Edition,
52(12), 3364-3368. Abrikosov, A. I.
, Sacanna, S., Philipse, A. P., & Linse, P. (2013).
Self-assembly of spherical colloidal particles with off-centered magnetic dipoles.
Soft Matter,
9, 8904-8913.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Luigjes, B., Thies-Weesie, D. M. E., Erné, B. H., & Philipse, A. P. (2012).
Sedimentation equilibria of ferrofluids: II. Experimental osmotic equations of state of magnetite colloids.
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter,
24(24), 1-7. [245104]. Kuipers, B. W. M., van de Ven, M. C. A.
, Baars, R. J., & Philipse, A. P. (2012).
Simultaneous measurement of rotational and translational diffusion of anisotropic colloids with a new integrated setup for fluorescence recovery after photobleaching.
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter,
24(24), 1-15. [245101]. Luigjes, B., Thies-Weesie, D. M. E., Philipse, A. P., & Erné, B. H. (2012).
Sedimentation equilibria of ferrofluids: I. Analytical centrifugation in ultrathin glass capillaries.
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter,
24(24), 1-8. [245103]. 2011
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Rossi, L., Sacanna, S., Irvine, W. T. M., Chaikin, P. M., Pine, D. J.
, & Philipse, A. P. (2011).
Cubic crystals from cubic colloids.
Soft Matter,
7(9), 4139-4142. Kyrylyuk, A. V., & Philipse, A. P. (2011).
Effect of particle shape on the random packing density of amorphous solids.
Physica status solidi. A, Applications and materials science,
208(10), 2299-2302. Luigjes, B., Woudenberg, S. M. C., de Groot, R.
, Meeldijk, J. D., Torres Galvis, H. M., de Jong, K. P., Philipse, A. P., & Erné, B. H. (2011).
Diverging geometric and magnetic size distributions of iron oxide nanocrystals.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C,
115(30), 14598-14605. 2010
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Calderone, V. R., Schütz-Widoniak, J., Bezemer, G. L., Bakker, G., Steurs, C.
, & Philipse, A. P. (2010).
Design of colloidal Pt catalysts encapsulated by silica nano membranes for enhanced stability in H2S streams.
Catalysis Letters,
137(3-4), 132-140. Kraft, D. J., Luigjes, B., de Folter, J. W. J., Philipse, A. P., & Kegel, W. K. (2010).
Evolution of equilibrium pickering emulsions: a matter of time scales.
Journal of Physical Chemistry. B,
114(38), 12257-12263. 2009
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Dziechciarek, Y., van Soest, J. J. G.
, & Philipse, A. P. (2009).
Rheology of starch-based colloidal microgels. In M. D. G. Miguel, & H. D. Burrows (Eds.),
Trends in colloid and interface science XVI (pp. 194-198). (Progress in colloid and polymer science; No. 123). Springer.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Miao, L., Vanderlinde, O., Liu, J., Grant, R. P.
, Wouterse, A., Shimabukuro, K.
, Philipse, A., Stewart, M., & Roberts, T. M. (2008).
The role of filament-packing dynamics in powering amoeboid cell motility.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America,
105(14), 5390-5395.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Claesson, E. M., Erne, B. H., Bakelaar, I. A., Kuipers, B. W. M., & Philipse, A. P. (2007).
Measurement of the zero-field magnetic dipole moment of magnetizable colloidal silica spheres.
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter,
19, 46-54. Sacanna, S., Rossi, L., & Philipse, A. P. (2007).
Oil-in-water emulsification induced by ellipsoidal hematite colloids: evidence for hydrolysis-mediated self-assembly.
23(20), 9974-9982. 2006
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Sacanna, S., Rossi, L., Kuipers, B. W. M., & Philipse, A. P. (2006). Fluoresecent monodisperse silica ellipsoids for optical rotational diffusion studies. Langmuir, 22, 1822-1827.
Urmenyi, A. M.
, Philipse, A. P., Lammertink, R. G. H., & Wessling, M. (2006).
Hybrid silica : polymer macroporous membranes with tunable surface functionality.
199(1-3), 296-298.
http://www.sciencedirect.comKlokkenburg, M., Erne, B. H., Meeldijk, J. D., Wiedenmann, A.
, Petukhov, A. V., Dullens, R. P. A.
, & Philipse, A. P. (2006).
In situ imaging of Field-induced hexagonal columns in magnetite ferrofluids.
Physical Review Letters,
97(18), 1-4. [185702]. 2005
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Rasa, M.
, Erne, BH., Zoetekouw, B.
, van Roij, R., & Philipse, AP. (2005).
Macroscopic electric field and osmotic pressure in ultracentrifugal sedimentation-diffusion equilibria of charged colloids.
Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter., M. V.
, Erne, B. H., Zoetekouw, B.
, van Roij, R. H. H. G., & Philipse, A. P. (2005).
Macroscopic electric field and osmotic pressure in ultracentrifugal sedimentation-diffusion equilibria.
Journal of physics. Condensed matter,
17(2293)., A. P. (2005). Particulate Colloids; Aspects of Preparation and Characterisation. In J. H. Lyklema (Ed.), Fundamentals of Interface and Colloid Science, vol. IV Elsevier.
Viota, J. L., Rasa, M.
, Sacanna, S., & Philipse, A. P. (2005).
Stability of mixtures of charged silica, silica-alumina, and magnetite colloids.
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,
290, 419-425.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Klokkenburg, M., Vonk, C., Claesson, E. M., Meeldijk, J. D., Erné, B. H., & Philipse, A. P. (2004).
Direct Imaging of zero-field dipolar structures in colloidal dispersions of synthetic magnetite.
Journal of the American Chemical Society,
126(51), 16706-16707. Lettinga, M. P., Koenderink, G. H.
, Kuipers, B. W. M., Bessels, E.
, & Philipse, A. P. (2004).
Rotational dynamics of colloidal spheres probed with fluorescence recovery after photobleaching.
Journal of Chemical Physics,
120, 4517-4529.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Butter, K., Bomans, P. H., Frederik, P. M., Vroege, G. J., & Philipse, A. P. (2003). Direct observation of dipolar chains in ferrofluids in zero field using cryogenic electron microscopy. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 15(15), S1451-S1470.
Erne, B. H., van der Maas, J. H., Kuipers, B. W. M., Visser, T., & Philipse, A. P. (2003).
Vertical concentration profiles in colloidal fluids measured by FTIR-ATR spectroscopy.
19, 3081-3083. Koenderink, G. H., Aarts, D. G. A. L.
, de Villeneuve, V. W. A., Philipse, A. P., Tuinier, R.
, & Lekkerkerker, H. N. W. (2003).
Morphology and kinetics of phase separating transparent Xanthan-colloid mixtures.
4, 129-136., G. H., Zhang, H., Aarts, D. G. A. L., Lettinga, M. P.
, Philipse, A. P., & Naegele, G. (2003).
On the validity of Stokes-Einstein-Debye relations for rotational diffusion in colloidal suspensions.
Faraday discussions,
123, 335-354.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Rasa, M.
, Kuipers, BWM., & Philipse, AP. (2002).
Atomic force microscopy and magnetic force microscopy study of model colloids.
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,
250(2), 303-315., M., Bica, D., Philipse, A. P., & Vékás, L. (2002). Dilution series approach for investigation of microstructural properties and particle interactions in high-quality magnetic fluids. European physical journal. E, Soft Matter, 7, 209-220.
de Wolf, E.
, Spek, A. L., Kuipers, B. W. M., Philipse, A. P., Meeldijk, J. D., Bomans, P. H. H., Frederik, P. M.
, Deelman, B. J., & van Koten, G. (2002).
Fluorous derivatives of [Rh(COD)(dppe)]BX4 (X=F, Ph): synthesis, physical studies and applications in catalytic hydrogenation of 1-alkenes and 4-alkenes.
Tetrahedron Letters,
58, 3911-3922., A., de Jongh, L. J., Butter, K.
, Philipse, A. P., Craje, M. W. J., & van der Kraan, A. M. (2002).
Monodisperse magnetic iron colloids grafted with polyisobutene: a model system for Fischer-Tropsch catalysts? Hyperfine Interactions,
141/142, 381-386.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Koenderink, G. H., Sacanna, S., Pathmamanoharan, C., Rasa, M., & Philipse, A. P. (2001). Preparation and properties of optically transparent aqueous dispersions of monodisperse fluorinated colloids. Langmuir, 17, 6086.
Koenderink, G. H., Zhang, H., Lettinga, M. P., Naegele, G.
, & Philipse, A. P. (2001).
Rotational tracer diffusion in binary colloidal spheres mixtures.
Physical Review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics,
64, 022401-1.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
van der Kooij, F. M., Philipse, A. P., & Dhont, J. K. G. (2000). Sedimentation and Diffusion in Suspensions of Sterically Stabililized Colloidal Platelets. Langmuir, 16(12), 5317-5323.
Koenderink, G. H., Philipse, A. P., & Kluijtmans, S. G. J. M. (2000). Sphere dynamics in isotropic colloidal rod fluids. Journal of physics. Condensed matter, 12, A339-A343.
Koenderink, G. H., & Philipse, A. P. (2000). Rotational and Translational Self-Diffusion in Colloidal Sphere Suspensions and the Applicability of Generalized Stokes-Einstein Relations. Langmuir, 16(13), 5631-5638.
van der Zande, B. M. I., Dhont, J. K. G., Böhmer, M. R., & Philipse, A. P. (2000). Colloidal dispersions of gold rods characterized by dynamic light scattering and electrophoresis. Langmuir, 16(2), 459-464.
Lettinga, M. P., van Kats, C. M., & Philipse, A. P. (2000). Rotational diffusion of tracer spheres in packings and dispersions of colloidal spheres studied with time-resolved phosphorescence anisotropy. Langmuir.
Pathmamanoharan, C., Zuiverloon, N. L., & Philipse, A. P. (2000). Controlled (seeded) growth of monodisperse sterically stabilised magnetic iron colloids. Progress in Colloid and Polymer Science, 115, 141-145.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Donselaar, L. N., & Philipse, A. P. (1999). Interactions between silica colloids with magnetite cores: diffusion, sedimentation and light scattering. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 212(1), 14-23.
de Gans, B. J., Blom, C., Mellema, J., & Philipse, A. P. (1999). Preparation and magnetisation of a silica-magnetite inverse ferrofluid. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 201, 11-13.
Koenderink, G. H., Vliegenthart, G. A., Kluijtmans, S. G. J. M., van Blaaderen, A., Philipse, A. P., & Lekkerkerker, H. N. W. (1999). Depletion-Induced Crystallization in Colloidal Rod-Sphere Mixtures. Langmuir, 15, 4693-4696.
van Ewijk, G. A., Vroege, G. J., & Philipse, A. P. (1999). Convenient preparation methods for magnetic colloids. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 201, 31-33.
de Gans, B. J., Blom, C.
, Philipse, A. P., & Mellema, J. (1999).
Linear viscoelasticity of an inverse ferrofluid.
Physical Review. E, Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics,
60(4), 4518-4527., L. N., Frederik, P. M., Bomans, P. H., Buining, P. A., Humbel, B. M., & Philipse, A. P. (1999). Visualisation of particle association in magnetic fluids in zerofield. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 201, 58-61.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Thies-Weesie, D. M. E., Philipse, A. P., & Lekkerkerker, H. N. W. (1996).
Sedimentation of bidisperse, uncharged colloidal sphere suspensions: Influence of viscosity and irregular surfaces.
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,
177(2), 427-438. [0055]. 1995
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Philipse, A. P., Kluijtmans, S. G. J. M., & Thies - Weesie, D. (1995). Preparation of Sterically Stabilized Silica-Hematite Ellipsoids: Sedimentation, Permeation, and Packing Properties of Prolate Colloids. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 174(1), 211-223.
Thies - Weesie, D., Philipse, A., Nägele, G., Mandl, B., & Klein, R. (1995).
Nonanalytical Concentration Dependence of Sedimentation of Charged Silica Spheres in an Organic Solvent: Experiments and Calculations.
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,
176(1), 43-54. Thies - Weesie, D., & Philipse, A. P. (1995). Light-induced convection in sedimenting silica-hematite dispersions. Langmuir, 11(10), 4180-4182.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Thies - Weesie, D., Philipse, A. P., & Thies - Weesie, D. (1994).
Liquid Permeation of Bidisperse Colloidal Hard-Sphere Packings and the Kozeny-Carman Scaling Relation.
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,
162(2), 470-480.