Prof. dr. A.N. (Niels) Bovenschen

Prof. dr. A.N. (Niels) Bovenschen


My educational research and vision aim to enhance training of future T-shaped professionals that are equipped with the knowledge and skills to solve todays big challenges in healthcare in benefit for society. We foster student learning and training of academic skills, such as critical thinking, creative problem solving, (multidisciplinary) collaboration, and communication. To this end, we develop novel patient-centred educational concepts grounded in inquiry-based learning (learn by doing), inter/transdisciplinary learning (learn by collaboration), and challenge/research-based learning (learn via real world authentic cases), involving patients, researchers, medical doctors (learn with role-models). I believe that these concepts work best if synergy is created between teaching, scientific research, healthcare, and patients in benefit for society. In qualitative research, using the principles of Scholarship of teaching and Learning (SOTL), we investigate the effects of educational concepts on motivation and inspiration of students and academic skills, including critical thinking, creative problem solving, communication, and (multidisciplinary) collaboration. This research fits within the UMC Utrecht strategy Connecting Worlds and the Educational Center strategy Fit for the Future and the New Utrecht School. And it fits within the UU focus area Higher Education Research.

Examiner roles:

  • Examiner/Coordinator course ‘Health Challenges & Solutions’ (10 EC), CHARM-EU, Universities of Utrecht, Budapest, Dublin, Barcelona, and Montpelier
  • Examiner/Coordinator course Experimental Translational Medicine (15 EC), Biomedical Sciences Bachelor (BMW) + Medicine (GNK), Utrecht University
  • Examiner/Coordinator Scientific Research Internships Medicine (GNK) (18 EC), Utrecht University
  • Examiner/Coordinator course Biomedical Research Lab (15 EC), Biomedical Sciences Bachelor (BMW), Utrecht University
  • Examiner/Coordinator course Pathology (3 EC), Biomedical Sciences Master (BMS), Utrecht University
  • Examiner/Coordinator course Pathologie (7.5 EC), Biomedical Sciences Bachelor (BMW), Utrecht University