Prof. dr. ir. Lex Bouwman

Vening Meineszgebouw A
Princetonlaan 8a
Kamer 346
3584 CB Utrecht

Prof. dr. ir. Lex Bouwman


Research area

Modelling of nutrient transport from land to sea

Biogeochemistry in rivers

Impacts of changing nutrient loads in coastal seas

Other research interests

Global biogeochemical cycles of nitrogen and phosphorus in agriculture and aquaculture

Global inventories of nitrogen gas emissions. 

Research projects

Sustainability theme of Utrecht University, Water, climate and ecosystems, Postdoc project on:

Linking upstream source areas to deltas: tracing the hydro-geochemical input across scales

Global Environment Facility (GEF) project on Global Foundations for reducing nutrient enrichment and oxygen depletion from land based pollution in support of global nutrient cycle

Two NWO PhD projects on

1. "Modelling past, present and future nutrient stoichiometry of river-impacted coastal systems: advancing understanding and quantification of eutrophication from the local to global scale"

2. "The role of rivers in the global carbon cycle under global change: effects of hydrology and nutrient loads on methane and carbon dioxide emissions"

One NWO Postdoc project on

Past and future freshwater nitrous oxide budgets in the Anthropocene: impact of multiple global changes

China Scholarship Council PhD project on

Impacts of multiple disturbances on biogeochemistry in the Yangtze river continuum during the past century

Project in collaboration with PBL: Targeted research for improving understanding  of the global nitrogen cycle towards the establishment of an International Nitrogen Management System (INMS)

Nutriëntentransport van land naar zee