

Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Pinget, A.-F. (2024). Nieuwe pistes om de raadsels van het klankveranderingsproces op te lossen. Nederlandse Taalkunde/Dutch Linguistics, 33-42.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Stuij, E., & Pinget, A.-F. (2023). Welke factoren beïnvloeden de Engelse taalvaardigheid van leerlingen in het tweetalig primair onderwijs? Levende Talen Tijdschrift, 4.
Pinget, A.-F., & Van de Velde, H. (2023). Language variation, language vitality and institutional use: Managing the interplay and tensions. In Think paper (Vol. 6, pp. 7-10). Fryske Akademy.
Quené, H., & Pinget, A.-F. (2023). Effects of obstruent voicing on vowel fundamental frequency in Dutch: Supplementary Materials. Data set/Database
Pinget, A.-F., & Quené, H. (2023). Effects of obstruent voicing on vowel fundamental frequency in Dutch. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 154(4), 2124-2136.
Pinget, A.-F., & Voeten, C. (2023). Social factors in accent recognition: a large-scale study in perceptual dialectology. Journal of Linguistic geography, 11(2), 78-90.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Stefan, N., Pinget, A.-F., Voeten, C., & van de Velde, H. (2022). Dialect recognition in Fryslân. Paper presented at Second Conference on Frisian Humanities, Leeuwarden, Netherlands.
Pinget, A.-F. (2022). The role of semantic, pragmatic and sociolinguistic factors in the grammaticalization of the Dutch posture progressive. Paper presented at Taal en Tongval, Gent, Belgium.
Everaert, M., Pinget, A.-F., & Theuns, D. (2022). Speaking Dutch in Indonesia: Language and Identity. In R. Supheert, G. Cascio, & J. D. T. Thije (Eds.), The Riches of Intercultural Communication (3 ed., Vol. 37, pp. 3-27). (Utrecht Studies in Language and Communication; Vol. 37). Brill.
Pinget, A.-F. (2022). Individual differences in phonetic imitation and their role in sound change. Phonetica, 79(5), 425-457.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Pinget, A.-F. (2021). The perception of L2 Dutch spoken by Francophone learners. Abstract from Sociolinguistics circle, Antwerp, Belgium.
Pinget, A.-F., & Quené, H. (2021). Effects of obstruent voicing on vowel fundamental frequency in Dutch. Paper presented at Dag van de Fonetiek.
Pinget, A.-F., & Voeten, C. (2021). Social factors in dialect recognition: a large-scale study in perceptual dialectology. Paper presented at NWAV49.
Pinget, A.-F. (2021). First language effects on the identification and evaluation of second language speech: The case of second language Dutch as spoken by Francophone learners. Nederlandse taalkunde, 26(2), 171-194.
van de Velde, H., Pinget, A.-F., Voeten, C., & Demolin, D. (2021). Laboratory Sociolinguistics: A Novel Approach to Language Variation. In G. Kristiansen, K. Franco, S. De Pascale, L. Rosseel , & W. Zhang (Eds.), Cognitive Sociolinguistics Revisited (pp. 557-571). De Gruyter Mouton.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Pinget, A. C. H., Koevoets, C., Naaktgeboren, L., van den Brink, A., Wilschut, M., Hulzebos, A., & Heuvelman, M. (2020). De rol van semantische, pragmatische en sociolinguïstische factoren bij de grammaticalisatie van zitten/staan + te-infinitief. Paper presented at De Grote Taaldag, Utrecht.
Pinget, A. C. H. (2020). The perception of L2 Dutch spoken by Francophone learners. Paper presented at Sociolinguistic circle.
Pinget, A. C. H. (2020). Do spontaneous imitation capacities explain the spread of sound change?. Paper presented at LabPhon17.
Pinget, A. C. H., Kager, R. W. J., & van de Velde, H. (2020). Linking Variation in Perception and Production in Sound Change: Evidence from Dutch Obstruent Devoicing. Language and Speech, 63(3), 660-685.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Pinget, A. C. H. (2019). Accent Recognition in the Netherlands. Paper presented at Conference on Experimental Approaches to Perception and Production of Language Variation.
Pinget, A. C. H. (2019). Accent recognition in the Netherlands. Paper presented at De Grote Taaldag 2019, Utrecht, Netherlands.
Ditewig, S., Heeren, W. F. L., & Pinget, A. C. H. (2019). Regional variation in the pronunciation of /s/ in the Dutch language area. Nederlandse taalkunde, 24(2), 195-212.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Pinget, A. C. H. (2017). Review of the Atlas van de Nederlandse Taal. Taal en tongval, 69(2), 263-266.

Overige resultaten

Pinget, A. C. H. (2017). The onset voicing effect during sound change: evidence from Dutch labiodental fricatives.. Poster session presented at 4th International workshop on sound change, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Pinget, A. C. H. (2016). De /r/-evolutie van het Nederlandstalige gebied. Internationale Neerlandistiek, 54(1), 91-94.
Pinget, A. C. H., Kager, R. W. J., & van de Velde, H. (2016). Regional differences in the perception of a consonantal change in progress. Journal of Linguistic geography, 4(2), 65-75.

Overige resultaten

Pinget, A. C. H. (2016). The onset voicing effect: evidence from Dutch labiodental fricatives. Paper presented at Dag van de Fonetiek, Utrecht, Netherlands.
Pinget, A. C. H. (2016). Relating speech perception, speech production and imitation in sound change (Invited). Paper presented at Phondi Seminar at Linguistic department. Ann Arbor University of Michigan. USA (Invited)., Ann Arbor, United States.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Pinget, A. C. H. (2015). The actuation of sound change. [Doctoral thesis 1 (Research UU / Graduation UU), Universiteit Utrecht]. LOT.

Overige resultaten

Pinget, A.-F. (2015). The evaluation of sound change in progress: A matched guise experiment.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Pinget, A. C. H., Kager, R. W. J., & van de Velde, H. (2014). Cross-regional differences in the perception of fricative devoicing. In J. Caspers, Y. Chen, W. Heeren, J. Pacilly, N. O. Schiller , & E. van Zanten (Eds.), Above and Beyond the Segments: Experimental linguistics and phonetics (pp. 230-245). John Benjamins Publishing.
Pinget, A. C. H., Rotteveel, M., & van de Velde, H. (2014). Standaardnederlands met een accent: Herkenning en evaluatie van regionaal gekleurd Standaardnederlands in Nederland. Nederlandse taalkunde, 19(1), 3-45.
Pinget, A. C. H., Bosker, H. R., Quené, H., & de Jong, N. H. (2014). Native Speakers’ Perceptions of Fluency and Accent in L2 Speech. Language Testing, 31(3), 349-365.

Overige resultaten

Pinget, A.-F. (2014). Cross-regional differences in the perception and production of a sound change in progress. Paper presented at Methods of Dialectology XV, Groningen, Netherlands.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Bosker, H. R., Pinget, A. C. H., Quené, H., Sanders, T. J. M., & de Jong, N. H. (2013). What makes speech sound fluent? The contributions of pauses, speed and repairs. Language Testing, 30(2), 159-175.
Van de Velde, H., & Pinget, A. C. H. (2013). Standard Dutch with a regional accent. A study of the influence of regional background on the evaluation of regional accents. Géolinguistique, 14, 171-186.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Pinget, A.-F. (2012). Native speakers' perceptions of fluency and accent in L2 speech. Werkverband Amsterdamse psycholinguïsten, 5-6.


Populariserende publicaties

Pinget, A. C. H. (2011). Lettre ouverte aux futurs étudiants en Langues Germaniques. In D. Bertrand, A. Bosse, D. Delabastita, & E. Leijnse (Eds.), 50 ans de langues et littératures germaniques à Namur (1961-2011) Presses universitaires de Namur.


Populariserende publicaties

Pinget, A.-F. (2010). Ma wa zegde gij nu? Da kanekik nie verstaan. Een artikel over tussentaal. iD, (6).