Prof. dr. ir. Vincent Buskens

Sjoerd Groenmangebouw
Padualaan 14
Kamer C2.32
3584 CH Utrecht

Prof. dr. ir. Vincent Buskens

Bachelor Director
+31 30 253 1848

Education and academic degrees

1999    Ph.D. Sociology (cum laude), Utrecht University
1992    M.A. Technical Mathematics, Eindhoven University of Technology
1992    M.A. Technology and Society, Eindhoven University of Technology

Academic positions (selection)

Since 2011: Professor of Theoretical Sociology at the Department of
Sociology, Utrecht University 

Since 2014: Member steering group UU Focus Area “Foundations of Complex Systems”

Since 2012: Program committee Utrecht University Strategic Theme “Institutions” 2012–.

Since 2015: Graduate Board, Faculty of Social Sciences, 2015–.

Since 2015: Undergraduate Board, Faculty of Social Sciences, Utrecht (and 2011–2014).

Since 2010: Fellow of the European Academy of Sociology (Secretary since 2015)

2016-2017: Chair Section Rationality and Society of the American Sociological Association

2011-2016: Board Interuniversity Center for Social Science Research and Methodology (ICS).

2010-2013: Occasional reviewer for European Commission (4 days a year)

2009-2014: Professor of Empirical Legal Studies at the Erasmus School of Law, Erasmus University Rotterdam (0.1 fte)

2005-2010  Principal investigator in the UU-Hipo program “Dynamics of Cooperation Networks, and Institutions” (DYCONI), with Stephanie Rosenkranz

2004–2011  Associate professor, Department of Sociology / ICS, Utrecht University 

2002–2007  Research fellow of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW-onderzoeker)

2000–2002  Post-doc, Department of Sociology / ICS, Utrecht University

1999–2000  Researcher at the Department of Sociology, University of Chicago. Host: prof. dr. K. Yamaguchi (NWO TALENT-stipendium S 96-168).

1999  Researcher at the Graduate School of Business, Stanford University. Host: prof. dr. J. Podolny (NWO TALENT-stipendium S 96-168).

1994–1998  Ph.D. student, Department of Sociology / ICS, Utrecht University 



- Research Center ICS Utrecht
- Undergraduate sociology program (BA), UU (Dutch)
- Master's Program on Policy Studies, UU
- UU Strategic theme Institutions
- Research Master's Program SaSR, UU
- Research school Interuniversity Centre for Social Science Theory and Methodology (ICS), with information on vacancies for PhD students and postdocs
- Research line Cooperative Relations
- European Academy of Sociology