Dr. Jeroen Benjamins

Martinus J. Langeveldgebouw
Heidelberglaan 1
Kamer H1.03
3584 CS Utrecht

Dr. Jeroen Benjamins

Assistant Professor
Experimental Psychology
+31 30 253 1244



Scholarly publications

Hessels, R. S., Benjamins, J. S., Niehorster, D. C., van Doorn, A. J., Koenderink, J. J., Holleman, G. A., de Kloe, Y. J. R., Valtakari, N. V., van Hal, S., & Hooge, I. T. C. (2022). Eye contact avoidance in crowds: A large wearable eye-tracking study. Attention, Perception, and Psychophysics, 84(8), 2623-2640. https://doi.org/10.3758/s13414-022-02541-z
Gillebaart, M., Schlinkert, C., Poelman, M. P., Benjamins, J. S., & De Ridder, D. T. D. (2022). Snacking for a reason: detangling effects of socio-economic position and stress on snacking behaviour. BMC Public Health, 22(1), [2009]. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-022-14384-2
Hooge, I. T. C., Niehorster, D. C., Hessels, R. S., Benjamins, J. S., & Nyström, M. (2022). How robust are wearable eye trackers to slow and fast head and body movements? Behavior Research Methods. https://doi.org/10.3758/s13428-022-02010-3
Holmqvist, K., Oerbom, S. L., Hooge, I. T. C., Niehorster, D. C., Andersson, R., Benjamins, J. S., Blignaut, P., Chuang, L. L., Dalrymple, K. A., Drieghe, D., Dunn, M. J., Ettinger, U., Fiedler, S., Foulsham, T., van der Geest, J. N., Hansen, D. W., Hutton, S. B., Kasneci, E., Kingstone, A., ... Hessels, R. S. (2022). Eye tracking: empirical foundations for a minimal reporting guideline. Behavior Research Methods. https://doi.org/10.3758/s13428-021-01762-8
Tummers, L., de Ridder, D., Aarts, H., Benjamins, J., Glebbeek, M-L., Leplaa, H., Leseman, P., Potgieter, R., & Zondervan - Zwijnenburg, M. A. J. (2022). “Keep your distance for me”: A field experiment on empathy prompts to promote distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 32(4), 755-766. https://doi.org/10.1002/casp.2593


Scholarly publications

Hilkens, L., Cruyff, M., Woertman, L., Benjamins, J., & Evers, C. (2021). Social Media, Body Image and Resistance Training: Creating the Perfect 'Me' with Dietary Supplements, Anabolic Steroids and SARM's. Sports Medicine - Open, 7(1), 81. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40798-021-00371-1
Hessels, R. S., Benjamins, J. S., van Doorn, A. J., Koenderink, J. J., & Hooge, I. T. C. (2021). Perception of the Potential for Interaction in Social Scenes. i-Perception, 12(5), 1-25. https://doi.org/10.1177/20416695211040237
Hilkens, L., Cruyff, M., Woertman, L., Benjamins, J., & Evers, C. (2021). Social Media, Body Image and Resistance Training: Creating the Perfect ‘Me’ with Dietary Supplements, Anabolic Steroids and SARM’s. Sports Medicine - Open, 7(1), 1-13. [81]. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40798-021-00371-1
Ten Years Up consortium (2021). Study Protocol of the Ten Years Up Project: Mapping the Development of Self-Regulation Strategies in Young Adults Over Time. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 1-8. [729609]. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.729609
Benjamins, J. S., Hooge, I. T. C., Benedict, C., Smeets, P. A. M., & van der Laan, L. N. (2021). The influence of acute partial sleep deprivation on liking, choosing and consuming high- and low-energy foods. Food Quality and Preference, 88, [104074]. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodqual.2020.104074


Scholarly publications

de Ridder, D. T. D., Schlinkert, C., Gillebaart, M., Poelman, M., & Benjamins, J. S. (2020). Snacks and the City: Hoe een veldexperiment naar gezond snacken onze aannamen over de juiste snack op de juiste plaats op de proef stelt. Tijdschrift voor Gezondheidswetenschappen, 98(suppl. 1), S3-S10. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12508-020-00260-0
Schlinkert, C., Gillebaart, M., Benjamins, J., Poelman, M. P., & de Ridder, D. (2020). Snacks and the city: Unexpected low sales of an easy-access, tasty, and healthy snack at an urban snacking hotspot. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(20), [7538]. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph17207538
Hessels, R. S., Benjamins, J. S., van Doorn, A. J., Koenderink, J. J., Holleman, G. A., & Hooge, I. T. C. (2020). Looking behavior and potential human interactions during locomotion. Journal of Vision, 20(10). https://doi.org/10.1167/jov.20.10.5
van den Bos, L. M. E. C., Benjamins, J. S., & Postma, A. (2020). Episodic and semantic memory processes in the boundary extension effect: An investigation using the remember/know paradigm. Acta Psychologica, 211, [103190]. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actpsy.2020.103190
Dekker, K., Benjamins, J. S., Maksimovic, T., Filardi, M., Hofman, W. F., Van Straten, A., & Van Someren, E. J. W. (2020). Letter to the Editor: Combined Internet-Based Cognitive-Behavioral and Chronobiological Intervention for Insomnia: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 89(2), 117-118. https://doi.org/10.1159/000503570
Niehorster, D. C., Hessels, R. S., & Benjamins, J. S. (2020). GlassesViewer: Open-source software for viewing and analyzing data from the Tobii Pro Glasses 2 eye tracker. Behavior Research Methods, 52(3), 1244-1253. https://doi.org/10.3758/s13428-019-01314-1
van der Weiden, A., Benjamins, J. S., Gillebaart, M., Ybema, J. F., & de Ridder, D. T. D. (2020). How to Form Good Habits? A Longitudinal Field Study on the Role of Self-Control in Habit Formation. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, [560]. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00560
Gillebaart, M., Benjamins, J., van der Weiden, A., Ybema, J. F., & De Ridder, D. (2020). Practice makes perfect: Repeatedly dealing with response conflict facilitates its identification and speed of resolution. Journal of Research in Personality, 86, [103955]. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jrp.2020.103955
Schlinkert, C., Gillebaart, M., Benjamins, J., Poelman, M., & de Ridder, D. (2020). The snack that has it all: People's associations with ideal snacks. Appetite, 152, [104722]. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.appet.2020.104722
Venema, T. A. G., Kroese, F. M., Benjamins, J. S., & de Ridder, D. T. D. (2020). When in Doubt, Follow the Crowd? Responsiveness to Social Proof Nudges in the Absence of Clear Preferences. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, [1385]. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01385
Hessels, R. S., Niehorster, D. C., Holleman, G. A., Benjamins, J. S., & Hooge, I. T. C. (2020). Wearable Technology for “Real-World Research”: Realistic or Not? Perception, 49(6), 611-615. https://doi.org/10.1177/0301006620928324
Hessels, R. S., van Doorn, A., Benjamins, J., Holleman, G. A., & Hooge, I. T. C. (2020). Task-related gaze control in human crowd navigation. Attention, Perception, and Psychophysics, 82, 2482–2501. https://doi.org/10.3758/s13414-019-01952-9
de Ridder, D. T. D., van der Weiden, A., Gillebaart, M., Benjamins, J. S., & Ybema, J. F. (2020). Just do it: Engaging in self-control on a daily basis improves the capacity for self-control. Motivation Science, 6(4), 309–320. https://doi.org/10.1037/mot0000158
Marchiori, D. R., Adriaanse, M. A., Benjamins, J. S., & de Ridder, D. T. D. (2020). Nudging online food choices – Disentangling salience and pre-selection in default nudges. Unpublished.


Scholarly publications

Valtakari, N. V., Hooge, I. T. C., Benjamins, J. S., & Keizer, A. (2019). An eye-tracking approach to Autonomous sensory meridian response (ASMR): The physiology and nature of tingles in relation to the pupil. PLoS One, 14(12), [e0226692]. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0226692
Jansen, P. R., Watanabe, K., Stringer, S., Skene, N., Bryois, J., Hammerschlag, A. R., de Leeuw, C. A., Benjamins, J., Munoz-Manchado, A. B., & Nagel, M. (2019). Genome-wide analysis of insomnia in 1,331,010 individuals identifies new risk loci and functional pathways. Nature Genetics, 51, 394-403. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41588-018-0333-3
Wassing, R., Benjamins, J. S., Talamini, L. M., Schalkwijk, F., & Van Someren, E. J. W. (2019). Overnight Worsening of Emotional Distress Indicates Maladaptive Sleep in Insomnia. Sleep, 42(4), [zsy268]. https://doi.org/10.1093/sleep/zsy268
Blanken, T. F., Benjamins, J. S., Borsboom, D., Vermunt, J. K., Paquola, C., Ramautar, J., Dekker, K., Stoffers, D., Wassing, R., Wei, Y., & Van Someren, E. J. W. (2019). Insomnia disorder subtypes derived from life history and traits of affect and personality. The Lancet. Psychiatry, 6(2), 151-163. https://doi.org/10.1016/S2215-0366(18)30464-4
Benjamins, J. S., Dalmaijer, E. S., Ten Brink, A. F., Nijboer, T. C. W., & Van der Stigchel, S. (2019). Multi-target visual search organisation across the lifespan: cancellation task performance in a large and demographically stratified sample of healthy adults. Neuropsychology, development, and cognition. Section B, Aging, neuropsychology and cognition, 26(5), 731-748. https://doi.org/10.1080/13825585.2018.1521508


Scholarly publications

Hessels, R. S., Benjamins, J. S., Cornelissen, T. H. W., & Hooge, I. T. C. (2018). A Validation of Automatically-Generated Areas-of-Interest in Videos of a Face for Eye-Tracking Research. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, [1367 ]. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2018.01367
Benjamins, J. S., Hessels, R. S., & Hooge, I. T. C. (2018). GazeCode: Open-source software for manual mapping of mobile eye-tracking data. In Proceedings - ETRA 2018: 2018 ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications (Vol. Part F137344). [a54] Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). https://doi.org/10.1145/3204493.3204568


Scholarly publications

Vogel, S. W. N., Bijlenga, D., Benjamins, J. S., Beekman, A. T. F., Kooij, J. J. S., & Van Someren, E. J. W. (2017). Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder symptom severity and sleep problems in adult participants of the Netherlands sleep registry. Sleep Medicine, 40, 94-102. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sleep.2017.09.027
Vermeulen, M. C. M., van der Heijden, K. B., Benjamins, J. S., Swaab, H., & Van Someren, E. J. W. (2017). Memory effects of sleep, emotional valence, arousal and novelty in children. Journal of Sleep Research, 26(3), 309-317. https://doi.org/10.1111/jsr.12506
Benjamins, J. S., Migliorati, F., Dekker, K., Wassing, R., Moens, S., Blanken, T. F., Lindert te, B. H. W., Sjauw Mook, J., & Van Someren, E. J. W. (2017). Insomnia heterogeneity: Characteristics to consider for data-driven multivariate subtyping. Sleep Medicine Reviews, 36, 71-81. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.smrv.2016.10.005


Scholarly publications

Benjamins, J., Migliorati, F., Dekker, K., Wassing, R., Moens, S., Van Someren, E., Hartescu, I., Itzhacki, J., Pinto, T., Tesler, N., Perrier, J., Garbazza, C., & Jarkiewicz, M. (2016). Erratum to: The sleep registry. An international online survey and cognitive test assessment tool and database for multivariate sleep and insomnia phenotyping (Sleep Medicine (2013) 14S (e293–e294)). Sleep Medicine, 21. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sleep.2015.11.001
Colombo, M. A., Ramautar, J. R., Wei, Y., Gomez-Herrero, G., Stoffers, D., Wassing, R., Benjamins, J. S., Tagliazucchi, E., van der Werf, Y. D., Cajochen, C., & Van Someren, E. J. W. (2016). Wake High-Density Electroencephalographic Spatiospectral Signatures of Insomnia. Sleep, 39(5), 1015-27. https://doi.org/10.5665/sleep.5744
Wassing, R., Benjamins, J., Dekker, K., Moens, S., Spiegelhalder, K., Feige, B., Riemann, D., Van Der Sluis, S., Van Der Werf, Y., Talamini, L., Walker, M., Schalkwijk, F., & Van Someren, E. J. W. (2016). Linking three characteristics of insomnia: Sleep state misperception, fragmented sleep and hyperarousal. Journal of Sleep Research, 25, 62. https://doi.org/10.1111/jsr.12446
Vogel, S., Bijlenga, D., Benjamins, J., Beekman, A., Kooij, S., & Van Someren, E. (2016). Sleep disturbances and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder symptoms in adult participants of the Netherlands Sleep Registry. Journal of Sleep Research, 25, 187. https://doi.org/10.1111/jsr.12446
Benjamins, J. S. (2016). The importance of sleep as a direct and indirect factor in eating behavior. The European Health Psychologist, 18(2), 86-90. https://www.ehps.net/ehp/index.php/contents/article/view/1429
Wassing, R., Benjamins, J. S., Dekker, K., Moens, S., Spiegelhalder, K., Feige, B., Riemann, D., van der Sluis, S., van der Werf, Y., Talamini, L., Walker, M., Schalkwijk, F., & van Someren, E. (2016). Slow dissolving of emotional distress contributes to hyperarousal. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 113(9), 2538-2543. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1522520113
van Someren, E., Dekker, K., te Lindert, B., Benjamins, J. S., Moens, S., Migliorati, F., Aarts, E., & van der Sluis, S. (2016). The Experienced Temperature Sensitivity and Regulation Survey. Temperature, 3(1), 59-76. https://doi.org/10.1080/23328940.2015.1130519
Vermeulen, M. C. M., Astill, R. G., Benjamins, J. S., Swaab, H., Van Someren, E. J. W., & van der Heijden, K. B. (2016). Temperament moderates the association between sleep duration and cognitive performance in children. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 144, 184-98. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jecp.2015.11.014


Scholarly publications

Colombo, M., Ramautar, J., Wei, Y., Gomez-Herrero, G., Wassing, R., Benjamins, J. S., van der Werf, Y., Cajochen, C., & van Someren, E. (Accepted/In press). Wake high-density EEG spatiospectral signatures of insomnia. Sleep, 39(5), 1015-27. [5]. http://dx.doi.org/10.5665/sleep.5744
Dekker, K., Benjamins, J. S., Van Straten, A., Hofman, W. F., & Van Someren, E. J. W. (2015). Effectiveness of internet-supported cognitive behavioral and chronobiological interventions and effect moderation by insomnia subtype: study protocol of a randomized controlled trial. Trials, 16(1), 1-12. [292]. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13063-015-0790-2
Van Schalkwijk, F., Benjamins, J. S., Migliorati, F., de Nooijer, J. A., Someren, E. J. W., van Gog, T., & van der Werf, Y. D. (2015). The role of sleep timing in children’s observational learning. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 125, 98-105. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nlm.2015.08.003


Scholarly publications

Alexander Diaz, B., Van Der Sluis, S., Benjamins, J. S., Stoffers, D., Hardstone, R., Mansvelder, H. D., Van Someren, E. J. W., & Linkenkaer-Hansen, K. (2014). The ARSQ 2.0 reveals age and personality effects on mind-wandering experiences. Frontiers in Psychology, 5(APR), [Article 271]. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00271


Scholarly publications

Alexander Diaz, B., van der Sluis, S., Moens, S., Benjamins, J. S., Migliorati, F., Stoffers, D., den Braber, A., Poil, S. S., Hardstone, R., Van't Ent, D. V., Boomsma, D. I., de Geus, E., Mansvelder, H. D., Van Someren, E. J. W., & Linkenkaer-Hansen, K. (2013). The Amsterdam Resting-state Questionnaire reveals multiple phenotypes of resting-state cognition. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, (JUL). https://doi.org/10.3389/fnhum.2013.00446


Scholarly publications

Van Someren, E., Astill, R., Benjamins, J., Migliorati, F., Moens, S., & Dekker, K. (2012). Age and brain developmental factors that moderate the effect of sleep on cognition. Journal of Sleep Research.
Stoffers, D., Moens, S., Benjamins, J., van Tol, M. J., Penninx, B. W. J. H., Veltman, D. J., Van der Wee, N. J. A., & Van Someren, E. J. W. (2012). Orbitofrontal gray matter relates to early morning awakening: A neural correlate of insomnia complaints? Frontiers in Neurology, JUN, [Article 105]. https://doi.org/10.3389/fneur.2012.00105


Scholarly publications

Van Someren, E. J. W., Altena, E., Altena, E., Ramautar, J. R., Benjamins, J. S., Moens, S., Moens, S., Joo, E. Y., Hong, S. B., & Van Der Werf, Y. D. (2010). Imaging causes and consequences of insomnia and sleep complaints. In Neuroimaging of Sleep and Sleep Disorders (pp. 187-196). Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9781139088268


Scholarly publications

Benjamins, J. S., Hooge, I. T. C., van der Smagt, M. J., & Verstraten, F. A. J. (2007). Disengaging attention sets the temporal limit of attentive tracking. Vision Research, 47(8), 1055-1059. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.visres.2006.11.006


Scholarly publications

van Schie, H. T., Wijers, A. A., Mars, R. B., Benjamins, J. S., & Stowe, L. A. (2005). Processing of visual semantic information to concrete words: Temporal dynamics and neural mechanisms indicated by event-related brain potentials. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 22(3-4), 364-386. https://doi.org/10.1080/02643290442000338