Dr. Marjolein Verhoeven

Dr. Marjolein Verhoeven

Assistant Professor
Clinical Child and Family Studies
+31 30 253 4515

Book Chapters

Baar, A.L., De Jong, M., & Verhoeven, M. (2013). Moderate preterm children born at 32-36 weeks gestational age around 8 years of age: Differences between children with and without identified developmental and school problems. In: O. Erez (ED.), Preterm Birth (pp. 175-189). ISBN: 978-953-51-0952-5, InTech, DOI: 10.5772/54623. Available from: http://www.intechopen.com/books/preterm-birth/moderate-preterm-children-born-at-32-36-weeks-gestational-age-around-8-years-of-age-differences-betw

Steenis, L.J.P., Verhoeven, M., & Van Baar, A.L. (2012).  The Bayley III: The instrument for early detection of developmental delay. In: Columbus, A.M. (Ed.), Advances in Psychology Research (pp. 133-141). Hauppauge, NY:Nova Science Publishers.

Aken, C. van, Junger, M., Verhoeven, M., Aken, M. A. G. van, & Dekovic, M. (2011). New directions in the study of relations between parenting and externalizing behaviors in toddlerhood. In A. Fiedler & I. Kuester (Eds.), Child development and child poverty (pp. 155-176).New York, NJ: Nova Science Publishers.


Van de Schoot, R., Verhoeven, M., & Hoijtink, H. (2013). Bayesian evaluation of informative hypotheses in SEM using Mplus: A black bear story. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 10, 81-89.Doi:10.1080/17405629.2012.732719

Verhoeven, M., Sawyer, M.G., & Spence, S. H. (2013). The factorial invariance of the CES-D during adolescence: Are symptom profiles for depression stable across gender and time? Journal of Adolescence, 36, 181-190. Doi: 10.1016/j.adolescence.2012.10.007

De Jong, M., Verhoeven, M., & Van Baar, A. L. (2012). School outcome, cognitive functioning, and behaviour problems in moderate and late preterm children and adults: A review. Seminars in Fetal and Neonatal Medicine, 17, 163-169. doi: 10.1016/j.siny.2012.02.003

Verhoeven, M. Bögels, S.M., & Van der Bruggen, C.O. (2012). Unique roles of mothering and fathering in child anxiety: Moderation by child age and gender. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 21, 331-343. doi: 10.1007/s10826-011-9483-y.

De Jong, M., Verhoeven, M., & Van Baar, A. L. (2012). Schooluitkomsten, cognitief functioneren en gedragsproblemen bij matig te vroeg geboren kinderen en volwassenen: een overzichtsstudie. Neuropraxis, 5, 157-162.

Verhoeven, M., Junger, M., Van Aken, C., Dekovic, M., & Van Aken, M.A.G. (2010). Mothering, fathering, and externalizing behavior in toddler boys. Journal of Marriage and Family,72, 307-317.

Verhoeven, M., Junger, M., Van Aken, C., Dekovic, M., & Van Aken, M.A.G. (2010). Parenting and children’s externalizing behavior: Bidirectionality during toddlerhood. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 31, 93-105.

Szabo, N., Dekovic, M. Van Aken, C., Verhoeven, M. Junger, M., & Van Aken, M.A.G. (2008). The Relations between Child Negativity, Child Temperament, and Maternal Behavior. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 23, 366-377.

Van Aken, C., Junger, M., Verhoeven, M., Van Aken, M.A.G., & Dekovic, M. (2008). The longitudinal relations between parenting and toddler’s attention problems and aggressive behaviors. Infant Behavior and Development, 31, 432-446.

Van Beek, C., Karreman, A., Junger, M., Dekovic, M., van Aken, M.A.G., van Aken, C., Verhoeven,M., & Doreleijers, Th. A.H. (2008). Zelfcontrole en externaliserend gedrag bij kleuters. Onderzoeksrapport WODC.

Verhoeven, M., Junger, M., Van Aken, C., Dekovic, M., & Van Aken, M.A.G. (2007). Parenting during toddlerhood: Contributions of parental, contextual and child characteristics. Journal of Family Issues,28, 1663-1691.

Verhoeven, M., Junger, M., Van Aken, C., Dekovic, M., & Van Aken, M.A.G. (2007). A Short-Term Longitudinal Study of the Development of Self-Reported Parenting During Toddlerhood. Parenting: Science and Practice, 7, 367-394.

Van Aken, C., Junger, M., Verhoeven, M., Van Aken, M.A.G., & Dekovic, M. (2007). The interactive effects of temperament and maternal parenting on toddlers’ externalizing behaviors. Infant and Child Development, 16, 553-572.

Van Aken, C., Junger, M., Verhoeven, M., Van Aken, M.A.G.,  Dekovic, M., & Denissen, J.J.A. (2007). Parental Personality, Parenting and Toddlers’ Externalising Behaviours. European Journal of Personality, 21, 993-1015.

Van Aken, C., Junger, M., Verhoeven, M., Van Aken, M.A.G., & Dekovic, M. (2006). Externalizing behaviors and minor unintentional injuries in toddlers: Common risk factors? Journal of Pediatric Psychology,32, 230-244.

Van Lieshout, C.F.M., Verhoeven, M., Guroglu, B. Haselager, G.J.T., & Scholte, R.H.J. (2004). Vriendschappen en antipathieën. Relatienetwerken van kinderen en adolescenten in klasgroepen (Friendships and Antipathies, Relationship networks of children and adolescents in school classes). Kind en Adolescent, volume 2.

Highlighted publications

Verhoeven, M., Bögels, S. M., & van der Bruggen, M. (2012). Unique roles of mothering and fathering in child anxiety: Moderation by child age and gender. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 21, 331-343. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10826-011-9483-y
Verhoeven, J. C. T., Junger, M., van Aken, C., Dekovic, M., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2010). Parenting and children’s externalizing behavior. Bidirectionality during toddlerhood. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 31, 93-105.
Verhoeven, J. C. T., Junger, M., van Aken, C., Dekovic, M., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2010). Mothering, fathering and externalizing behavior in toddler boys. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 72, 307-317.
Verhoeven, M., Dekovic, M., Bodden, D., & van Baar, A. (2017). Development and initial validation of the comprehensive early childhood parenting questionnaire (CECPAQ) for parents of 1–4 year-olds. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 14(2), 233-247 . https://doi.org/10.1080/17405629.2016.1182017



Scholarly publications

Endendijk, J. J., Portengen, C. M., Verhoeven, M., & Huijding, J. (2023). Dutch Mothers’ and Fathers’ Differential Attributions and Parenting Reactions to the Misbehavior of Sons and Daughters. Psychology of Men and Masculinity. https://doi.org/10.1037/men0000434
Dong, S., Dubas, J. S., Deković, M., Verhoeven, M., & Wang, Z. (2023). To excel and to be happy: Parenting behaviors, parenting stress, and sociocultural contexts in Dutch and urban Chinese families. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 62(1st Quarter 2023), 139-149. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecresq.2022.08.004


Scholarly publications

Krijnen, L. J. G., Verhoeven, M., & Van baar, A. L. (2022). Is maternal negative affectivity related to psychosocial behavior of preterm and term-born toddlers through mother–child interaction? Frontiers in Psychology, 13, [975124]. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.975124
Okorn, A., Verhoeven, M., & Van Baar, A. (2022). The Importance of Mothers’ and Fathers’ Positive Parenting for Toddlers’ and Preschoolers’ Social-Emotional Adjustment. Parenting, 22(2), 128-151. https://doi.org/10.1080/15295192.2021.1908090

Professional publications

Bogicevic, L., Verhoeven, M., & van Baar, A. (2022). Wees bij vroeggeboorte alert op concentratie en aandacht. Vakblad Vroeg, 2022(1), 40-42.


Scholarly publications

Krijnen, L., Verhoeven, M., & van Baar, A. (2021). Assessing social-emotional development in infants and toddlers using parent-reports: Comparing the ASQ-SE-NL to the Social-Emotional Scale of the Bayley-III-NL. Early Human Development, 161, 1-6. [105439]. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.earlhumdev.2021.105439
Bogicevic, L., Verhoeven, M., & van Baar, A. (2021). Exploring predictors at toddler age of distinct profiles of attentional functioning in 6-year-old children born moderate-to-late preterm and full term. PLoS One, 16(7), [e0254797]. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0254797
Bogičević, L., Pascoe, L., Nguyen, T-N-N., Burnett, A. C., Verhoeven, M., Thompson, D. K., Cheong, J. L. Y., Inder, T. E., van Baar, A. L., Doyle, L. W., & Anderson, P. J. (2021). Individual Attention Patterns in Children Born Very Preterm and Full Term at 7 and 13 Years of Age. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 27(10), 970-980. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1355617720001411


Scholarly publications

Oosterom, L., Bogičević, L., Verhoeven, M., & Van Baar, A. L. (2020). Parenting Behavior at 18 Months Predicts Internalizing and Externalizing Problems at 6 Years in Moderately Preterm and Full Term Children. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(22), [8679]. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph17228679
van Baar, A. L., Maat, M., de Jong, M., Hooge, I. T. C., Bogicevic, L., & Verhoeven, J. C. T. (2020). Reliability and validity of the Utrecht Tasks for Attention in Toddlers using Eye Tracking (UTATE). Frontiers in Psychology, 11, [1179]. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01179
Snijders, V. E., Bogicevic, L., Verhoeven, M., & van Baar, A. L. (2020). Toddlers’ Language Development: The Gradual Effect of Gestational Age, Attention Capacities, and Maternal Sensitivity. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(21), [7926]. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph17217926
Bogicevic, L., Verhoeven, M., & van Baar, A. L. (2020). Distinct Profiles of Attention in Children Born Moderate-to-Late Preterm at 6 Years. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 45(6), 685-694. https://doi.org/10.1093/jpepsy/jsaa038


Scholarly publications

Bogicevic, L., Verhoeven, M., & van Baar, A. L. (2019). Toddler skills predict moderate-to-late preterm born children's cognition and behaviour at 6 years of age. PLoS One, 14(11), [0223690]. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0223690
Verhoeven, M., Dekovic, M., & van Baar, A. L. (2019). Parenting Toddlers. In M. H. Bornstein (Ed.), Handbook of Parenting (3 ed., Vol. 1, pp. 56-80). Psychology Press.


Scholarly publications

Bogicevic, L., Verhoeven, M., & van Baar, A. L. (2018). Evaluation of the human newborn infant. In W. Slikker, M. G. Paule , & L. W. Chang (Eds.), Handbook of developmental neurotoxicology (2 ed., pp. 349-362). Academic Press. San Diego.
de Jong, M., Verhoeven, M., Hooge, I. T. C., Maingay-Visser, A. P. G. F., Spanjerberg, L., & van Baar, A. L. (2018). Cognitive Functioning in Toddlerhood: The Role of Gestational Age, Attention Capacities, and Maternal Stimulation. Developmental Psychology, 54(4), 648-662. https://doi.org/10.1037/dev0000446
Meldrum, R. C., Verhoeven, M., Junger, M., Van Aken, M. A. G., & Dekovic, M. (2018). Parental Self-Control and the Development of Male Aggression in Early Childhood: A Longitudinal Test of Self-Control Theory. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 62(4), 935-957. https://doi.org/10.1177/0306624X16662921


Scholarly publications

Buist, K. L., Verhoeven, M., Hoksbergen, R., Ter Laak, J., Watve, S., & Paranjpe, A. (2017). Associations of Perceived Sibling and Parent-Child Relationship Quality With Internalizing and Externalizing Problems: Comparing Indian and Dutch Early Adolescents. Journal of Early Adolescence, 37(8), 1163-1190. https://doi.org/10.1177/0272431616653473
Verhoeven, M., Dekovic, M., Bodden, D., & van Baar, A. (2017). Development and initial validation of the comprehensive early childhood parenting questionnaire (CECPAQ) for parents of 1–4 year-olds. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 14(2), 233-247 . https://doi.org/10.1080/17405629.2016.1182017


Other output

van Baar, A. L., & Verhoeven, J. C. T. (2016). The ASQ3 and Research with Developmental Assessment Measures in The Netherlands. ASQ AROUND THE WORLD. Paper presented at The 2nd Invitational Symposium of International ASQ Researchers , Stockholm, Sweden.
van Baar, A. L., & Verhoeven, J. C. T. (2016). The ASQ3 and Research with Developmental Assessment Measures in The Netherlands. Paper presented at International Society on Early Intervention (ISEI), Stockholm, Sweden.


Scholarly publications

De Jong, M., Verhoeven, M., & Van Baar, A. (2012). Schooluitkomsten, cognitief functioneren en gedragsproblemen bij matig te vroeg geboren kinderen en volwassenen: een overzichtsstudie1. Neuropraxis, 16(5), 157-162. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12474-012-0027-z


Professional publications

Verhoeven, M., Sawyer, M., & Lynch, J. (2009). Children’s Centres for early childhood development and parenting: Focus groups report: Report prepared for the South Australian Department of Education and Children’s Services. .
Verhoeven, M., & Sawyer, M. (2009). A snapshot of Children’s Centres for early childhood development and parenting: Report prepared for the South Australian Department of Education and Children’s Services. .


Scholarly publications

Van Aken, C., Junger, M., Verhoeven, M., Van Aken, M. A. G., & Dekovic, M. (2008). The longitudinal relations between parenting and toddlers’ attention problems and aggressive behaviors. Infant Behavior and Development, 31(3), 432-446. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.infbeh.2007.12.016
Szabó, N., Deković, M., Van Aken, C., Verhoeven, M., Van Aken, M. A. G., & Junger, M. (2008). The relations among child negative interactive behavior, child temperament, and maternal behavior. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 23(3), 366-377. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecresq.2008.01.004


Scholarly publications

Van Lieshout, C. F. M., Verhoeven, M., Güroglu, B., Haselager, G. J. T., & Scholte, R. H. J. (2004). Vriendschappen en antipathieën: Relatienetwerken van kinderen en adolescenten in klasgroepen. Kind en adolescent, 25(2). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF03060908