Dr. Annerieke Oosterwegel

Martinus J. Langeveldgebouw
Heidelberglaan 1
Kamer H2.48
3584 CS Utrecht

Dr. Annerieke Oosterwegel

Assistant Professor
Developmental Psychology
+31 30 253 9798

Coördinator Tutoring and mentoring-system at the Department of Psychology with a background in self- and identity-development and a heart for the development and wellbeing of students.

Running projects:

Comenius Teaching Fellow 2020 on the project Taking Ownership of your Autonomy Sustainably: A Manual for yourself (NRO 405.20865.322: ).

Based on psychological scientific literature, students learn in this training how they can strengthen themselves and their emotional flexibility by dealing with themselves in a realistic, analytical, but also supportive way. In order to enter into that relationship, they get to know themselves as they would like to get to know a loved one, a good friend, or a new car. The aim of the texts and assignments in the training is to help them experience control over their study career in different circumstances and to increase their well-being and success. Not only reactively, but also by providing resilient and active self-guidance.

Students can register for the training (in Dutch) via https://students.uu.nl/begeleiding-en-ontwikkeling/trainingen/training-autonomie-duurzaam-eigen-maken.

As a tutor, we can also help you to incorporate the training into your own tutoring (email to A.Oosterwegel@uu.nl)

Comenius Senior Fellow 2023 on the project You are You (UrU): A roadmap into adulthood (NRO 40.5.23865.436).

Reflection and exploration are prerequisites for cognitive and personal development. Current education leaves little room for such activities. Yet, many students find themselves confronted with challenges that are common for early adulthood but difficult to navigate. The resulting mental overload potentially hampers their development and effective study behaviour.

This project aims to develop a (digital) network in collaboration with other mental health sites providing information and interactive tools to explore and navigate normal but difficult steps in their personal development, in order to prevent rumination and boost their mental space and effective study behaviour.