Prof. dr. Tom ter Bogt

Prof. dr. Tom ter Bogt

Emeritus Professor
Interdisciplinary Social Science
+31 30 253 1408

Tom ter Bogt (1956), cultural psychologist; professor Popular Music and Youth Culture, first at the University of Amsterdam, and since September 2006 at Utrecht University.

He obtained his PhD with a thesis on the history of protestant work ethic in the Netherlands and work ethic among present-day adolescents. He is author of two books on youth and youth culture, and has written a television series on youth culture and pop music. Research interests: pop music, youth culture, adolescent problem behavior and substance use.

Ter Bogt’s research interests relate to pop music’s artists and audiences, and adolescent risk behavior. His research focuses on (1) the role of music in the development of children and adolescents, (2) music as an agent of consolation, (3) adolescent risk behavior, and (4) the role of media in the development of adolescent sexual identity.

He is part of the Dutch Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) research team. The HBSC-project runs in more than 40 European and North-American countries and aims at assessing physical and mental health, and wellbeing in school children. 

Popular Music and Youth Culture
Inaugural lecture date