Prof. dr. Stan Geertman

Vening Meineszgebouw A
Princetonlaan 8a
3584 CB Utrecht

Prof. dr. Stan Geertman

Spatial Planning

Some recent externally funding projects (selective):
The Australian Housing Data Analytics Platform
o   University of New South Wales (4 years; 2021-2025)
o   International Advisor (Principal applicant = Prof. Dr. Christopher Pettit)
o   Partners: Australian Universities; UU-faculty of Geosciences
o   Australian Dollar $220502 (co-financing 1.4 million) 


Smart land use policy for sustainable urbanization
o   Akademi of Finland (4 years; 2019 - 2022)
o   Expert role (Principal Investigator is Prof. S. Junnila of Aalto University, Department of Built Environment, Espoo, Finland)
o   Partners: Universities, research institutes, private sector, governmental bodies
o   3.750.000 Euro in total

FLOODCITIZENS – Responsive participation for flood-resilient cities
o   JPI Urban Europe (4 years; 2017-2021)
o   Principal Applicant/Investigator (PI)
o   Partners: UU, HKC, University of Gent; University of Vienna; Nelen& Schuurmans; Province of West-Vlaanderen
o   350.000 Euro for Dutch part of the research (900.000 in total)


Smart Governance of Sustainable Cities (SmartGov)
o   NWO - FAPESP-ESRC-NWO Joint Call for Transnational Collaborative Research Projects (4 years - 2017-2020)
o   Co-applicant (Principal Applicant/Investigator = Prof. Albert Meijer - School of Governance UU)
o   Partners: UU, Fundação Getulio Vargas (Sao Paulo), University of Stirling (Schotland)
o   250.000 Euro for Dutch part of the research (880.000 in total)


Research Profile:

Stan Geertman is Professor of Planning Support Science at Utrecht University, the Netherlands. He has published widely in both national and international journals and has published a range of (editorial) books. He is member of the editorial board of several international scientific journals (e.g., CEUS). He has been member of a range of international conference organizations (EGIS; JECC; AGILE; DDSS) and Chair of the Board of Directors of CUPUM (Computational Urban Planning and Urban Management) during past 10 years. 

His current research interests:

  • Planning and Decision Support Systems (PSS / DSS) in planning practice
  • Smart City and Smart Governance
  • Socio-spatial analysis for sustainable urbanization, notably in Chinese and Western contexts
  • Planning theory and its implications for practice.