Dr. M. (Marijke) van Kuijk

Hugo R. Kruytgebouw
Padualaan 8
Kamer N305
3584 CH Utrecht

Dr. M. (Marijke) van Kuijk

Assistant Professor
Ecology and Biodiversity
+31 30 253 6846
  • Assistant professor in Tropical Forest Ecology
  • Coordinator of the Prince Bernhard Chair for International Nature Conservation 
  • Coordinator of the master program Environmental Biology
  • Co-founder of the Academy of Ecosystem Services (www.uu.nl/aes)

Marijke van Kuijk is specialized in tropical forest ecology and is dedicated to the conservation of forests worldwide. 

Current research:

- Plant-frugivore networks in forest fragments in Brazil

- Biomass dynamics and carbon stocks in logged forests in Vietnam

- The role of certified forest management in fauna conservation in the Congo Basin

- Long term impact of hunting on wildlife dynamica and tree composition in French Guiana

- Upscaling reforestation 

- Use of forest resources by indigenous peoples in Suriname