Dr. Jeroen Salman

Dr. Jeroen Salman

Universitair hoofddocent
030 253 8120
Afgesloten projecten
The Invention of the Lottery Fantasy: A Cultural, Transnational, and Transmedial History of European Lotteries 01-03-2022 tot 29-02-2024
Algemene projectbeschrijving

The project examines the cultural, political, and financial impact of what we call the lottery fantasy, the idea of a sudden, life-changing wealth through the big prize in the lottery. We will examine the lottery fantasy as a cultural figure as it circulated between countries, languages, and different medial forms in Europe, both in the eighteenth century and today.

State-sanctioned lottery institutions are important agents in European economy, through the financing of sports, culture, and charitable organisations. At the same time, their position as a public body for the organisation of gambling has repeatedly been subject for debate, from the birth of the state-sanctioned lotteries in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries until today. The debate has been centred around political and moral issues connected to gambling addiction, social inequality and the relationship between state and citizen. The project will study the role played by the lottery fantasy in this political and financial development, through its invention and circulation in and from the eighteenth century.

A group of international researchers  will map and analyse the lottery fantasy in a large array of cultural and medial forms of expression: newspapers, periodicals, almanacs, visual art, literature and theatre. By exploring how the lottery fantasy was transmitted, criticised, parodied and played with in European culture in the eighteenth century, we aim to produce new knowledge of the impact of state-sanctioned lotteries in the emergence of the modern European state, as well as of the role played by art and culture in modern political economy and in the relationship between state and citizen.

Individuele projectbeschrijving

What was the cultural/social/commercial role of Dutch commercial lotteries after the introduction of the State lottery in 1726? 

3e geldstroom - overig The Research Council of Norway
Overige projectleden
  • Marius Haugen (PI)
De Europese dimensies van populaire drukcultuur 01-01-2016 tot 31-12-2018
Algemene projectbeschrijving

Het doel van dit project is het ontwikkelen van een internationaal netwerk en een digitale werkomgeving (VRE) om onderzoek naar Europees populair drukwerk (pamfletten, volksboeken, centsprenten, kluchtboeken, liedbladen, almanakken etc.)  the faciliteren en stimuleren. Lange tijd was dit onderzoek sterk nationaal georiënteerd, maar inmiddels weten we dat er belangrijke Europese overeenkomsten zijn en dat er sprake was van een transnationale infrastructuur (auteurs, vertalers, drukkers, uitgevers, reizende boekhandelaren). De centrale vraag van het project is dan ook: hoe Europees was populair drukwerk in de periode 1450-1900? Naast workshops en congressen werkt dit netwerk aan een taxonomie van genres, een thesaurus van producenten en distributeurs en een inventarisatie van belangrijke (gedigitaliseerde) collecties populair drukwerk in Europa. Dit alles moet leiden tot  inzicht in processen van culturele uitwisseling, verschillen en overeenkomsten tussen populaire genres, internationale samenwerking en intertekstuele patronen.


Onderzoeksleider & uitvoerder & contactpersoon
2e geldstroom - NWO Internationaliseringssubsidie NWO
Overige projectleden
  • Prof. Cristina Dondi (Oxford); Prof. Juan Gomis (Valencia); Prof. Matthew Grenby (Newcastle); Drs. Marian Lefferts (London); Dr. Jennifer Orr (Newcastle); Prof. Joad Raymond (London); Prof. Massimo Rospocher (Trent); Prof. Hannu Salmi (Turku); Dr. habil. Rita Schlusemann (Utrecht/Berlin); Dr. Jenny Spinks (Manchester)
Popularisering en media strategieen (1700-1900) 01-04-2010 tot 31-03-2015
Algemene projectbeschrijving
This project analyses the process of selection and adaptation in Dutch popular literature during the eighteenth and nineteenth century. Research for this project is centred on songs and catchpenny prints, which can be considered as the main mass media of the past. These genres incorporate three important components of popular culture: music, images and text. They also have strong affiliations to contemporary forms of popular culture, such as comic strips and popular music. Furthermore, these genres ensured that a large potential of stories, images, songs and melodies were being passed down from one generation to the next. This project wants to answer the question of how the process of selection and adaptation in songs and catchpenny prints interacted with the motives and strategies of producers, distributors and consumers. The hypothesis driving this exploration is that the Dutch popularisation process in this period, contrary to common notion, led to cultural convergence instead of cultural divergence. This convergence manifested itself, just as it does in our modern media society, on the levels of production and distribution, intermediality, reception, and appropriation. The central question is addressed in two related subprojects. The first subproject (PhD) studies the motives and strategies of the producers and distributors of songs and catchpenny prints. Intermediality is approached here as a production strategy. The second subproject (Postdoc) focuses on the selection, adaptation, and intertextuality of the literary content of songs and catchpenny prints. Here intermediality is studied on the level of shared text, images, and music.
2e geldstroom - NWO NWO onderzoeksprogramma Culturele Dynamiek
The pedlar and the dissemination of the printed word 01-11-2006 tot 31-10-2010
Algemene projectbeschrijving

The pedlar is generally seen as a representative of popular culture and as the main supplier of cheap print for the lower classes in the period 1600-1850. In countries like England, Germany and France this theme has been studied in a predominantly rural context. There the role of the pedlar travelling from town to countryside was indeed distinct from the role of the established booksellers in the towns, selling books to the educated and affluent buyer. In this project however, an urban society will be at the centre stage. The hypothesis driving the proposed exploration is that in the highly urbanised Netherlands the itinerant functioned as a crucial extension of the established booksellers in the towns. The pedlar contributed to a fine distribution network that effectively reduced the gap between the established bookseller and the more modest consumers instead of extending it. Consequently, the assumption of an inevitable connection between itinerant trade and popular culture will be fundamentally revised in this project. To find evidence for this central thesis, this project will focus on all aspects of the organisation of itinerant bookselling in the urbanized Netherlands from 1600 to 1850 and make a comparison with the more rural situation in England.

Onderzoeksleider & uitvoerder
2e geldstroom - NWO