Brenda Carina Oude Breuil is assistant professor in Criminology at the Willem Pompe Institute since November 2009. She studied Cultural Anthropology at Utrecht University (1990-1996) during which she conducted fieldwork in the southern Philippines (Davao-City) on girls in gangs and moral panic (1995-96), and in Romania on children in institutions (1993). From 1996-1998 she worked as a youth worker (‘streetcornerworker’) in Amsterdam. She obtained her PhD at the Willem Pompe Institute for Criminology and Criminal Law in 2005. Her dissertation confronted the question how the Council of Child Protection in the Netherlands positioned itself in the Dutch multicultural society (De Raad voor de Kinderbescherming in een multiculturele samenleving (2006) Den Haag: Boom Juridische Uitgevers). She was assistant professor at the department of Cultural Anthropology, Utrecht University, from 2003 to 2009. In this function she started her research on human trafficking in Marseille, France, which she continued after joining the Criminology Department of the Faculty of Law, Economics and Governance. Here, her research expanded both geographically and theoretically, and now includes various themes related to global mobility and exploitation. She is active in the Dutch societal and political discourse surrounding sex work.