Research funders and open access

Research funders have increasingly stringent requirements where open access is concerned. Here you can read what you need to check and where to find information from your funder.

Each research funder has different requirements and funding options which also depend on when the funder’s call was opened. That is why you should always check the conditions that specifically apply to your project, for instance as formulated in your agreement with the research funder. Or contact your Research Support Office (UU intranet).

What to pay attention to

Research funders’ requirements can be very specific. At least, try to answer the following questions:

  • Under what conditions can I pay the costs for open access from my project funding?
  • To what types of publications does the open access requirement apply?
  • Should the publication be immediately made open access available or is an embargo period allowed?
  • Do I have to make the publication open access under a specific license?

More information

Other research funders

Is your research grant provided by another party? Check the SHERPA Juliet database to see what open access requirements your funder has set.

To the SHERPA Juliet database


Do you have questions about the conditions for your research project, please contact your research funder or send an email to