Governance Projects

Browse the diverse Governance projects hosted at the Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development

Ongoing projects


This project investigates how to rebalance the ‘data asymmetry’ between governments and businesses and how data shared by the private sector is used in government decisions on societal issues. More.

Data purchasing by governments in the context of societal challenges: A mapping study (2023-2024)

Creating an evidence base on when, how, for what purposes, and with what implications the Dutch authorities resort to purchasing data from the private sector for decision-making around societal challenges. More.

Water-Energy-Food communities in South Africa: multi-actor nexus governance for social justice?

This transdisclinary project explores whether and under what conditions the Water-Energy-Food (WEF) nexus approach increases social justice in South Africa. More.

DemoTrans (2022-2026)

The key challenge of DemoTrans is to investigate the interchange between democratic institutions and the globalisation of the economy, and to develop promising new approaches to re-embed democracy and capitalism. More.

BACKLASH (2021-2026)

ERC-funded Climate Backlash: Contentious reactions to policy action (BACKLASH) studies the emergence and dynamics of volatile social-political reactions to climate policy. More.


ERC-funded PROBLEMSHIFTING investigates the causes and effects of problem-shifting between international environmental treaty regimes, with a view to improving their overall effectiveness. More.

GLOBALGOALS (2018-2023)

ERC-funded GlobalGoals analyses the evolution, effectiveness and future prospects of ‘global governance through goals’ as a central novel steering mechanism in world politics. More.