Students: Empowered Learning

Community-based research empowers you as a student because you create your own recipe for research, with others, and for others.  As an active partner, in discussion with teachers and community members, you design and carry out research relevant for society, in society, with members of society, as part of a research internship or a thesis project for your degree programme.

Student Participation

Connecting your academic interests to the real world can be a daunting prospect. CBR for the Humanities provides multiple forms of support to help you take the plunge, and guide you in the process. If you are curious about how you can make a difference in society with your field of study, take a look at the courses and other services we offer.

MA Internships 2020-2021

Connection with Society

Doing CBR is a learning experience with extraordinary added value for your degree. It enables you to connect with the broader world by putting to use and developing your repertoire of academic and cultural knowledge and skills. It is a way of reflecting on how you and your field of study can contribute to society, both locally and internationally. Most importantly, it allows you to use expertise from your field of study in ways that align with your abilities, goals and values, enhancing your self-knowledge as well as your knowledge of the world.

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