Quality agreements 2019-2024

Docent onderwijs
Bachelor education

As of 1 September 2015, the government has instituted a loan system for all new students. The basic tuition grant has been converted into a tuition advance, which saves the government money.


Quality agreements

This frees up financial resources (tuition advance funding). Universities and universities of applied sciences receive this funding from the government, and are obliged to invest it in improving the quality of education. The government, universities, universities of applied sciences, and student organisations have made agreements on how to utilise this funding in the so-called quality agreements 2019-2024.

Utrecht University submitted its plan for the quality agreements to the Accreditation Organisation for The Netherlands and Flanders (NVAO). The NVAO has approved the plans (pdf, in Dutch only).

More information

Do you have questions about the plans of Utrecht University for the quality agreements? Please send an email to kwaliteitsafspraken@uu.nl.