Training and Supervision Agreement (TSA)

The Training and Supervision Agreement (TSA) is a standard agreement between the PhD candidate and the supervisory team and is approved by relevant PhD programme coordinator. The TSA is a contract that protects your right to proper supervision, as well as appropriate training and education during your PhD journey.

Discuss and complete the TSA together with your supervisors. ​​​​​​The TSA form contains more detailed information about the content. You have to upload your TSA form in MyPhD within 3 months after starting your PhD journey. After upload, your supervisors and PhD programme coordinator will receive an e-mail from MyPhD with the request to check and approve it.

Please note that during your PhD journey, you do not have to register the courses that you have followed in MyPhD. MyPhD contains a section to register courses, which might cause confusion. The courses you enter there are not checked by anyone. You can enter them for your own registration if you like (or if your supervisors would like that; they can see them). However, we advise to save your course list and certificates digitally yourself, so you can send them to your PhD programme coordinatior when applying for the Training Certificate.