Pathways to Sustainability Kickstarter workshop


Dit is een Engelstalig event. Lees verder voor de Engelstalige beschrijving.

The Kickstarter workshop on 23 April marks the formal start of the new Incubator process. This hands-on workshop will offer the opportunity for co-creation and to build the Incubator teams, as we believe that such an open process is key to transformative learning. You are warmly invited to join this event, to (just) bring in your perspective or to become part of one of this innovative teams.

We start the workshop with a plenary session ‘Embodied mapping’ with Corinne Lamain (director of Center for Unusual Collaborations). The second part of the afternoon we divide into the different Incubator teams to have a brainstorm, extend the teams and bring in other perspectives where this might be helpful. When registering, please indicate your preference for the incubator project brainstorm session you wish the participate in.

The new Incubators that are awarded in March 2024


  • 14:00 Welcome
  • 14:05 Plenary discussion: What to expect from the incubator phase? 
  • 14:25 Session ‘embodied mapping’ with Corinne Lamain (director of Center for Unusual Collaborations)
  • 15:30 Break 
  • 15:45 Project creation 
  • 17:00 Pathways Cafe
Begindatum en -tijd
Einddatum en -tijd
Bar Beton Rijnsweerd, room 2A

Please register by filling in this form