Algoritmische contentmoderatie – een online expert bijeenkomst


Op 18 september zal Stefan Kulk een online expertbijeenkomst houden namens het Universiteit Utrecht focusgebied Governing the Digital Society, over het gebruik van algoritmes voor contentmoderatie. 

(Deze bijeenkomst is in het Engels, vandaar dat dit bericht in het Engels verder gaat.)

A topic of great interest, especially now that pressure from the EU on platforms to moderate illegal and harmful content is rising and platforms like Facebook and YouTube already use algorithms to filter out content that for example qualifies as hate speech or copyright infringement.

What role do algorithms currently play in content moderation and can we do without them to moderate online content? What are the risks for the fundamental rights of freedom of expression and non-discrimination, and how can these risks be mitigated? And, looking into the future: would it be possible to fully automate content moderation? All these and more questions will be discussed by the experts.

Stefan Kulk co-authored a casestudy on this topic for a recently published research project on legal aspects of algorithmic decision-making that the Montaigne Centre for Rule of Law and Administration of Justice conducted for the WODC (Research and Documentation Centre) of the Dutch Ministry of Justice and Security.


Three expert speakers will share their thoughts on and experiences with the use of algorithms to moderate online content: 

We’ll aim for 45 minutes of introductions by above speakers and 45 minutes for questions and discussions.

Please feel free to forward this announcement to other UU researchers who may be interested. Do however send an email at if you plan to attend, so the login details can be shared with you.

Governing the Digital Society

Stefan Kulk is coordinator of the Special Interest Group Future-proof and responsible regulation of the platform society, part of the focus area Governing the Digital Society.

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Please send an email to Stefan Kulk, if you plan to attend, so the login details can be shared with you.

Stefan Kulk is coordinator of the Special Interest Group Future-proof and responsible regulation of the platform society, part of the focus area Governing the Digital Society.

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Governing the Digital Society