Young Investigators Forum

The Young Investigators Forum (YIF) is a collective that enables assistant and associate group leaders at the faculties of Science and Veterinary Medicine to exchange ideas and play an active role in the Science for Life research domain. The YIF promotes collaboration, exchange of knowledge, materials and equipment, and provides a voice for young group leaders at various programme boards. Have a look at the the videos below to get an impression of the work and ambitions of YIF members or contact them if you have any questions or remarks.

Our activities include:

Mailing list

The YIF maintains an active mailing list that provides direct access to all YIF members. Whether you are looking for help with a grant application, a collaborator with specific expertise, or a particular piece of equipment: help is just an email away.
Please fill in this form if you wish to be added to this list. 

These gatherings provide the perfect opportunity for the start of interdisciplinary and collaborative research


The YIF organises and hosts gatherings where all researchers who are active in Science for Life research can come together to discuss their research and current topics of interest, ranging from teaching practices to diversity. These gatherings provide the perfect opportunity for the start of interdisciplinary and collaborative research. It also helps starting group leaders to get to know other researchers at the campus. 


The YIF provides representation for assistant/associate professors at meetings of the programme boards of Science for Life and Life Sciences. This allows their voices to be heard in the decision making process, and also informs young investigators of important decisions that may affect them.


We welcome any group leader who is not yet a full professor who maintains an experimental research line in an area of fundamental research in the life sciences.
Join our mailing list!

The YIF board

The YIF board consists of eight 'young' investigators, and is represented by a chair and co-chair. The goal is for the YIF board to reflect the makeup of its constituents, and we are always on the lookout for young investigators interested in joining the board.

See below for an overview of the current board members. Click on their pictures for more information about their research and ambitions and don't hesistate to contact them if you have any questions or want to know more!

YIF Alumni