Water Cultures Symposium – Whose Ocean?

De weg op een dijk door het IJsselmeer. Foto: Denny Muller, via Unsplash
Afsluitdijk between Den Oever and Friesland (the Netherlands)

On 8 September 2023, Alex Oude Elferink presented on the topic of “Whose ocean? – (Why) do we need a legal perspective?” at the Water Cultures Symposium organized by the Utrecht Centre for Environmental Humanities, University of Hull Centre for Water Cultures and Critical Pathways.

The Water Cultures symposium approached water as a cultural medium, exploring how coastal, estuarine and oceanic cultures worldwide mediate the relationship between humanity and bodies of water. It intended to create a space for scholars and practitioners to share ideas, and explore questions that centre on water cultures as a source of knowledge.

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Programme and abstracts