

''As a future oceanographer, I hope to be part in the protection of the ocean.''

Although I was interested in almost all disciplines during my Bachelor’s in Earth Sciences, the courses regarding (paleo-)oceanography grabbed by interest enormously. Through my whole childhood, I have been in touch with the sea, since I grew up near the beach. The combination of my personal background and my interest in the oceanographic courses made me choose this Master’s programme. Although I am mostly interested in physical oceanography, I wanted to be educated interdisciplinary. Marine Sciences at the UU is perfectly suitable for this! It makes you able to place specific oceanographic processes in a broader perspective.

Furthermore, my personal experience with this Master’s degree is that, besides it prepares you for academic research, it also prepares you for direct applications in society. Courses in law and policy and discussing a lot of present-day problems are the main reason for this. As a future oceanographer, I hope to be part in the protection of the ocean.


''I’m even encouraged to integrate academic perspectives I hadn’t considered!''

As a student with an interdisciplinary background, I appreciate this Master’s for allowing me to continue combining my interests in chemistry, biology and physics. I’m even encouraged to integrate academic perspectives I hadn’t considered! This naturally complements the field of oceanic research, as virtually no oceanic process exists in a vacuum. Learning to approach topics like climate change in marine environments by combining different disciplinary perspectives helps me develop and train practical and communicative skills that will be useful wherever I choose to go.

Even as my study trajectory has occurred throughout the global pandemic, I’ve had a hands-on introduction to the topics covered so far. Students often encounter researchers from NIOZ, ex-students having chosen non-academic paths, and leading academics who teach their courses using methods used in the field.


''I joined a research cruise on the Atlantic Ocean and have learnt to study the marine realm through different disciplines.''

After I got my Bachelor’s degree, I faced a problem: I had to choose between the various Master’s programmes but found almost everything equally interesting! After some research I realised that with Marine Sciences, I would be able to follow courses from a wide range of subjects. Besides this, I could ‘dive deeper’ into the field of physical oceanography and climate modelling. I am glad I made the choice I did. Through Marine Sciences I have had so many different opportunities – I joined a research cruise on the Atlantic Ocean, have learnt to study the marine realm through different disciplines and have found a way into the field of climate physics, which is where I am currently writing up my thesis.


"The various components make the learning environment more dynamic and ensure a better understanding at several levels.''

Having a background in Chemistry, my career choices were quite clearly defined, but I decided to take a different route and enroll in the Marine Sciences Master’s programme. In the first year I have been exploring a wide variety of fields –ranging from microbiology to physical oceanography – developing a strong interdisciplinary approach within the subject. The various components (theory, tutorial, group work, presentation and lab) make the learning environment more dynamic and ensure a better understanding at several levels. With the support of the faculty, I have been able to secure two research projects on the nitrogen cycle for this upcoming year. These opportunities allow me to bridge the gap between my chemistry background and my newly acquired knowledge on marine ecosystems while working both in the Netherlands and abroad.