Career prospects

The Master’s programme in Literature Today prepares students for a broad spectrum of occupations that require expertise in literature and literary institutions. These can be in the fields of editing and publishing, organisation and event management, journalism, education, archival and library services, or even research and research support. 

As an expert on literature today you can work at (inter)national publishing houses, cultural institutions – places like the British Council, the Flemish-Dutch cultural platform deBuren (Brussels), the cultural centre deBalie (Amsterdam), etc. – libraries, or bookshops, or in media, museums, theatres, or literary-cultural festivals. In a wider sense, you are prepared for a future career in the sectors of literature, culture, and communication.

Towards the job market

Our graduates have found employment in the following companies and institutions:

Our alumni on LinkedIn

Academic careers

Usually, students of this Master’s programme are not interested in pursuing an academic career and continuing on to a PhD, although this does happen occasionally. Several alumni of the precursor programme are completing PhDs at international universities (in the UK and Portugal). If you are considering a PhD in the disciplines of this Master’s programme, the research Master in Comparative Literary Studies might be of interest to you.

Career development

Career Services

Career Services offers events, tests, coaching and training in and outside your Master's programme, related to professional self-analysis, career orientation and job application skills. You can find more information about career services on Career Services for Dutch students or Career Services for international students.

Other career events

  • Your Perspective is a monthly career orientation meeting for students and alumni of the Faculty of Humanities at Utrecht University. 
  • The Faculty of Humanities organises a Career Night Humanities with interesting partners who will illustrate the diversity in career opportunities for humanities graduates and give you possibilities to develop yourself by joining their projects or attending their services. 
  • Once a year Utrecht University organises a Careers Day. This Careers Day offers the opportunity to sign up for workshops and trainings, and to meet recruiters at the careers fair. It’s also possible to participate in a job application training or have your résumé checked.